
The young man spoke, his voice calm, his black eyes like those of an abyss, "Core Disciple of the Dimensional Immortal Sect, Gu Yuntian. Fourth disciple of the Sect Master."

Ethan and Scarlett looked at him, not knowing what to say. They were now in a different place, no longer the gloomy ship that they had gotten used to; it was a bright garden full of beautiful colors, and there was a sensation of calm here that seemed just divine.

Taking a deep breath, they looked around in awe, their hearts beating out of their chest. The blue sky, the blades of grass that swayed in the wind, the hills in the distance. Not to mention the fact that they were in a pavilion on a hill, just like the many on the horizon.

The black-haired, black-eyed young man smiled in their awe and didn't disturb them. After a bit, he calmly asked, "An Inheritor of the Heritage of Dimensions, I presume?" 

Ethan was still dazed, especially at the fact that his teleportation ability had become entirely useless, but hearing the man's words, he was even more stunned. Yet, he was, at the same time, very calm after entering this place.

"I am… an inheritor of the Heritage of Dimensions."

Gu Yuntian nodded, and his gaze moved to Scarlett, who was beside Ethan, holding each other's hands tightly. 

"Inheritor of the Heritage of Devour… Not bad. What are both of your names?"

"Ethan Everhart and she is my wife, Sana Scarlet. May… May I know who you are?" Ethan cautiously asked, and the young man took a deep breath of the surrounding air. For a long time, silence reigned supreme.

Waving his hand, Yuntian made a table appear between them, and they got seated quickly enough. They were then served bottles of nice-smelling wine and fried mountain chicken, which Ethan and Scarlett accepted graciously. Sipping occasionally.

If they couldn't tell by now, they were idiots.

The man in front of them was beyond their level. He could kill them with a thought.

S Rankers? A Rankers? 

Such things paled before this person. Just the fact that with a gaze, he had destroyed Scarlett's defenses was enough to understand that this man was beyond them. Even Ethan himself can only teleport around her to keep fighting. There was no need for such a man to poison them, so taking his given food was of no bad course.

"Me…" Yuntian dragged, taking a sip from his wine. "Let me first tell you where you are. The Dimensional Warship is the ship that my Dimensional Immortal Sect used to fight wars in outer space, but that is already a history far behind us."

"We are still on the ship?!"

A calm chuckle. "Don't be fooled by the beautiful garden around you. It is still inside the ship; this is where my master used to meditate. It appears like this due to an illusion array set up here; we are still just in a simple room on the ship."

That shocked both Ethan and Scarlett. This was not reality?

"And you," He pointed at Ethan, "were summoned into this place using a magical power that my Master had set up here before he died."


"My Master was a strong man. Almost god-like, his influence and power stretching all over the universe. He had eight disciples; I am the fourth, and he planned to have one more to make it nine. Yet, before he could accomplish that, a disaster struck, and the whole sect was annihilated. Nobody remains now, even me, whom you are currently speaking to, is just an apparition that will vanish soon."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. He had not any affection for the person infront of him, just fear and respect. But even he could feel the awe of such a being dying.

And… Universe level of influence and power?

He clenched his hand. That was impossible on Earth. Yet, what mattered to him was not power but Immortality. He didn't care if he had only a normal human's level of power if he could be Immortal with Scarlett.

An aura of desolation hung in the air. The surrounding beauty seemed as if it was hiding an ancient sadness under it. The youthful Yuntian silently took his time. Nobody would have guessed his true age.

Melancholy in his eyes, Gu Yuntian shook his hand. "You should have been my ninth junior brother, yet sadly, the sect is no more… my apparition had been waiting here for your arrival, I am burdened with a responsibility, after all."

Ethan and Scarlett didn't speak. The man seemed to have a lot to say, while they only had a lot to learn. They remained silent.

"I have to choose a core disciple for the sect and pass on the inheritance of the sect to them. I had planned to give it up billions of years ago, but no outsiders could get near the ship. We are currently in a dangerous Forbidden Land called the Sea of Leviathans. Not everyone can reach here unless they are as strong as me, at the very least."

How strong was that? Ethan wondered. Enough to destroy Earth?

And… billions of years?

How old was this skeleton-turned-man?

"Now that you get the gist of it, let me tell you what you have to know before I vanish." A seriousness carried itself on the calm tone: "These Heritage Abilities you now have are not in good condition. It is just my master's way of distributing or sending out powers all throughout the world. If someone could inherit it and awaken the Heritage, it means they are talented enough to join the sect, and we would summon them. It is our sect's Heritage, but as it is, it is incomplete."

That shocked the duo even more. 

So, was this the source of all reality-bending Heritages and abilities that appeared on Earth? 

They were powers casted out by Universal level powerful creatures to recruit new blood and search for talented people? 


So the other Heritages like Devour and the rest were from other Sects?

Ethan couldn't help but feel his head spinning with thoughts.

"But this Heritage ability thing is very forced, and the abilities are not trained on your own. They are my Master's powers that you just absorbed, and that is a shallow foundation. Once you are officially in the sect, we would usually help you with a Pill of Comprehension to let you assimilate that power and become one with it. 

"But before all that, I have a question. Junior Ethan, do you wish to become a part of my sect and walk on the path to Immortality?" Yuntian asked. This was a momentous time for him, too. He could finally die and leave behind the burden.

Honestly, he was tired. 

He already knew Ethan was not a materialistic person who loved wealth. Ethan had come here when a king-like life awaited him in whichever mortal world he was pulled out of. The Heritages were only sent to worlds without Immortal Cultivators, after all.

If he came here, he obviously knew his limits and wanted more.

Yuntian was just asking to hear it from the man himself since he had already read both of their minds to understand what kind of people they were. He couldn't put his trust in something as precious as the Inheritance in the hands of someone utterly despicable and selfish. Even though the duo had areas he disliked, they were indeed, not bad.

Luckily for them, Gu Yuntian was a gentleman and had refrained from checking personal memories. Had they known, they would have still had creeps.

Ethan didn't take much time before nodding. He wanted more. He wanted immortality. He wouldn't say no to strength either if that helped his course.

What idiot would say no?

The person before him obviously had similar powers to himself but even better than him. It was not like he had a way of resisting this person anyway. Might as well gain easy benefits.

And Ethan also wished to have a life as long as the man implied through his words was possible.