Nothing But A Shadow...

Levi comes out of his room, Thomas was seated in the living room.

"Good morning..." - Thomas

"...Good morning, ready for today?" - Levi

"Yeah, since your team now has an A-rank hero we should be getting notices of mid-high threat level things..." - Thomas

Levi was thinking, for Thomas it might be easy with his new powers but its a different story entirely for him. He may have super strength but he cannot just punch something into oblivion. Such a man that can kill anything with a single punch... There's no way something like that exists. 

"I heard there has been a lot of higher rank threats recently... The news won't shut up about it." - Levi

"I guess we'll have some work to do then." - Thomas

Levi founded it weird that Thomas was so confident... He used to be a lot more scared about going out for threats... He then realised with his new found power he gained new confidence... Thomas used to rely on him alot... What if he'll realise that he's worthless... Before Levi can get to the end of this thinking line, in his pocket their alarm beeps.

"Danger! Danger! A man with the ability to summon monsters has appeared in ALO City. Threat Level:High"

"Alright, let's go! We don't have time to waste!" - Thomas

Levi still found it strange that Thomas was so eager... Nevertheless they didn't have time they needed to get going as soon as possible. ALO City is where they live so it would be bad if the monsters kept rampaiging. The two leave their building but can't quite see where the danger is. They check the alarm screen which provided them with a map.

"We are quite far it seems...Seems like we'll have to do that." - Levi

"Ahhh.... Really? I always hated that..." - Thomas

Levi grabs onto Thomas then he begins charging up a jump. Using his super strength Levi accumulates enough strength in his legs to jump on top of a building nearby. From there they see a cloud of smoke which they guess is where the threat is. Levi still holds onto Thomas as he charges another jump. With a high leap they begin soaring through the sky towards the source of the smoke. The two land safely with Thomas being the safety coushin.

"This is why I hate this..." - Thomas

"You're the durable one!" - Levi

Thomas gets up from the ground and dusts himself off... A small monster appeared before the two. It was a small floating eyeball it began dashing at Levi who swiftly quicked it far away. Mid-air the eyeball exploded causing a huge exploision compared to its own size.

"...Awww I liked that one." - ???

As they look to the source of the voice they finally notice a small girl with a lolipop. She's leaning onto a street pole. 

"What are you doing here little girl it's not safe!" - Levi

Levi quickly walks over to the girl.

"Oh trust me, I know." - Girl

From behind the little girl appears a gorilla looking monster that is twice the size of Levi. It quickly winds up a punch and hits Levi straight into the air. He manages to land but the gut punch nearly made him throw up. Thomas quickly shoots out his eraser beam and fires it at the gorilla. It hits and the gorilla monster begins evaporating.

"Tsk- What a trouble some power... Oh well," - Girl

From the girl's leg five different angled beams shout out and 5 more gorilla monsters appear.

"I guess she's the threat huh..." - Levi

"Yeah, I am. That won't matter for long though. Conversing with you is meaningless you'll both die anyways." - Girl

The girl points towards the two and snaps her fingers the gorilla's begin dashing at them. Two go towards Levi and whilst the other three approach Thomas he sucessfully elimantes another one. So only four remain.

Levi is in a tough spot as both gorilla's begin rapidly punching him. Levi's only choice is to block and there are only little to no openings... Thomas notices this and shoots off a beam into one of the gorillas that were targeting Levi. This made the other gorilla unfocused and gave Levi a chance to fight back. With a quick paced uppercut the gorilla gets knocked out instantly. Levi begins approaching Thomas to help with fighting the other gorillas but by the time he even gets a bit closer they have disappeared.

"Huh...good job..." - Levi

The girl seems unhappy as she makes another four gorillas. With both getting targeted by two each. Levi gets ready this time and was able to swiftly kick one of the gorilla's onto the ground. The other one gets behind him to an that made Levi unable to react. He was punched straight into the ground. Levi coughed some blood up. Thomas sees this and immediately tries to help by preaparing a beam.

"Stop." - Levi

"B-But why?!?" - Thomas

Thomas was shocked as he watched his brother stumble back onto his feet.

"She only summoned four gorillas. Why do you think she did that?" - Levi

"I-I don't-" - Thomas

"It's cause she can't summon more than five. And since the one over there." - Levi points to the knocked out gorilla

"Since the one over there isn-" - Levi

As Levi kept talking the gorilla swung at him once more.

"LET ME FINISH TALKING!" - Levi jumps up and axe kicks the gorilla knocking it out.

The other gorilla he knocked down earlier though slowly begins getting up.

"If we knock them out she becomes powerless! Erasing them will just make us fight an infinite waves of them!" - Levi

"I-I see." - Thomas

The other gorilla has now fully gotten up and jumps at Thomas from the sides. But before he could make contact he can feels his leg grabbed by something... As he looks down he begins sweating. Seeing Levi's blood shot eyes. Levi swings the gorilla back and straight into the ground knocking it out.

"Two remain." - Levi

Levi begins walking over to Thomas who has been only blocking the gorilla's hits. Levi walks up behind the gorilla and punches it's back which makes a **CRACK** sound. With its back broken it lays on the ground immobolized. Levi sighs of relief.

"Wait...where's the-" - Levi

Behind Levi appears the gorilla... Levi didn't notice it but earlier Thomas shot one of them as they approached him meaning she had the chance to make another one. The gorilla grabs Levi's entire body with on of his hands. It begins squeezing it. Levi screams out in pain as he can hears his own bones cracking.

"I'll be going now... And unless you want this little smart-ass hero to die... I'd suggest letting me go." - Girl

"F-F-Fine just please- stop... Don't...kill him" - Thomas

"Smart decision." - Girl 

The girl turns around and heads into the alley behind her a few minutes pass then eventually the gorilla disappears into nothingness.

"She must have...walked out of range..." - Levi

Levi was injured yet once more. His vision was getting blury and was barely councious... As he landed onto the ground he proved unable to stay awake. 

Just like last time he found himself in a room that seemed to resemble a hospital. This time around Thomas wasn't around. There was a letter next to him on the hospital's night stand.

'Hey Levi, it's me Thomas. I had to leave in a short notice but the founding heroes want to meet with you once again. Maybe they want to congratulate you and give you a promotion.' - Thomas

Levi got up from the bed. He walked out of the room and realised he wasn't just in any hospital. It was the built-in clinic for the heroes at HQ. Levi sighed out of relief, that means he won't have to go that far for his promotion.

He gets into the elevator and begins going to the highest floor. He calms himself down as he hears the elevator *DING* as a sign that he arrived at the top floor. He steps out of the elevator and before him were the founding members just like last time.

"So uh... What's up? Another promotion?" - Levi


"Calm down, Number Three." - ???

Levi was confused what this was about, and why did the guy even get mad.

"As we see, you have let a high threat level danger go. One that Thomas could have handled himself." - ???

Levi remains silent... Was he truly in the way? Is he just blocking his little brother from success?

"Due to this being your first violation, we will let you go with a suspension from hero activity for a month" -???

"W-What?" - Levi

"We hope that you'll learn from this. Now, go" - ???

Levi was taken back. He began walking to the elevator... He couldn't say anything. He was truly at a loss for words.

As he got into the elevator one of the founding members said

"Stay away from Thomas."

Atleast that's what he heard. It's about him again. It's about his brother again. Levi's insecuriy is growing even more... He knows he is blaiming the wrong person.... As he exits the HQ he looks around himself. Before muttering something under his nose.

"I guess I'm truly nothing...but a shadow."