Dark night

In a dark sea, under the expansive night sky, was a ship, its hull broken and tattered through the ages. The vessel's expansive deck was a dark, moist wood that seemed to have been washed by blood, which then dried. 

In the dark night, the ancient ship floated among the relentless waves, surviving each time without sinking as if by some strange coincidence. Collosal tentacles often whipped about it; strange cries echoed from deep inside. 

All around, an eery silence permeated dormant here while the wind blew around like screams of untold ghosts. There was also a perpetual dark mist around the sea's surface, like tongues of darkness floating around.

Suddenly, on the deck, faint lines of a drawing started to brighten. It was like a small altar of sorts, a ritualistic drawing etched on the deck. A formation of sorts that seemed to call upon something distant.

A wick of flame brightened gently atop it, a green flame, the only light in the dark. Even storm and rain could not extinguish its light. Without being smothered, the flame weathered the storm like that for days. Yet, as time passed, the wick slowly started to dim out. 

Tempests came and passed, lightning crackling until it was close to its end; the flame would soon die out. The drawing on the deck was the brightest it had ever been. 

In this place where there was no morning light, where there were ever only nights, the ship was like a green sun. A source of light that attracted all the horrors of the sea, but they all hid some distance away, afraid of the same thing that had attracted them. Light.

Then, on a night incredibly turbulent with heavy storms, the light vanished, and in its trail were two people, both in each other's embrace as the heavy storm made each of them blast to two separate sides just upon their appearance, but Ethan immediately teleported beside Scarlett and caught her.

"Wher… a…we?" The wind and rain cut off Scarlett's voice, and she immediately used voice transmission, "Where are we?"

"No idea," he replied through their connection.

His blue eyes brightened like two embers in the night. Impaired by the night and stormy rain, he could barely see, but his gaze clocked in on the entrance to the ship's inner areas. With a single thought, he and Scarlett vanished from the storm with a brief electric spark and appeared inside a dark room inside the halls. 

The ship still wobbled right and left, but inside, it was much calmer other than the ruckus of the storm that echoed past the hull and deck. Now, they were both wet and cold.

"We are in an unfamiliar place. Don't use the [Fire Ball]. It could go all sorts of bad. My Teleportation also seems to be far more draining than it should be. Be cautious," Ethan said, faintly echoing through the dark room.

"What do I have to do?" She asked, her voice faint.

"Stay alert, stay calm. Don't rush into anything. We are both strong people. What we need to do now is to remain calm."

She took his hand. "I feel like something will go wrong," she said, worry tinging her tone as the ship tilted in an angle, and they slid to the side and gently crashed onto the hull.


Ethan hissed in pain and looked at his leg. A nail had pierced his foot through his white shoes, which began to redden. "Damn it, it's too dark!" he cursed involuntarily.

Scarlett gritted her teeth and waved her hand. A fire brightened on her fist, illuminating the entire room in a bright yellow hue, and suddenly, her face paled in horror. The room was full of skeletons and broken ship parts; alongside the ship's movement, the skeletons moved here and there, hitting the wood and making cackling noises. 

Above them was the deck, and through small gaps in the wood, water dripped down, faintly bloody in color.

Even Ethan's eyes widened, a coldness spreading through his chest. "Keep the fire burning for a while, but don't waste your stamina." With one pull, he removed the nail and teleported some cotton into his shoes from his Dimensional Pocket. It stopped the bleeding for now.

"So what's the plan?" Scarlett's transmission questioned, her hair standing on end. "It seems like you teleported us into a ghost ship for real this time..."

"Wait till morning," Ethan grimaced in pain, "Till this damn storm settles. A nail pierced my legs. Help me stand up."

"What?" Scarlett turned to him with wide eyes, filled with panic, and made the fire light his legs. A bloody nail was there, and his white shoes were now red. "Damn it!" she cursed.

"First, let's hold onto something," Ethan took her hand and stood up. They wobbled through the shaky ship and walked towards a pillar with multiple skulls jutting from the wood. Ethan sat there, Scarlett beside him, both of their hands wrapped around the pillar, holding them stuck against the ship's wobbles.

"Show me your legs," said Scarlett.

"Wait till we see whether there are ghosts or something that will pop up. Stay guarded."

Scarlett extinguished the ball of flame in her hand, and suddenly, a green globe of light surrounded them inside it. Pillar of Protection is another of her abilities.

"Now we will have time to react if something appears," she said calmly.

"What are you, my mother?" Ethan groaned and removed his shoes; the sight of his leg made his skin crawl, and Scarlett yelped in fear. 

...It was full of squirming maggots, and a wound was there that kept blistering every few seconds.