The Power Of Erasure

Levi had woken up finding himself in a room that resembled a hospital. He looked around to see that Thomas was sleeping on a chair beside his bed. Levi recollects his thoughts of what has happened before he was knocked out... He remembered the ray... The ray that evaporated the Mech into thin air just by hitting it one singular time... Is that the true power of his brother? Levi couldn't really understand.

Is his brother this strong? That he can easily beat anyone just by basically looking at them... If that's the case... Will he even need me to protect him?

Levi shook his head, he was thinking thoughts that he shouldn't... Finally Thomas also awakens.

"Levi! You're awake! Thank god! That was too close! I-I thought- thought you wouldn't wake up..." - Thomas

"Shh...It's alright... I'm super strong, you know that. I can't just leave my lil' bro alone in this world." - Levi

"Yeah...Let's be more careful next time... Oh, right... the organization wants to meet with us... It's probably about defeating the mech." - Thomas

"Alright... We'll do that..." - Levi gets up from the bed.

"Are you sure you should already be moving around? The mech did a-" - Thomas

"I'm fine Thomas. I'm fine." - Levi

"If you say so..." - Thomas

Thomas was worried for Levi's health but he knew he can't stop him. The two begin going to HQ which is located in the city. After getting through security the two are instructed to wait as they will be meeting with the founding members.

Afterwards they are taken to an elevetor. They are going to the highest level of the building. As they arrive the room was mostly dark with only a dim light on the table... Six people were seated before them. The two also sat down... They suspected that it was the six founding heroes.

"...Welcome, Levi... Super Power: Super Strength. Thomas...Super Power: 'Super Durability'... Is that correct?" - ???

"Oh uh... I believe so..." - Levi

"Y-yes... sir..." - Thomas

"...Eye witness and Rank E hero: Lockmen believes that Thomas'es power is far that true?" - 2???

"W-Well something weird...did happen..." - Thomas

"Oh? Care to elaborate?" - 3???

"W-When my brother was close to death... I seemingly unlocked a new power... W-With it I was able to defeat the giant mech..." - Thomas

"This....power. What exactly is it?" - 4???

"...I was able to fire a beam from my eyes...which completely erased the mech..." - Thomas

"That is what was described to us by Lockmen... Do you think you can fire that beam off anytime now?" - 5???

"Y-Yes I do believe so" - Thomas

A man walks out from the darkness in his hand was a pillow...on top of it rested a diamond...

"As we wish to see this power...could you demonstrate it on that diamond..." - 6???

"Y-Yes sir!" - Thomas

Thomas walks over and focuses on the diamond... within a second he shoots a quick beam barely visible to the human eye... It hits the diamond which then disappears into nothingness

"Excellent! Most excellent!" - All 6 of them

"Thanks..." - Thomas

Levi felt weird like he shouldn't be here...

"Since we've seen your power... We believe that such amazing strength shouldn't be kept in such low ranks... You will be put into high A rank." - ???

"What about my brother?" - Thomas

"Oh him? Oh uh... For uh all your bravery, you'll be promoted to medium C rank...or whatever." - ???

Levi now truly felt out of place...during their early childhood Levi always took care of Thomas... Levi didn't want to admit but...he felt jealous of his brother's new power... He knows that without it he may have died but...he rather wishes for things to go back how they were...

"Alright... I believe that is all. We will look forward to your accomplishments... We believe you already posses the capability of an S rank hero. But we don't want the enemy to know of our trump card... Promoting you to an S rank would be...foolish on our side... Hope you'll understand..." - ???

"Yes, sir." - Thomas

"Alright then... Goodbye, to the both of you. Remember... It's a Superheroes that keep this world working." - ???

The two leave through the elevator...they finally go home and lay down to rest... It has been a tough week for the two... Levi stares at the ceiling deep in thought. 'What's next?' he wonders... but each time he thinks he can't help but feel that... His brother may abandon him one day. For he is too weak. He knows he wouldn't do that but what if people from the organization prohibit the two from working together due to their rank difference...

Levi kept thinking....and thinking... Until he eventually fell asleep...

"WAKE UP LEVI!" - Thomas

Levi opens his eyes he finds himself in the battle against a huge monster... Thomas is crouched down next to him, tears are falling from his eyes... Levi realises he cannot feel his left leg... As he look down he sees his own body disappearing into thin air.

"Levi- I- I missed and- and It hit you- W-W-What should we do?!?" - Thomas

Levi's body kept disappearing it was getting harder for him to breath... He tried to talk but nothing came out of his mouth. His legs now both gone as the erasure keeps climbing up his body. His vision was getting blury as he felt like he was about to faint. He let himself go and layed down on the ground. Finally he muttered out some words...

"It's...not your fault" - Levi

Thomas didn't respond he looked Levi dead in the eye and smiled... As Levi's body kept disappearing... His sinister smile kept growing. Levi couldn't speak anymore...but through his eyes it was visiable he was in shock... Then...


Levi jumped up gasping for air... He looked around himself to see that he was in his room...

"It was all...a dream?" - Levi

Levi sighed out of relief... His own mind is playing tricks on him. He realises now that they are done with all the official business everything will go back to normal... With that he gets out of his bed... ready for another day.

(To Be Continued)