WebNovelNun Wife18.92%


"Very, so I ask you to please put an end to it". She stated politely but at the same time seriously to let him know she wasn't playing.

A sneer lit the corner of Julius lips. "I thought you wanted this. My attention. Well now you have it".

Julius held the hand in contact with his firm chest and used it to pull her into his embrace once more. The scent emanating from his wife was too stimulating. He just needed to find the source, was it from her hair, a new perfume? He had a strong urge to place his nose on the nape of her milky swan like neck and inhale all of her. So he leaned in subtly sniffing her neck preoccupied with the task.

Out of words Isobel was shocked off her wits. He was too close. Too close. She felt her brain near shut down mode. Before she froze completely she again pried off his hands stumbling to a safe distance.

It was a major rule for nuns to avoid getting into intimate contact with the opposite gender, she already bent the rule a bit earlier on however, now, now it's different. He was acting like a perverted freak sniffing down on her neck.

Isobel was as red as a tomato now. Her heart rate accelerated again as she hugged her itching neck.

"I never wanted your attention. I just….I just…" she stumbled for words.

Isobel was at a weak state. 'Sin'. She could tell she's sinning big time. Nothing prepared her for such a situation. She needed to pray and ask for forgiveness. She needed to be purified. She needed to leave the increasingly tensed room, it all was turning into something she knew she shouldn't venture into.


Isobel drawled looking everywhere. She gulped then spilled the first thing that came into mind…

"I just wanted to help cure your repulses. That's all". Lies.

"For real?"

Julius brow rose up as if asking in disbelief to which she nods.

"Stop playing shit Isabel, I hate when you get like this!"

Julius was getting irritated.

What the hell was his wife trying to pull? He didn't miss the subtle way she tactically wipes the hand he touches behind her nightgown.

It came across to him that he was dirty, as if she wants to rid herself of his unclean touch.

He hated that she did that to him. That was his usual response to people however experiencing it wasn't at all pleasant.

"Isabel, do I disgust you that much?" The furrowed brow gave away his anger.

Isobel shook lightheaded. "What! No no you don't I —-"

I just need ample space to breathe. I need you to stop getting closer. Why are you still getting closer? I just want to escape…

Isobel derailed, her after thoughts followed.

The truth was she wasn't disgusted at him, she was more disgusted at herself for allowing herself to sin and tell unforgivable lies. She was damning her soul straight to hell, a sister should abstain from…