Chapter 249 - Fumes(Part 2)

"Hahahaha! I feel...I feel so fucking amazing!" I exclaimed gleefully as I raced around.

Everything's so colorful and vibrant, was the world always this beautiful? And the air feels so nice on my skin...wait, does air feel this nice on everyone's skin? Air-Senpai, you naughty little slut, always touching everyone...

"Hey, look over here, Jade! Look how high I can jump!" Called out Aura, as she sprang up and grabbed a tree branch, before swinging back and forth as she laughed cheerfully.

"Woah, that is high...but I'm even higher!" I responded as I made a derpy face, the two of us bursting into laughter.

"Bloody hell, the trees are so green! And look at these delightful little critters, they're bloody adorable!" Exclaimed Estella, as she frolicked with a group of Monsters.

"Heh, you talk funny...I wanna talk like that too! Bloody 'ell, innit, mate? Hahahahaha!" Cackled Aura as she did a bad, exaggerated British accent.