WebNovelNun Wife97.30%

I KNOW (1)

"My freedom is mine. You can't take that away!"

"Then stay!!" He exclaims looking dead serious. "Stay… and be my wife!"

Isobel got worried at his words. Isn't he missing something?

"And Isabel? What's going to happen to her?" She fidgeted playing with her fingers.

"Don't worry about that. It's been taken care of". He brushed it off.

"No I will worry. Tell me. What's going to happen to my sister. Two of you are married do you mean to just push her out to the curb? She doesn't deserve it".

"We aren't legally married. We entered into a mutual agreement with benefits and planned to go our separate ways once we find a genuine partner".

"She's my sister. This could sow discord between us. Don't you get it?"

"I do which is why I said don't worry about it. All have been taken care of. Okay, thats enough on this. Let's end the discussion here. I'm hungry, you hungry?"