Chapter 44

In the early morning of August 2001, a plane slowly landed at Milan Malpensa Airport. Soon Nagi and Francisco Balmond came out from the exit. What was waiting for them was Felix, the executive deputy director of Inter Milan.

Whether you are going to Genk or Japan, there would be many media and fans waiting for Nagi near the airport exit, but after arriving in Milan, the deserted scene made Nagi further recognize himself.

You need to work hard on your own and produce excellent results to win the respect of the media and fans.

Rouolson stepped forward, held Nagu's hand and said, "Welcome to Milan, I hope everything goes well for you here."

Then several people got into the car prepared by the club, Rouolson said while driving: "Mina, the next arrangement is this, first go to Pinettina to officially sign the contract, you will wear the No. 10 jersey to shoot Some photos, sent to the media by us."

"Afterwards, you will go to Niguarda Hospital to conduct a comprehensive physical examination for you. If there are no accidents, it will be completed in the afternoon. After that, you can move around freely, and the training camp will officially start tomorrow morning."

"By the way, have you chosen your place of residence? If not, you can live in Pinettina's dormitory first. Usually, before home games, we will conduct closed training camps inside."

Balmond said: "I have found a better house, not far from the club, Nagi, l will take you there after you complete all the formalities."

While speaking, they came to the training base, Rouolson led them into the office, Inter Milan's technical director Horacio Bohm and head coach Hector Cooper were already waiting here.

Nagi glanced at the contract briefly. In addition to the fixed weekly salary, various honor bonuses are also specified in detail, such as goal bonuses, league Golden Boot bonuses, Europa League or Champions League goal bonuses, championship bonuses, etc. It can be said that Very rich.

Nagi readily signed his name on the contract, "Welcome to Inter Milan." Cooper extended his hand, and Nagi quickly extended his hand to shake Cooper, "My honor."

Afterwards, Rouolsson took Nagi to the locker room, changed into brand new club sportswear, and then held up his blue and black team uniform in front of the billboard for reporters to take pictures.

Head coach Hector Cooper was also standing aside at this time, looking at Nagi with a smile on his face. Originally, he didn't have to be present when the contract was signed, but in order to show his support for the future favorite, he not only left the training camp The players came in person and have stayed until now.

After Nagi took the single photo, Cooper came to his side, put his arms around him and asked the reporter to take a group photo. "Don't worry about what the outside world thinks of you now, as long as you do your best, you will be able to slap them in the face with your results." Cooper said in his ear.

Nagi nodded solemnly. He understood what Cooper meant and was very grateful to him for supporting him, whether it was Verton's Mette Magritte, Genk's Aimee Antonis or now Inter Milan's Hector Cooper, all the coaches he met were very good.

Cooper went on to say: "We are not arrogant as Juventus and AC Milan, we are a truly international team, and the internationality and inclusiveness that have been imprinted in the team's mind since the beginning of the team's establishment have always deeply influenced the team. The team and the fans. As long as you show enough strength, there will be no discrimination here, only respect."

After dealing with the reporters, Rouolson led Nagi to the hospital for a physical examination. After the results came out, all indicators met the requirements very well. "Mr. Cooper should be very happy to see this report." The team doctor said with a smile: "Your physical condition is very good. I bet that even if you start the game directly now, you will be very happy." No problem at all."

Nagi smiled, no matter where he was, he never slack off for a single day, insisting on exercising and touching the ball every day has become a habit.

The physical condition of the other Inter Milan players who have just entered the training camp is very worrying, and it will take a long time to adjust. From this point of view alone, Nagi's professionalism makes him worth 20 million euros.

After everything was over, Nagi was finally able to return to his new residence to rest. This time, the place Balmond found for him was a small villa near Lake Como.

"There are only this townhouse and a few resort hotels nearby within walking distance from the training ground. The rent here is not expensive, only 2,500 euros per month, which is worthy of your current income."

Changing his residence from a small apartment to a big villa, Nagi was a little uncomfortable for a while, but the price was acceptable, so he decided to live here.

This villa has one basement floor and two floors above ground. The basement is equipped with well-equipped fitness equipment. The first floor is a huge living room, dining room and kitchen. There is an indoor swimming pool in the backyard, and there are four rooms on the second floor. The balcony of the master bedroom can just enjoy the lake view of Lake Como.

There is also a small private courtyard in front of the villa, which contains a parasol, a table and a few chairs, where you can sit and rest in your spare time, feeling the breeze from the lake.

"I live alone in such a big house, it's really deserted." Nagi said with a wry smile. "You are an adult , I think you can invite your girlfriend to come to your house for a date." Balmond said: "Or invite new teammates to see if they are willing to come and live together. After all, it is very convenient here. The environment It's still so good, isn't it?"

From the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, the Argegno Mountains and the San Primo Mountains seem to be in front of you, with the sparkling Lake Como in the middle, and various resort hotels dotted on both sides of the lake, and the greenways by the lake It's only a two-minute walk away, which is attractive to Nagi who likes to exercise early.

Not far from the villa, there is also a wildlife park called Spina Verde Regional Park, where there are many rare birds to watch.

The only disadvantage is that it is too far away from downtown Milan, about 45 kilometers away. If you take public transportation, there are only two buses a day.

"It seems that I have to find time to study for a driver's license and buy a car, otherwise it will be inconvenient to buy something in the future."

"Yes, in fact, many middle-class people in Milan like to live in the suburbs, because the urban area is too noisy, and every family will buy a car for transportation. Compared with the urban area, it is safer here, and the property management company will provide comprehensive security services ."

After dinner, Nagi came to Lake Como, walked along the greenway, felt the breeze blowing from the lake, Nagi felt that he fell in love with this place.,

Early the next morning, Nagi came to Pinettina by running. He was undoubtedly the first person in the team to arrive. While he was warming up on the fitness equipment, Javier Zanetti and others The players walked in talking and laughing.

Zanetti introduced Nagi to the other team members, and everyone warmly welcomed him to join without any sense of contempt or hostility. It seems that Hector Cooper is right, Inter Milan is indeed a tolerant team. In this club, the atmosphere in the locker room is relatively harmonious.

In the new team, the first teammate who is familiar with Nagi is Marco Materazzi who also just transferred to Inter Milan this year. He has a familiar personality and is also very curious about Nagi. So the two chatted for a long time.

"What kind of level do you think the competition is? But it should be very good to win the Europa League. I envy you that you can get so many honors at such a young age. I am at your age and I am still an amateur. The team is struggling."

Nagi said modestly: "It's also due to luck. It happened that Genk lacked strikers, so I was in the position."

Then the two chatted on the topic of Materazzi's career. He joined the Serie B team Perugia at the age of 22, and because his father had a quarrel with the head coach, he had no place in the team. Was loaned to the third division team Kapi.

After playing in the C-level club for two years, when Materazzi was about to give up, he was picked up by Everton scouts in the Premier League and brought to the UK, but he couldn't adapt to the rhythm of the Premier League. His head coach dismissed get out of class, and he was able to return to Perugia a year later.

After that, he helped Perugia successfully break through to the first division. He scored 12 goals last season, creating the record for the most goals scored by a Serie A defender in a season. He was favored by Inter Milan and transferred to the Nerazzurri for 8 million euros.

"You scored 12 goals as a defender, it's too scary." Nagi couldn't help but click his tongue.

Materazzi patted his chest proudly, pointed to his head and said: "My header is a deadly weapon. Last season, Perugia successfully avoided relegation because I headed the savior at a critical moment."

Nagi's header has always been a weak point. Although he could barely pass the training with unremitting efforts, it was still too small compared to the threat at his feet. So he planned to ask Materazzi for his header skills, and the opponent also He readily agreed that as long as he was invited to dinner a few more times, the header problem would be covered by him.

The two were chatting with each other, and Materazzi suddenly whispered to Nagi: "Do you think he will come? I mean Ronaldo."

Nagi shook his head. "Alien" Ronaldo has been absent for a whole season since he was injured in April last year. Now the injury is still unclear, and he doesn't know if he will train with the team.

At this moment, two figures appeared at the door of the fitness room. The trainees gradually put down their movements, and some old Inter Milan players even applauded.

These two are the head coach Cooper and No. 9 Ronaldo!

Ronaldo was a bit puffy and obviously has not recovered from his injuries. He walked into the training room with a smile and said with emotion: "Many old faces have left us, and many new faces have joined us. Welcome!"

After finishing speaking, he hugged the players one by one, exchanged brief greetings, and when he was in front of Nagi, he hugged the young player heavily, and then said: "Mina, I have watched your game a long time ago, I am amazed by your talent and skills, I absolutely believe that you can shine in Serie A, welcome to join us."

"But beware of rough fouls on the field, you know, for players, there is nothing more uncomfortable than injuries."

Nagi looked at this talented superstar who was plagued by injuries, and couldn't help being a little sad. If there were no injuries, he would probably become a greater existence.

Nagi is extremely grateful for his physique, and he has come to Serie A, where the game is tough, and the right to immunity from serious injuries is his greatest reliance.

Under the arrangement of the head coach, the formal training began. Ronaldo's injury has not completely healed, so he can only do restorative exercises alone, while the rest of the team are conducting regular exercises under the leadership of Zanetti.

Seeing Ronaldo jerky but earnestly adapting to his body, everyone in Inter Milan has a very correct training attitude. They are suffocating in their hearts. Everyone was united and wants to get rid of shame this season, so all the requirements for the coaching staff Meticulously finished.

Nagi was very adaptable to such an environment. Originally, he thought that with the romantic character of the Italians, the training might not be too strict, and he needed to practice harder. He didn't expect the training atmosphere of Inter Milan to be so good.

With the in-depth contact, Nagi's understanding of Inter Milan's players was also gradually deepening.

After hard training, everyone would also find some other entertainment to relax. Zanetti, Cordoba and Vieri prefer to play golf. It happens that the training base is relatively close to the golf club, so they often play golf in their spare time. Will meet and go together.

They called Nagi together at the beginning but after Nagi played once, he lost interest in this kind of slow-moving movement game.

Consicao, Materazzi and others would bring their families to barbecue and play by Lake Como on their rest days. Don't look at Materazzi's appearance as a mature playboy, but in life But he was very dedicated, and Daniela had been with him all the way from poverty by his side.

Consicao was the real playboy. He often brings different female partners, and introduces girlfriends to Nagi jokingly.

The players of Inter Milan also had a very good impression of Nagi. Although he was reported as a talented young player before the transfer, and he was crazily belittled after the transfer, the impression left by Nagi is only seriousness and humility.

He neither has the arrogance and high-spiritedness of a young man, nor is he frustrated after being belittled. He communicates with Nagi like a spring breeze. Materazzi commented: "Mina is not like an eighteen-year-old boy at all, but like How do you describe a middle-aged man who has experienced wind and rain, young and mature?"

Nagi was speechless for a while when he heard it, his character was a bit meek, why did he become a middle-aged man?

He also applied with the club to let his personal trainer Abel LeGoff work with the club's trainers to develop his own training plan, because he wants to further improve his physical fitness and confrontation ability, which is the best in Serie A. vital weapon.

After communicating with the team doctor, the club agreed to this plan, but just like when they were in Genk, they also decided to give Nagi a comprehensive check-up on a regular basis to prevent strains caused by over-training.