Chapter 54

  Jeremy's POV.

  I ran after Latina as she walked angrily towards the field. Her mood changed just as she set her eyes on the flowers in Amaya's hand. She must be a jealous type. Maybe I should present to her the flowers I bought for Amaya. I was sure she was going to like it. Moreover, it hurt me to see the beautiful flowers in Amaya's hands. She must have developed feelings for that Lycan boy. However, though, I still had this strange feeling for Amaya. I think I still love her.

  "Latina, wait up!" I called, catching up to her just as she rounded a bend.

  She stopped, her face featuring emotions, each one carefully hidden behind a practiced smile. "Hey," she greeted and faked smiles.

  "What happened back there?" I inquired, stretching my hand to the direction we were coming from.

  "Nothing. Just needed a moment alone," she replied, avoiding eye contact with me. It seemed the more I talked about this, the more angry she became.