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It all happened in a blink, Isobel was again embraced in a vice like grip. She was cornered in between the fridge and was locked in with long sturdy legs.

Isobel gasp and struggles to break free inherently rubbing her body on his in order to release from the bruising hold.

The man grasp her delicate chin bringing her face impossibly close to his. He wraps his arms around the wiggling form drawing her in more.

"Let go of me. What are you doing? Let go". Isobel yelled in fright, wary of the crazy man.

"Isabel, you look nervous".

"No I'm not".

"You seem afraid".

"N-no I'm not ok?"

"Ok so how about you finally have your way with me tonight". After all it's what she's been requesting for.

"W-what?!" Isobel's face literally changed.

Julius smiles hiding his anger, so now she finds me disgusting... "I do disgust you huh.."

His words made Isobel lose strength. Did he do this just to gain a confirmation when she already rejected his claims.

Isobel thought playing it simple will probably be the best option however she's coming to regret being easy rather than play reckless. She decides to humour him.

"Alright. Yes! Yes! I find you disgusting. Now let go".

Isobel squeezed, finding difficulty in getting away from his hold. She didn't miss the tick that appeared on his forehead or the clenched teeth nor the extremely tightened steel grip on her already trapped form.

Isobel was ready to pass out. His hold was too strong. It was evident he didn't like the way she retorted. He dug his fingers in her chin keeping her in place. Isobel stilled because of the pain.

"Well too bad because I'm your husband. And as your husband I have the rights to touch you as much as I want".

He snaps.

Julius had a cool calm voice. A perfect pitch that was neither high nor low. It was pleasing to the ear despite him being a bit aggressive. He smiled and stepped back releasing his grip.

"Alright I've let go". The cold aura radiating around him disappeared like it was never there.

However the unanswered questions still remained; why does he want to touch her? He should be glad she finds him disgusting but why does the thought not sit down well with him?

Julius was rough in handling Isobel. He watched as she hits the fridge in a thud. The man watched her pitiful form puzzled. Noting her unusual behaviour.

Why wasn't she fighting back? Why wasn't she lunging at him screeching and trying to bite his head off? Where's the fiesty attitude he so much hates?

The man wonders…

Isobel slides down the fridge but caught herself right in time from slumping on the cold floor.

At that moment Isobel knew she had a real work cut out for her. On their first meet, she got him angry. She came to realise a few things; one, that she made a complete fool of herself in front of him. Two, he's a scary man and three, Isabel was crazy for marrying such a person. Regardless of his face or achievements he had loose screws.