Sana Scarlett, the notorious criminal with the ability to Devour other people's abilities, and Ethan Everhart, an inconspicuous bartender who was also her childhood sweetheart, vanished from the face of Earth on a random day.
Nobody knew where they had gone, and only they themselves knew that Ethan had received a call from somewhere far away. From another world, the Immortal World.
And on their first day, they also gained the greatest Immortal Sect's legacy.
They even had the abilities that they carried over from Earth!
A very intriguing Cultivation System.
Nice world-building.
Meaningful characters.
Nice plot. Plot too.
And a very vast world.
No cliché!
Explicit lemons!
No harem.
You know the drill. The author gives a shameless boast and you ask him questions. Go on.
All good but then chapter 58 came and ruined my love for this novel
D O G S H / T Development the latest 3 chapters
kollam, poli sanam myre. Nothing more to say.
Will there be harem?? and no yuri right?
WQ 5 star US 4 star SD 2 star (the last 10 chapters are just meh) CD 4.5 star so did round it up to 5 star WB 4 star
I really love this love the CharactersLove the theme