Chapter 248 - Fumes(Part 1)

"Remember, if it seems dangerous, turn around and get out of here, got it?" I said to Estella.

"Yeah, yeah, I know...we don't have to go through this every time, you know. It's not as if I've become completely and utterly brittle and frail or something, my use of Magic may be limited now, but I still have my physical prowess and regeneration, so there's no need to treat me like a piece of glass," She sighed in response, before adding with a wry smile as she bumped her shoulder against mine, "But I suppose I can say that I appreciate the concern."

"I think we're here...yeah, this is the spot," Remarked Aura, as we stepped out into the middle of a grassy clearly, with a lake in the center of the spot and several Monsters scattered about.

Today's the 15th of November, 1041, and the three of us were currently out on a Quest. Specifically, there had been reports of Monsters in the Tranquil Grove, to the east of Septen, displaying unusual, strange behavior.