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That could be resolved if only she knew they were in a fake marriage.

He turned her face none to gently back to face him. "You can't keep dodging forever so let's keep things brief while you do the needful. I'm not asking much from my wife just a simple kiss that's all, so…. Kiss me".

"Stop" she croak.

"Do it now while I'm still being nice". He said this but was literally forcing her head towards his. She whimpered as he yanked on her hair as she also tried to fight him off.

Her puny fist did nothing against the solid chest. She tried best to resist the insisting man however the scary aura radiating off him at the moment was so powerful, her anxiety skyrocketed.

He felt his patience slip. Just as he was about to take matters into his own hands he heard her say…

"If… if I do kiss you will you lay off?". Her voice barely came out with how shaky it was.

Julius thought for a moment. He wanted more but it was too late and he had to make an appearance at an art convention the next morning. He sighed, he needs the rest.

Julius concedes and waited to see her give in. And she did. She placed her trembling hands on both sides of his face then she brought her mouth to his forehead and kissed him… if that can be measured as one. It felt like something just brushed past.

"What the?... What the heck was that? You call that a kiss? The fuck…"

Hell broke lose. He was so unhinged his head was spinning. He knew he was losing it. She was seriously shitting her luck. As he made to grab her, his wife was quick enough to stop him, she had him wrapped in a tight hug.

"Please Julius you promised. Please sleep it off. Sleep it off".

Her voice broke at the end due to wracked sobs. Isobel knew she had to compromise else he just might force himself onto her. She couldn't afford such a big risk. She gambled right.

Julius wanted to shove her away however her grip was relentless. She refused to let go. And the way she was pressed on him stimulated him to no end. Isobel's slender fingers crossed round his neck left ticklish sensations as her endless tears stained his chest and he also felt her warm breath cool the wet skin which spreads goosebumps not to mention her waist, which stuck to his lower body shaking in anxiety.

"Please sleep it off, sleep it off".

It became a chant as she muttered dispiritedly, begging.

Unimaginable scenes of what he intended to do to her litered his mind as she stimulated him further. He gulped. There were absolutely no thoughts of being considerate. He could not think. He didn't even understand the concept of hold back. No, holding back seemed to be the problem. Why should he hold back? That's his effing wife.

The thread of rationality that he was barely hanging on to grew fainter and fainter until it completely snapped.