WebNovelNun Wife13.51%


"You didn't answer my question."

Words once again failed her. She desperately wanted to hear new words come out of Julius's mouth. Finally, Isobel sucked in her tummy in order to curb the nervous jitter and spoke.

"Of course I'm your wife. Why would you ask that?"

"Nothing, something just seemed off."

Isobel felt her stomach collapse as she was wracked with worry.

She tried to fight off the waves of fear crawling to grip her as she refused to yield to the obvious taunting of the man.

He appeared merciless with his glinting red eyes and cold aura as he lightly tossed those heavy words in a smooth cool voice.

'Nothing, something just seemed off'.

Isobel stepped back a bit but was reeled back into an embrace, which locked her in.

Julius held her tightly in his arms without questioning her slow witted remarks.

He looked down at the small woman in his arms who appeared breathless and locked in his firm and wide chest and thought she looked rather alluring which came as a surprise to him.

While to Isobel, she appeared breathless because it was her first time being held in the arms of a man. A rather appealing man.

However, no matter how shy and against her beliefs it was, Isobel thought that she should not show shyness or disgust as she is his wife now. Isobel mustered up the courage to gently place her hands on the arms wrapped tightly around her thin waist.

Feeling the strong muscles as it softly slides through, as if testing waters to gauge his reactions to see if he would accept her touch or be repulsed by it like how Isabel explained.

And he did.

Which got Isobel wondering if Isabel lied about her husband's repulse to touch.

"Well that's interesting."

Isobel licks her dry lip, as she tentatively raises her eyes to glance at the man causing her a great disturbance. Her lashes fluttered as it hid the bewitching jade greens of her eyes.

"It shouldn't even be a question because you should be able to recognise your wife."

Isobel remarked in a whisper. Her voice sounded soft and melodic to the ear.

His initial thoughts when she placed her hands on him was to yank her away feeling irritation as it was her many ways to hook him, however he never expected his body to shiver as if being electrocuted.

Julius couldn't take his eyes off her. She looked ravishing, her every move screamed seduction.

Although they were just harmless innocent gestures. Julius's gaze, scanning Isobel's face and body, became instantly explicit. Which unfortunately Isobel failed to see.

"My bad. I wasn't expecting you to want to engage with me."

"And what were you expecting?"

With that said, Julius leaned closer, they became practically sandwiched together. His cool musk scent envelopes her senses as well as his mint flavored breath.

Julius could sense something different about Isabel that made him feel strange. Perhaps it was the sweet aroma permeating from her? The unknown emotions within left him confounded.