WebNovelNun Wife35.14%


Julius sighed.

He thought it was fortunate that Isabel's eyes were lowered and couldn't see the dark look in his eyes.

His mind was in the gutter and filled with illicit images.

He grit his teeth in anger.

Julius was annoyed at himself for thinking that way of Isabel.

He's angry for thinking she looked lovely when she came in and greeted him.

How didn't he notice how beautiful she was? Why now?

And the moment she raised her distracting hair up in a bun to properly eat, it put on display her milky long neck.

Julius heart raced and wondered how it would feel again wrapped around the palms of his hand.

Was it still as fragile as it looked?

Would it break if he applied more pressure?

He just wanted to bite it and leave a trace.

He tried hard not to pay too much attention to her lush reddish lips that she licks on every five seconds to get the dripped sauce.

Julius could not control his thoughts as more heat course through him. He felt a stirring in his lower body. Obviously he was excited.

For the first time, Julius desired Isabel. For the first time since they were married for three years. He didn't know whether to be annoyed or laugh out loud. He was seeing Isabel in a new light and all it took was one night, just that one night.

As the chaotic thoughts raged in his head, Isobel stood and thanked him for the meal then left him to his shameful thoughts.

Julius tried for the past week to control his crazy desires as it was unlike him. He had sleepless nights and lacked focus.

Julius knew he couldn't hold it in much longer as it emulously piles waiting to be overturned. He wasn't much concerned, Isabel will be happy to receive him, she likes him.

After all they were married. Contractual or not.



Unaware of the brewing storm, innocent Isobel after finishing her nightly prayers got ready for bed.

It was no news that because of how advanced in knowledge and technology the world had become, anything religious related was left in the mud and as such no one had respect nor regard to churches and those it catered.

Isobel knew alright she tends to be slighted and disrespected because she proudly identifies as a nun, a woman of the lord. She doesn't let it get to her. It's what she believes in, she was brought up as a baby with it and it's all that she knew.

In no time, she fell asleep to be awoken by the sound of the door opening. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up a bit to see the approaching figure of a man.

"Julius? What are you doing- "

"Shh it's late. Go back to sleep."

"How can I sleep when I have you here?" She yawned.

"I'm having troubles falling asleep. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

She was prepared to say no when he added;