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I KNOW (2)

"This isn't fair. It's not right…" she began to pace again.

"You know what this means…"

Isabel sniffed feeling so bad.

He went on uncaring about her inner turmoil.

"You should come in and wish us a happy marriage, dear sister-in-law". He mocked.

"I don't think this needs to be addressed but be clear on what and what not to say. And be on your best behavior". He clarified to end any form of rebellion. Either she complied or he kicks her out.

The ultimatum was set and she concedes, following him into the mansion she once considered home.


Isobel ran and embraced her upon seeing her. Unexpectedly, she burst into tears apologising.

Isabel cooed and softly pats her back saying it's alright. She balled her fist and glared at the man causing her sister's unrest.

Julius didn't flinch but returned the glare. Warning silently the consequences for any slight misconstrued word.