Chapter 50

Juventus, who had one less player to fight, gradually shrunk their formation, and Inter Milan's midfielder got a respite to a certain extent, and their offense was organized more methodically.

In the 86th minute, Di Biagio dribbled the ball from the left and forced a breakthrough, then made a pass from the bottom to the back point. Materazzi in the penalty area grabbed the first point, but he was not well defended and hit the goal directly.

Conceicao got stuck at the front of the small penalty area and once again headed the ball to the other side. At this time, Juventus' penalty area was in chaos, and both offensive and defensive players were fighting for the ball.

Nagi shot out from one side, and they saw him leaning against the defender with his back to the goal facing the falling ball, he hooked the ball back with his right foot, and the ball flew straight to the upper left corner of the goal and entered the net.

"Goal scored! Nagi made another contribution! Inter Milan equalized the score in the 86th minute!"

"An exquisite scorpion swayed its tail and broke through the gate guarded by Buffon. It can be seen that the disadvantage of Juventus' lack of one man in the back line has finally emerged. Facing the massive attack of Inter Milan, they are somewhat overwhelmed. "

After scoring the goal, Nagi slid and knelt all the way to the corner flag area, and then celebrated with his head up to the sky. Materazzi and Consicao also ran over and knelt beside him to celebrate together.

Cooper on the coach's bench stood up and roared, and waved his fist backwards. There was a scene that made people laugh. His fist just hit the stomach of Vieri, who was celebrating behind him.

Fortunately, the punch was not very powerful, and the team doctor checked that there was nothing serious about it. However, the sideline cameras faithfully recorded things outside of this situation, which also added a touch of humor to this classic game.

The game restarted, Inter Milan didn't intend to hold back at all, and beat him while they where down

In the 89th minute, Di Biagio broke through again with the ball from the left. He crossed the ball to Nagi at the front of the penalty area. Nagi picked the falling ball to the right with his left foot.

The ball formed a change of direction in the air, and the Juventus defender Montero, who rushed to grab the landing point, was caught off guard. He could only stop his body suddenly, then turned around and chased the ball again, staggering a little.

However, Nagi suddenly accelerated to chase the ball, and volleyed directly against the falling ball in the penalty area, breaking through the gate guarded by Buffon again.

"The gooooooal It's so beautiful!! Mina pierced through the gate of Juventus again, and he scored a hat-trick! Inter Milan has now reversed Juventus 3:2!" Isoka shouted hoarsely.

"I don't know if Tudor in the locker room will regret it. His red card for fouling Mina was the turning point of the whole game. With one less player, Juventus can no longer restrain Mina."

Many domestic fans in front of the TV, like Isoka, yelled loudly at the moment Nagi scored, disturbing many people's dreams for a while.

Akashi added from the side: "Just a few days ago in the Europa League group stage, Mina performed his first hat-trick since joining Inter Milan. I didn't expect the hat-trick in the league to come so fast."

"Mina, who turned 18 on July 12, has once again become the most dazzling star in Serie A. Let us applaud his wonderful performance!"

"Mina scored two goals in the last 5 minutes, Inter Milan reversed Juventus", the day after the game, "Gazzetta dello Sport" reported the game on the front page.

The cover is a photo of Nagi scoring the second goal , which vividly expresses his graceful posture and weird angle of hitting the goal.

This article praises Nagi very much, and believes that he has completely changed the situation of Inter Milan's defeat. Whether it is the opening goal, or the opponent's red card when he was behind, and the final consecutive goals, he has shown unparalleled performance offensive threat and core values.

"Now Inter Milan fans can temporarily forget that Ronaldo is absent. They will never repeat the tragedy of last season, because they have Mina!"

"Turin Sports Daily" justified Juventus Tudor's foul, "We all understand what it means if Mina is singled out. At that time, Tudor didn't have any more choices."

"This red card did lead to a reversal of the situation on the field, and finally gave up three points, but we should also see that Juventus is indeed at a higher level than Inter Milan with a complete lineup, so it is still unclear who will win the league championship this season. "

When Nagi stirred up the situation in Serie A, a pile of endorsement contracts was sent to the agent Francisco Balmond, which made him dizzy.

Serie A is not comparable to the little-known League A. It is truly the top European league. From 1986 to 1999, its European war points have been at the top of the list, and only in 2000 did it slip to the second place. .

Nagi's influence spread rapidly across Asia and Europe, including CocCola, Wal-Mart, Volkswagen and other world-renowned brands, all wanted to invite Nagi to be their spokesperson, all because of his immeasurable commercial value.

Especially after logging into Serie A giants Inter Milan, Nagi's commercial value has doubled. Even if he won the UEFA Cup in Genk, it is impossible for him to have such great energy.

After careful screening, Nagi chose several Fortune 500 companies to endorse After a comprehensive calculation, the annual endorsement fee that can be obtained is close to 30 million euros!

One must know that Nagi's annual salary in Inter Milan is only 2.8 million euros, plus various bonuses, it will never exceed 4 million euros, one can imagine how hot he was.

The person in charge of Adidas felt remorseful. He never thought that such a big loss would be caused by a momentary negligence. Back then, Adidas was not very optimistic about Nagi, but he felt that he was young enough and had a promising future, so he gave a 500,000 euros per year, signed a 7-year contract.

When Balmond came to the Adidas headquarters to discuss the amount and the number of years, they were very impatient and showed a gesture of not signing. After Nagi signed Nike with 2.4 million euros for three years, they secretly scolded Nike. It's a fool.

Unexpectedly, with the passage of time, the income Nagi brought to Nike has far exceeded the cost of endorsement. According to the last quarter's financial report, Nike's sales and markets in Asia have far exceeded Adidas.

Recently, Nike is also planning to launch a brand-new "WIND" series of sneakers exclusively for Nagi, which will be designed by the company's top designers. This will become a product that will explode the market.

In order to keep Nagi, a cash cow, tied to Nike's chariot, the company's executives are now planning to renew Nagi's contract. They have spent 8 million euros a year and signed a new ten-year contract.

In order to make up for the mistakes it made, Adidas even offered 10 million euros a year and a ten-year contract to lure Nagi to its banner, but Balmond temporarily pressed them down.

Now he believes more and more that as long as Nagi continues to play, the value created in the future will be much higher than this quotation.

In addition to commercial endorsements, Nagi seems to have gained some fame in the fashion industry. As one of the world's fashion art centers, Milan has never lacked fashion limelight.

Nagi's well-defined facial features and strong but not exaggerated figure are very appetizing to Italians. The famous fashion magazine "VOGUE" intends to invite Nagi to take a group of photos as the cover character of the magazine.

Manager Balmond readily agreed to the invitation. Nagi was rather embarrassed at first, thinking that it was a bit out of line for a sportsman to go to a fashion magazine, but Balmond persuaded him: "Nagi, this is very important for expanding your reputation. The popularity in the fashion circle is very helpful, and then there will be more endorsement fees to take."

"Also, football superstars like Luis Figo and Beckham, who are outstanding in appearance, have also appeared in fashion magazines. This is a very common thing."

In order to cooperate with the shooting, Nagi couldn't do extra training when the club was on vacation. He took the car sent by the magazine to go to the headquarters early in the morning. This was also for Nagi's consideration, because he didn't have a car and a driver's license yet.

The headquarters of "VOGUE" was located in the center of Milan, adjacent to Milan Cathedral and Milan Royal Estate, which is a real golden location.

Following the guidance of the staff, Nagi first came to the dressing room and fiddled with the styling and clothing matching for several hours before being taken to the studio for shooting.

At this time, there were a group of other models taking pictures in the studio. They were a group of young and beautiful Italian girls. They were very excited when they saw Nagi come in, and gathered around to ask for his autograph and group photo.

Nagi smiled and satisfied their requests one by one. Among them, a girl was very close to Nagi, almost leaning her entire body on Wang Feng, so he had to support her a little.

A strong smell of perfume came straight to Nagi's nose, as long as he lowered his head a little, he could see the girl's b****, which made him very embarrassed, and his face gradually turned red.

The girl seemed to have noticed Nagi's embarrassment, and became even more proud. She took advantage of the time when everyone was surrounding Nagi, and kept pushing towards him, rubbing her body lightly on purpose.

"As long as I can seduce this wealthy guy, my future will be worry-free." The 18th-line model named Desiree Hansen thought.

When it was time to leave, she quietly handed Nagi a note, and then reluctantly left his side, Nagi heaved a sigh of relief.

There was her name and phone number on the note, Nagi just glanced at it and threw it aside. He didn't like this kind of bold and unrestrained character very much, it seems that a reserved Japanese girl was more suitable for him.

After this little episode, Nagi started the formal shooting. He didn't expect to take a whole day to take a few photos, and it was very exhausting. When everything was finished, it was already late at night when he returned to the residence.

In the 10th round of Serie A, Inter Milan challenged Lecce in an away game. The strength gap between the two sides is relatively obvious. In the standings, Inter Milan tops the list, while Lecce is deep in the relegation zone.

At the beginning of the game, Inter Milan had an absolute advantage on the field, but there were always some problems in grasping the opportunity of the goal. Nagi was under strict defense and could only support the attack more.

At the end of the first half, the score remained at 0:0.

Even with Nagi's current physical fitness and confrontation ability, he still felt a little overwhelmed. When he walked into the locker room, he was out of breath and his legs were sore.

Coach Cooper asked worriedly: "Mina, are you still able to hold on? Are you injured?" He saw Nagi being bumped non-stop on the field, and his heart went up and down, very worried that he would get hurt.

Nagi wiped his sweat and said, "I'm fine, Mr. Cooper." He was quite depressed. As he became famous in Serie A, his opponents took care of him more and more, but Serie A was a very aggressive league, so a lot of defense will not attract the attention of the referee.

This was a pain for Nagi, if it wasn't for his body's endurance, he would have been injured countless times. "I have to think of a way. I can't keep confronting the defenders head-on. I still need to further improve my ball handling skills." Nagi thought silently.

Head coach Cooper was more skilled in training the team's defense, and in terms of offense, he had given Nagi a lot of freedom, but this has also caused problems that need to be adjusted and solved by himself.

Changing sides and standing again, Inter Milan finally took the lead in the 77th minute. After Nagi forced a breakthrough from the right, he passed it to Vieri in the center. Vieri knocked the ball back outside the penalty area without stopping the ball.

Recoba, who was inserted in the back row, faced the ball near the top of the arc and shot directly. The ball flew past the defender blocking the hole and entered the net from the dead corner of the goal!

As the saying goes, with the first goal, Inter Milan became more active. Eight minutes later, they made a comeback. Nagi and Vieri staged a pass and control cooperation at the front of the penalty area.

Vieri distributed the ball to Nagi on the right and then directly inserted into the penalty area, while Nagi passed the ball back before the defenders surrounded him. .

Nagi finally passed the ball to the front of the small penalty area, and Vieri hit the goal from a small angle before the goalkeeper arrived.

With the whistle of the referee, the game ended, and Inter Milan finally won the opponent 2:0 Vidi Mari Stadium was full of boos, and the fans of the home team were very dissatisfied with the team's performance. Over the past few years, Lecce has repeatedly wandered between Serie A and Serie B, and this season is heading towards the ranks of deputy squad leader.

Lecce coach Jonathan Tremblay affirmed the team's defense in an interview after the game, and believed that the reason for the defeat was the team's overall inferiority.

"Our defense is very tenacious, but Inter Milan's lineup is much stronger than ours. As you can see, Nagi, who has scored in 9 consecutive rounds, failed to score under our defense."

"This is also a kind of success, isn't it? As long as this positive defensive attitude is maintained in the next game, I believe the team can successfully avoid relegation."

Inter Milan coach Cooper said in an interview: "Although Nagi did not score a goal, his rating is still among the best because he planned a goal and contributed an assist."

"It is indeed a pity that the record of scoring consecutive goals has been terminated, but I have to say that Nagi is the most troubled player on the field. Anyone who has watched the game knows how tightly Lecce's defenders are marking him. "

"I want to say that there are many defenses that have exceeded the normal range. I am worried every time. Although Nagi has just joined this season, he has become the core of the team's offense. I don't want him to get injured."

A reporter asked: "Do you mean that there is a problem with the referee's penalty scale?"

Cooper said: "I didn't say that, but I have to admit that Serie A is the league with the most injuries among the five major leagues, isn't it?"

"According to statistics, we injured a total of 601 players last season, far more than other leagues. This is not normal and requires our reflection."