"All you have to do is pretend to me…."

She made it sound easy with how it was phrased, although Isobel knew better.

"Uh no." Isobel rejected.

"Oh come on." She whines. "Izzy it's just for a month I promise I will be back before the end!"

"No way Isabel, that's your husband we are talking about. What makes you think he won't be suspicious when he notices something off? We may look alike but our mannerisms are different."

"He doesn't know I have a twin sister."

"Just like how I didn't know you were married."

"Well now you do."

"It's still a no!" Isobel sighed tired of her sister's way of secrecy and wildlife.

"You're thirty-three Isabel, when are you going to settle down and lose this unbothered life of yours. I thought by now you would have grown out of it."

"I'm a free spirit Izzy I love to wander. I can't possibly stay still in a particular state. I feel caged and restricted. There are lots of places left unexplored in the world and I want to travel and see cultures. Nothing can stop me from achieving my dreams."

But no one's asking for you to stop you just need to dial it down a notch.

"Not even your husband?"

"Not even him."

Isabel pronounces each word one at a time. She grabs Isobel's hands and stares straight at her with a puppy face.

Isobel looks at the person bearing the same face as hers. They really did look a lot alike.

The young woman with brilliant pink hair and green eyes was stunning.

The difference was that while she was wearing a designer outfit that looked outrageously expensive and she also had on jewelry that hung around her slender neck, ear, ring finger and wrist in comparison Isobel's outfit was nothing but a plain summer dress gotten from a thrift shop.

Isobel shook her head slowly.

"In case you have forgotten, I'm a nun. I refuse to be deceitful and I can't just leave the elders. Who would look after them and - - -"

"Yeah yeah. I know please don't get started."

Isabel interrupts with a huff. She never liked Isobel continuing the part of a nun. At the present day, nuns were overlooked and had no significance in society. Isabel wanted the best for her sister but chose to respect her decisions.

"I already know what you want to say but please think this through Isobel. I can arrange for a live-in nurse to take care of the elders."

"Everything will be arranged and I promise they won't lack. I rarely ask for anything. I know what I'm demanding is a lot from you but please you are my only hope in achieving my dreams."

"You of all people know what we've been through and should understand."

"I'm not asking you to go astray from your beliefs, quite the contrary. I know you love teaching and caring for kids. What if one day you are being restricted from doing what you love? You will feel suffocated right?"