WebNovelNun Wife32.43%


"Let me do it".

Isobel dished and served while Julius just kept squinting, looking at her weirdly. He noticed Isobel excluded any form of meat from her own dish which he adds himself.

"Eat". He orders.

"Oh thanks but I don't eat meat?" Isobel gently took out the piece from her plate.

"You don't? Since when?"

Julius was riddled in disbelief. The Isabel he knew was one who loved protein especially when they go out to social gatherings or just a dinner date for appearance.

"Well I'm trying something new, working on my diet".

Isobel smiled innocently brushing it off. She's a vegetarian and as a nun she wasn't allowed to eat meat.

Julius was left charmed by the bewitching smile. Her hair fluttered lightly and the same stimulating scent tickled his nose. He could feel the same heat of that night in his body emerge and he tried to control it.

Julius gave up trying to understand the new found feelings.

Ever since that night with her, his feelings were mixed and confusing.

He never once thought they both could calmly sit and discuss about their problems. To him it was nice and very much needed to unwind as it's been all piled up for awhile.

He frowned not quite understanding why he got so comfortable telling her all that. Why was he acting like this? It was all her fault everything became jumbled up because of her new unpredictable actions.

First with the politeness, being shy and avoiding him.

Second, with her being all subservient and change of eating habits.

Her actions were becoming increasingly unpredictable to him.

On the other hand, recently his feelings towards her have been unpredictable as well.

He's embarrassed to admit that her words and actions dominates the way his mood swings.

For the past week his wife dominated his thought process he found himself drawing paintings of her.

And when she smiled at him just now, his instincts urged him to put his lips on hers. He wanted to lick and suck it. He wanted a taste. He wondered how she tasted like again?

Ahh how long it's been. Long before they agreed to cohabit. He tsked aware of the trail of his thoughts.

Yet, he couldn't forget the feeling of her breathless figure in his arms.

Soft and delicate.

I must be going crazy to have thoughts about Isabel, thought Julius. Like he couldn't believe it himself.

The reason he married Isabel was just for his comfort. He needed a stay at home wife he could always come home to instead of an empty house which was why he's so against her movements.

But most importantly he wanted the nagging from his parents to stop. He wanted proposers from ladies to end.

Isabel was an option then because unlike the rest of the lady suitors he found her least irritating. And now his irritation with her was replaced by his yearning for her.

He had hated her always running her mouth. But now, he wished for her to initiate a conversation, to speak.

He had hated her chummy smile bearing flirty intents before. But now, he's bewitched just by looking at it. Why was she smiling so sweetly?

"Ooh Omann prepares the best dishes don't you think so.."

She went on chattering complimenting Omann's culinary skills but the man sitted near could hardly pay attention.