In the past, he had White too

At the sound of that, Raymond raised his head. Steve nodded and said,

"She wanted, more than anything, for you to crush those who scorn you. Destroy those who sneer at your back and wipe out anyone who dares to act arrogant in your presence. That is the kind of man she fell for and that is the kind of man she would wish for you to remain, if she were still here." He concluded and pursed his lips.

He got up from his knees and patted Raymond's shoulder.

"Her funeral is in a week. Though we don't have her body, it's respectable to leave her with a gravestone. To leave 'them' with a gravestone." He rephrased his words and kinda wished he didn't. "I'm sure you get the message so why not try to pick yourself up and be the man she loved. That day, don't disappoint her by looking all shabby."

"What's the point? She's no longer here to see me or love me." Raymond said.