Chapter 8

The striker after the goal was celebrating wildly, and Nagi also excitedly rushed forward to join him. Seeing him coming, the striker raised his hand without hesitation, letting him and himself receive the cheers from the fans.

The head coach Mette Magritte on the sidelines was also overjoyed and cheered with his fists raised. He had already given up this match because the difference in strength was too obvious. He didn't expect Nagi, who replaced him to have such a miraculous performance.

In the following time, Saint-Gilles United launched an offensive frenziedly. They could not accept the result of winning first and then drawing, while Verton put on a defensive posture across the board. Nagi also frequently went to the backcourt to defend and support. Did he play some threats? attack.

Until the referee blew the whistle for the whole game, the score remained 2:2, and Verton successfully scored a point from the leader! The Wilton fans who were still in the stands stood up and cheered for the performance of the home team.

The players of St. Gilles United looked listless. A point was obviously not their goal. The fans who accompanied the team also died down and walked out of the stadium in frustration.

In the locker room, the head coach first severely criticized the players' performance in the first half, without any feeling of wanting to win at all, "Whether it's offense or defense, you all did a mess."

Then he said that everyone's condition improved in the second half, and he especially praised Nagi by name. The performance of one pass and one shot allowed Verton to save a point at home.

"Mina has always had a competitive heart and a heart to win. Some veteran players have to learn from it." Magritte smiled kindly at Nagi after speaking. After hearing this, Nagi responded modestly with a smile. He knew that he had the trust of the coach and should have the opportunity to play in the future.

When Paul Chuck heard what the coach said, his face became black as iron. He had finally waited for the starting opportunity when the main player was injured. Could it be that this kid snatched him away?

However, his performance on the court is really eye-catching. Even the players who usually play well with him have to admit at this time that Nagi is much more reliable than Paul.

There was a simple press conference after the game, but the head coach did not want Nagi to participate. He said: "Mina, you are still young, and you have not done training for media interviews, so I am worried that you will say something wrong and be reported. Later, they were misunderstood and excluded."

Nagi nodded vigorously to express his agreement. He was not ready to deal with the media yet. Magritte patted Nagi's head: "One day you will face more media and receive more praise. I have a lot of information about you."

Nagi was a little surprised that the coach was so optimistic about him, and was also a little moved. He was so full of energy that he wanted to go to training right away. He didn't play long in the second half and he still has plenty of energy.

Sure enough, as the coach expected, when he faced the media, everyone asked questions about his 16-year-old player Nagi. The local Evening News reporter from Verton first asked: "Hi coach, the home team fell behind 0:2 in the first half. In the second half, did you replace the 16-year-old Mina in order to make him perform better, reverse the team's situation, or give up the game? , want to train young players?"

The head coach Mette Magritte replied: "First of all, as the head coach, I will not give up any game. Mina is an excellent striker. When we are behind, we must replace him. It's about hoping to make a difference."

Hearing his answer, another reporter asked: "Then coach, we can see that after Nagi played, the home team has made considerable progress in both offense and defense. Newcomer, why does it have such an obvious effect?"

Magritte said: "You said that the home team got better offensively and defensively because he played. I disagree, because we conceded the goal too early in the first half, so there was some confusion, and the mentality in the second half. It's been tweaked, so it's going to look a lot better."

"Mina is undoubtedly a player with high technical ability, but he is still young, many skills are still immature, and the experience of the game is slightly insufficient. Football is a team sport, and the performance of one person will not affect the whole team.".

"The reason why we were able to grab valuable league points from the leader's mouth is inseparable from the efforts of the whole team."

The next questions were about Nagi's static talent, contract, whether Verton intends to sell, etc., and the head coach responded to them one by one.

It can be said that Nagi has achieved his worth in just one game. There is no doubt that as a mid-tier team in the second division of a small European country, their main source of profit is to find potential new players and sell them to high-level leagues.

No matter how helpless the head coach feels, he can only accept that if Nagi's wonderful performance can be maintained, he will leave Verton soon.

Nagi, who came out of the stadium, came to the park with a football and continued his training. In the previous game, he actually had a chance to score, but at that time only his left foot had the chance to score.

His left foot is still in a semi-disabled state. If he hit the ball forcefully, he might make others die of laughter, so he gave up the opportunity.

Get your left foot out as soon as possible! Nagi will not be complacent just because of a victory. He is eager to play, to score goals, and to gallop on a higher stage.

So in this inaccessible corner, a teenager was kicking the ball to the wall one after another. His whole body was covered in sweat, and even dripped onto the ground. He didn't give up until it was completely dark.

When Nagi returned to the dormitory, he didn't see Rennie's figure, so he probably went out to roam again. Nagi remembered that after the game, Rennie found Nagi and said enviously, "Mina, you are really good. You scored a goal without me playing. Let's celebrate together?"

However, Nagi was full of thoughts of continuing to exercise at that time, so he declined him politely. He even raised his thumb and said: "As expected of you, you have already finished the game and you need to practice more. Then let's go play, don't make yourself too tired and hurt yourself."

Nagi, who is officially on stage, can get his weekly salary, which is 5,000 Belgian francs, which is about 900 yen. This is already a huge sum of money for Nagi. At this time, the euro had just emerged, and the Belgian franc and the euro were still being used together.

Verton will challenge Danzig in an away game next week. The head coach gave the players two days off, and after two days of training, he will go to the city where the visiting team is located.

Nagi planned to focus on training his own skills for the next two days, and by the way mailed 500 yuan home. This was his first time earning money. Thinking of the financial difficulties at home, he couldn't help but want to earn more money as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, he came to the park to train as usual, and when he was thirsty or tired, he went to the convenience store in the park to deal with it casually. Next to the convenience store is a news stand. In the past, Nagi would occasionally flip through the newspapers to read real facts.

He seemed a little curious today, and wanted to see if the newspapers had published his performance, but after looking through it for a long time, the more famous Belgian newspapers "Standard", "Free Belgian Newspaper", "Latest News" and "Evening Post" were not there. According to relevant reports, it seems that the influence of Bi B's game is relatively small.

In a local newspaper in Verton, he saw the report of the game, and the front cover of the second goal was a photo of the striker raising his hand in celebration. The headline is: "Perfect debut, 16-year-old boy helps Verton tie the leader."

In this report, Nagi was praised so much that he himself was a little embarrassed and slightly happy. After all, he was just a 16-year-old boy, who wouldn't want to read compliments. So he spent money to buy the newspaper for the first time.

When it was time to continue training, he suppressed the secret joy, because he knew that he was still far behind.