Chapter 59 - The Order of the Black Rose: Prelude(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Declaque Snare


"We've just made a new sauce for our skewers, what do you think?"

Right, Jade did mention that he sold a new recipe to this place a couple of weeks ago, this must be it. Let's have a taste, his recipes never fail to disappoint, so I've got high expectations for this...

"Mm...yeah, it's pretty good. It's got a bit of sweetness to it but also a nice spicy kick," I replied with a nod, as I took a bite of the meat skewer, my tastebuds tingling as the sauce coated the inside of my mouth.

I was seated on a bench under a tree, outside a shop that sells meat skewers. It's pleasantly warm out today, and there's a nice breeze blowing about. I'd just got done picking up my blades after getting some maintenance done on them from a weapon shop, figured I'd stop for a snack on my way home. And that's turning out to be a pretty good decision, this is delicious...