Scar and Ethe

They both conversed for a long time, just simple details about what they had missed in each other's lives. And before even Ethan himself knew it, he was levitating above Scarlett, his hands pressing hers firmly against the hardness of the clean wood on either side of her. 

Scarlett looked up at him, her fair cheeks red to a limit. "Are you for real?"

"What if I am?" he asked, almost involuntarily.

She looked up at him with a gulp, face red. 

"Of course, I will try to resist. I can become a small giant with my Body Manipulation Ability. So big, your small thing would feel like a needle poking me. I will be stronger than your flimsy mortal body, too."

Ethan looked at her and chuckled at how cute she appeared. She was completely held to his mercy, blushing with shame. Her rosy cheeks were just too adorable!

Scarlett almost seemed as if she was steaming as she squirmed under him. She was utterly beautiful in her current state, especially since she was wearing his white boxer pants and one of his baggy t-shirts, with no undergarments, too, which was easily noticeable with a touch. 

On her fair face, the tiny beauty mole was so comly it almost invited him to plant a kiss on it. "…Adorable witch," he cursed softly before doing exactly that, planting a kiss on her beauty mole.

As he distanced himself a second later, She looked at him, a sparkle in her gaze. Did he just kiss her mole? She always knew his gaze traveled there when she removed her glasses. She had also noticed him caressing that part of her face many times, but the kiss was a first.

Were they going to consummate their relationship?

Were they going to become adults after all this time?

"Anyway, we have to explore the ship now," he said in frustration, planting his face between her neck and gently leaving a hickey. She could feel his teeth gently biting onto her. He had always wanted to do it, she knew, but he had never done it.

Successfully having done that, he moved back to look at his masterpiece. She peeked at him, Ethe was smiling like an idiot! She laughed in her mind.

Then, he moved, sucking on her mounts through the cloth, almost revealing the nipples, and nibbling on it. She breathed heavily, almost ready to go through the whole thing.

He had become a man. The boy she had watched from the library, clumsy but somehow cute, that boy who took notice of her when she was just a bullied nerd, was now a big man. A great man. Her man. She felt immensely proud and couldn't help but remember the days when both of them found solace in each other's orphan status. 

He used to be such a dunce, but no longer. Scarlett could feel him move atop her, and his lips gently found hers; his tongue soon followed inside into her mouth. He was so bad at this, just like herself, but they both didn't mind it; they hadn't kissed much in life, they had to learn it. 

As her hand was freed, she tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, a silent plea for him to deepen their kiss, to press harder, to erase the space between them. She now knew he really hadn't lost his virginity. She knew she would feel sick if another man touched or even spoke to her the way Ethe did. He must also feel that way about other women, right? 

Yes, all wenches were repulsive as long as they went close to him.

As he moved and once more nibbled on her breast with an aura of possesiveness, she felt a sort of bliss she had missed so much. His normal teasing never actually went this far; most were just words.

The most he usually did was fondle her breast or put his hand into her panties while they slept together, to both of which she had given unspoken consent herself. 

His fingering had gotten much better through the ages but that was their biggest forbidden show of affection they would never be able to talk with each other when they were sober and out of lust. Every time, they would act as if nothing happened.

Her mind was blank—how much had she fantasized about this?

How many times had she slept naked beside him, tense, nervous, wondering when he would man up and finally do it? How many times had she waited?

She was such a dunce herself. 

Go on, Ethe, now, do it already!

Yet, he suddenly stopped, breathing heavily, startling her and leaving her frowning. 

"Why stop?" she asked, almost panicky.

He slowly stood up and showed her a hand. She took it and stood up. 

"Not here. I've waited for more than 18 years for this at this point," He said before adding, "and with my leg as it is, I can't enjoy it fully. It's our actual consummation. It should be special. I've waited as much as you."

Scarlett felt a searing embarrassment in her mind before she pushed it all away. Her innermost self had almost been pushed out. How embarrassing. She showed him her tongue like a cat. "Loser, even girls don't care about such things anymore!"

"I care about it. Sorry…" He said, not ashamed, but then teased, "And we are probably in the middle of some eldritch horror, so lust is the last thing we should focus on."

She frowned, looking at him, her brown eyes full of disgust. 

"Who felt lustful?" 

He ignored her, looking at the emergency light and the empty room they were in. 

This was already way below the main deck and already underwater. Ethan also knew there were still floors below. He wanted to understand where they were and what kind of position they were in. 

Tousling Scarlett's already messy hair and pinching her cheeks, he asked, "Wide awake?"

"Never felt more awake," she sniffed, irritated at her hair while feeling the musty scent in their surroundings. "So, adventure time?"

"Adventure time," he replied, wrapping his hand around her shoulders. 

With a grumble, she helped him walk. Meanwhile, both of them tacitly chose to ignore how red her face was and how her shorts appeared slightly wet. Or else, she would have died of embarrassment.

They cautiously left the room, carrying the emergency light with them; if anything were to seem fishy, he would teleport both of them back to this place immediately. The empty room had a window covered with a dark cloth; here, he could fearlessly use lights after all. So this place would be their safe quarters from now on. 

Briefly, his gaze passed through the cloth, but even his Dimensional Senses couldn't differentiate anything from anything under the weight of the ocean water outside.

Through the muted deck, he could hear the sound of the ocean, as faint as it was. 

What lay beyond the ship? He wondered.