A Month flies by...

Levi got home, Thomas still seemed to be away on some official business, so the two hadn't met yet... Levi would have to break the news to him later then...For now, Levi just went and sat down on the crouch. Watching TV.

After some time, Thomas finally arrived." So, what rank are you now?" - Thomas

"Shut the hell up!" - Levi said, frustrated.

"Hm? What did I do?" - Thomas said, a bit, taken back from the sudden increase in volume.

"No- Nothing. It's just...it wasn't a promotion... I was suspended for a month. I didn't think they actually treat their workers like normal office workers... but I guess that is what it is..." - Levi

"But...why were you suspended?" -Thomas

Levi was hesitant to answer, as if he told Thomas he might blame himself...in the end In was still his brother second's brother.

"Oh uhm...they said to reflect on my strength, while they did give me a promotion because of the mech thingy, they also realized it may give me bad uhm... ideas, causing me to act reckless. Or something like that..." - Levi 

Thomas seemed dumbfounded, that kind of thing doesn't deserve a month suspension in his opinion, but I guess he isn't the one making the calls here.

"I see, well... Should I still continue without you? Or do you want me to wait for you?" - Thomas

As Thomas said, he remembered the words from one of the founders. 'Stay away from Thomas'. Then again, he is still considering making Thomas wait for him, as he fears that this could drive the two apart even further...

He knows Thomas won't leave him, but that dream he had still haunts him.

"If you waited with me, I'm sure the month would go by in the blink of an eye..." - Levi

Levi stopped at his words, still considering the two options before ultimately deciding on one.

"But someone has to work, the rent doesn't pay for itself. Not to mention you just got your new power! You oughta be excited to try and fight higher level threats!" - Levi

Thomas seemed suspicious, but he nodded along anyway.

"Well, I guess... Though one of the main reasons I became a superhero was you in the first place." - Thomas

"Tell that to them..." - Levi mumbled under his nose, referencing the founderers.

"What was that?" - Thomas asked, as he couldn't quite hear it.

"Nothing, just thinking out loud. Anyway, you oughta work hard. Taking on A-level threats alone will still be hard, even with your power." - Levi

"Yeah, then again, the only reason we almost beat that girl was because of you. I mean you were the one who found out the weakness of her powers." - Thomas

Levi seemed happy about Thomas's comment. It made him realize that maybe he was needed. 

"I guess you are somewhat right... Be careful out there lil bro..." - Levi

"I will...but for the rest of today let's rest... I'm tired." - Thomas

"You said it." -Levi

The two spent the rest of the day lounging around their home. Afterwards, for the rest of the month, Levi would take care of the chores around the place. Keeping everything tidy as he was bored and had nothing to do. Whilst Levi was busy doing this, Thomas would go out whenever the alarm alerted him. 

For the first three weeks, not much ended up happening. He was mostly needed as back up. But in the middle of the fourth week, Thomas ended up not coming home... This worried Levi slightly, but in the end he just ended up coming late.

"So what happened?" - Levi asked curiously.

"They called me in again to speak with the founders." - Thomas

"Another promotion?" - Levi

"Nah, they just needed to talk to me about...something..." - Thomas

"And what was it that they wanted?" - Levi

"Nothing important." - Thomas

Levi had his suspicions but said nothing. The rest of the day went by without a hitch.

Next day, Thomas was late yet again. This time though, Levi wasn't worried. He knows his brother is fine...probably, maybe, or something... Okay, maybe he was worried. Then he realized he had no right to worry about him. It's not like he'd be any help anyway...

Thomas finally opens the door, covered in bruises.

"Whew- that was a tough one." - Thomas

"Yeah, I can see that. Good work today, it seems." - Levi

Levi said but he kind of didn't seem to care... He was still thinking what's even the point. Thomas can take care of himself. It's pointless. Why does he even bother trying?

Levi's self esteem has been getting worse... Thomas can't help but notice. 

"Though it's hardly any fun without you around. If you'd been around I wouldn't have gotten these bruises..." - Thomas says reasurringly. He sees that Levi may feel like he isn't needed.

"Yeah, I guess..." - Levi said a bit relieved.

"Thanks..." - Levi added, his thoughts still not fully in order, but he is further from breaking now...even if only a little. To him, it still makes a difference.

"Plus you are my big bro. You're going to need to look out for me." - Thomas

"You're right. My suspension is soon to be over. We can get back to working together." - Levi

"Yeah! See? This month flew by just fine!" - Thomas said cheeringly

"A bit too early to celebrate." - Levi

It's still not quite the end of the month as a few days remain before Levi can begin working again. Those days end in the same way. Thomas comes back with a few bruises each day but nothing worth worrying about. It seems this month had a lot of high ranking problems.

"Geez- can this monster season end?" - Thomas

"Hm? What do you mean?" - Levi

"Oh have you not heard? Monsters have been having this uprising of some sorts... A lot of them are appearing, weak ones, strong ones, well, what really matters is that there's a large number out there- which means more trouble for us. That's why I've been going around the city as patrol-work." - Thomas

"Right, now that you are A-rank you can do patrol work. I see, I have heard a bit about this Monster uprising but it seems odd...why is so many appearing out of the blue?" - Levi

"We have no clue... but I guess that's why I'm patroling for the most part. Cause of the monsters I mean." - Thomas

"I see... let's try our best from tomorrow!" - Levi 

Levi's month suspension is ending the next day...the two will now continue on with their hero carreer together. Perhaps the two will fair much better against these monsters than Thomas alone.

(To Be Continued)