Isobel nods already anxious of being told to stop teaching and catering to kids.

"Right. However you can still teach and be a nun at the same time, no one will stop you but please…help your only family out. Please Izzy."

Isabel tightly clenched their held hands barreling a sad mournful look with teary round eyes down at Isobel.

They stayed in that position for a full minute before Isabel gave up with a sigh and stood up from where she sat on Isobel's bed.

"I guess I'm not a good enough sister for you to bend the rules just once."

Isobel rose her brows at Isabel's use of emotional blackmail.

"Not gonna work."

"And I wanted you to get to meet your niece but it's fine."

"What? You have a daughter? I'm an aunt? I have a niece?" Shocked Isobel couldn't believe her ears.

"Yes, she's three years old and a bundle of joy."

"All the more reason why you shouldn't leave Isabel. Your daughter needs you at this crucial time. She barely sees her father, you are the only parental figure she has!"

"I know. That's why I have you to help me with that. I'm not running away, I'm still gonna come back. It will seem as if I never left her. Come on Isobel."

Isabel persuaded but didn't go through it fell on deaf ears. It seemed like she was talking to a dead wall.

"Alright. You have made your decision. Goodbye Isobel, I still love you."

Isobel watched as Isabel gracefully picked up her designer's bag and strutted to the wooden door of the room. The heels make a koi koi sound as it meets the wooden flooring.

Conflicted thoughts dueled internally as Isobel sought to make sense of what to do. She did want to meet her niece but didn't want it to be in a deceitful way.

Everything seemed confusing but finally emotions prevailed upon logic. Without further thinking, she called out to Isabel.

"I'll do it."

"For real?"

Isabel spun around fast, a wide grin eating at her face. She rushed to claim Isobel's hands once again. Her green eyes twinkled with joy.

"Yes. But first, tell me everything I need to know, especially about the man you married."


Learning everything about her twin's marriage and husband's identity Isobel was left baffled, however Isobel refused to pry and question Isabel's decisions.

Although Isobel got some incite about Isabel's insistence on traveling, she still felt sorry for the husband and niece.

Being a fiery spirit, Isabel's love for what she's passionate about is opposed by her husband who believes Isabel to be a housewife. Because of the disagreement, they rubbed heads a couple of times and Isabel has gotten tired of the fights. It was obvious they didn't have a sweet marriage. which is where I come in as the unknown twin.

And four days later. Isobel pulled up at her sister's matrimonial home. To be Isabel Julius Cza, a mother and wife to the wealthy renowned artiste Julius Cza.