Alexandra Smith

Now, there was no name called 'Stein' in the top five family charts. Ultio was number two and Winston still remained first but not for long.

Paige, angered by her grandfather's nonchalance and indifference towards his offsprings, decided to teach him a lesson that would make him regret his actions for all of eternity. She worked with Raymond to pull him down.

She gave the rest of the Winston offspring the idea that they would never be able to escape Raymond's wrath even when they put their connections together because without the patriarch to help them, they were basically nothing. And surely, she convinced them that he wouldn't help out, knowing how indifferent he was to things that had nothing to do with him.

The best thing was to give up early and still keep the nice things they have.

If Raymond came for them, not only would they lose their wealth and power, they would also lose their place in society, so the best was to give up.