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Julius caressed the weeping girl and waited until she quieted down before he lifted her chin up.

He says. "Look at me".

She did, gazing deep into the smoldering ruby eyes. Isobel knew the dilated look all too well as it was that of an hungry dangerous beast. Her heart fell to the pits of her tummy, she lost the battle.

"I need you to do as I say" he saw her preparing to turn him down then he inserts.

"Resistance is futile. I'm at my wits end". He needed her to know her actions would be for naught and he was ready to crush any form of resistance left.

Getting his message across he proceeded.

"Isabel, suck on my neck." He softly whispered then waited. The mood was set, the atmosphere was right…

He didn't have to wait long. He gently guides then draws in a deep breath as he feels the cool shy lips of his wife slight graze of the area on his neck.

"Suck on it. Come on, you can do it". He urged in a soft manner, encouraging her.

"Yeah use your teeth. Bite a bit harder, lick on it. Uhm.." he moaned delighted.

Isobel moved lying to herself thinking if she pleased him he would let her go. She prayed for it to be the case however deep down she knew she was merely delaying the inevitable.


He nuzzled her hair and inhaled deeply. She smell so fucking good.

He moved his head away from her hair and stared at her intensely. She shook nervously under his penetrating dark gaze.

Julius was going insane as he stared right at the woman causing him to lose control. They looked into each other's eyes. His body slowly tilted down as he leaned in. His hot breath fanned her lips alerting her of what's coming.

Her heart accelerated as she was conscious of him. All she could see and feel was him filling up her mind. Her trembling fingers remained on his neck while her legs were left tangled with his. She couldn't avoid his eyes as it rooted her to the spot enticing her of undiscovered things.

She was scared. She knew it wasn't right. She should resist while she still can.

"No." She said as he nudged his nose against hers. Warmth blossomed in her chest, a slow burn encroached her heating body as their lips brushed together tentatively for the first time. Her tummy tightened in anticipation. Eyes quivered.

"Yes". He nods closing the gap.

It started of slow and sweet not rushed as he didn't want to scare her off. Her lips were soft and pillowy against his own. He nibbled on the full lips, up and down taking his precious time to indulge in the kiss.

The one kiss he'd been wanting.

His fingers caressed her silky cheek as she breathed in shaky breaths. Her eyes were half closed as she was gently pulled into the realm of seduction.

Nobody had ever kissed her before and the lack of experience showed in her stiff form.