Chapter 53

  First of all, Jeremy caught me cheating on him and asked her out the same day. She agreed instead of telling him NO. I overlooked it and moved on. Now what was she doing here with Cena? She was even painting my image black before him. I remained there so that I could hear more from her; at least, know how well she had hated me.

  "Yes, Cena! I love you so much, and not Jeremy!" Latina said, trying to hold Cena's clothes, but he was pulling down her hands.

  "But I saw you guys exchanging kisses in the restaurant that day!" Cena spoke.

  "I was there for you. I never came with Jeremy. I only helped Jason to carry out an assignment!" Latina said. I raised my hand to my chest as I heard Latina's words. Was she about to reveal a secret?

  "An assignment as how?" Cena asked with broad eyes, his eyes clocking with mine. I hurriedly took my face away as our gaze met, and walked away from the place as Cena had caught me eavesdropping on them.