WebNovelNun Wife10.81%


The picture she saw of Isabel's husband didn't do him justice, he was such a handsome man that he seemed surreal.

He had the type of face that stopped you in your tracks and made you do a double take.

Lush midnight black hair groomed so carefully it had a rippling quality, a sign of its silky smooth health as it softly rested on his forehead.

Aquiline nose that compliments his prominent cheekbones and jaw and spartan shoulders which screams strength.

His deep entrancing, ruby red eyes resembled two liquid-red pools of flashing fire.

However, his best feature is his brown skin, it's smooth and clear like dripping honey with finely tapered long fingers and shaped lips.

His distinct extraordinary features would make people enchanted in seconds. There's no doubt he got girls falling for him left and right.

Isobel suddenly turned around and brought her clenched fists up to her chest feeling the hard loud thump thump her heart made in its cage.

With eyes wide open accompanied by a blush was a dead giveaway that she found him striking!

Her brain seems to have short circuited seeing as unintelligent words filtered her thought processes, first from his face and second from the question he threw earlier on.

Everything was unexpected.

She was just an unsuspecting victim as nothing prepared her for it. She tried to calm the out of control heart beat and her breathing however, the blush on her face refused to abate.

Julius, who was sitting on the kitchen stool, stood up and strode towards Isobel with his long legs.

He possessed a latent, leonine power as he walked with purpose and grace. As he approached, a manly scent of cool ocean breeze followed, wisping through Isobel's nose, which alerted her.

Before she could cover some distance between them, Julius reached out and clasped Isobel's delicate chin. Then he turned her face back and forth.

Isobel could feel her face burn red as a result of their closeness and up close view of the man and more importantly his scrutiny. She felt anxious and perturbed.

Isobel's heart currently resided in her mouth, she cried and chewed her fingers in dread internally as Isobel prayed, hoping he didn't notice something was off.

"Julius wha- what's wrong ...…"

Isobel's expression spelled timid and fragile as she tried to maintain the gaze of the man with a weak smile.

Her blushing face and beating heart was a stark contrast to her act of wanting to display confidence.

Isobel was not at ease and as such came off as a person alarmed as she panicked like a suspicious person.

It was on the grounds that she thought he would notice at once that she was not his real wife, her sister.

With this fact known, Isobel however never escaped Julius' tenacious gaze.

After all, she could no longer back down. She accepted the proposal, there was no turning back or options, it's either to feign dizzy or outrightly faint on the spot.

And they both didn't feel convincing.