Chapter 5 : I can feel him

During university time at first, I try to escape Reya's eyes but then I actually decided to talk to her. I'm sorry for that night. I don't know why I behave like this. And I'm actually sorry for my bad behaviour I don't want to hurt you it was just , all unintentional. I finally muster up my courage and blurted those words at once, what? I use the word blurt instead of tell? it's junkook's side effect. It's okay y/n Reya told me and then i gave her a smile and decided to spend sometime with her. Let's grab a drink I offered her. Okay she happily agreed. We two talk about her and I saw her all blushing due to my lovely comments about her I also have no idea why I behave like this I think I'm all happy after talking to junkook that's why I behave like this and I'm actually happy after seeing Reya happy she is as cute as junkook and just because of junkook I found a cutiest girl too. After university I came home and spend time with my parents happily I try to gave and get all attentions. During our conversation Eoma asked me about junkook and I accidentally went to deep thoughts. Are we going to meet again? what's his story? He is so sweet that he win the heart of my parents in no time? When we are going to meet again I even don't have his number. I excused myself and went upstairs all other time get silently when I went in my world full of overthinking. At night I can't sleep so I get up and go to the taris, it's all dark outside and there was no moon at all in the sky I think there is going to be rain tonight. I came into my room I like dark sky but like it more with moon on the sky. Whenever I can't see moon, I find myself more lonely, I actually enjoy the company of moon whenever I'm all alone. I get into my room, closed all lights but lamp on study table and sit to study but I don't want to. Neither I want to study course books nor any fantasy books. I put my arms in a comfortable cushioning form and put my head on arms in the study table and close my eyes, when I feel tears started moving from the corner of my face to cheeks and then on table. I cry, I cry for no reason and I don't know exactly how much I cry. I cry myself to sleep. I feel soft hands around my waist and my hand around his neck and now I'm on my soft bed someone put comforter on me I want to open my eyes but I can't. I'm half awake but I just let myself in his embrace. I let him touch me, his touch was so soft that I can't even open my eyes to look at him but I feel like I can relay on him he'll do no bad to me. I feel him going so I try to grab him all I get was his wrist, I grab his wrist tightly I feel him coming close, closer to my face. My breathe stopped at that moment , I don't know what to do. I want to open my eyes and look who he is but what if he run away so I decided to pretend. I feel his soft lips on my forehead and there my heart skip a beat , I'm afraid that he might listen my heart beat but the thing is I can clearly listen his heartbeat too , he, his heavy heartbeat, hus heavy warm breathe I can fell him, he feels like someone I've known for many years, then he try to remove my hand from his wrist but my grip was so strong around his wrist. He lay beside me while I've still a grip around his wrist. He gently rub his other hand on my head. He then finger comb my hair and I exactly don't know when I again fall asleep in his embrace despite of heavy rainfall outside. I wake up and was still confuse whether it was a dream or reality but his touch was so soft. I wish him to be real like the one in the fantasy world. I went downstairs, greet my parents, I found myself asking Eomma and Abba, if it were anyone of them who put me on my bed but they told me they have no idea that what exactly I was talking about. I bide a bye to Eoma and went university with Abba. At university I meet Reya and talk with her politely. I had my lunch break with Reya and her friends. Her friends told me about Reya's crush that is friend of his brother Jimin and is exactly as handsome as jimin. When I heard jimin's name from Reya's friend my face expressions changes and Reya noticed that and change the told but I got my mood fuck up because of his name or because of jealousy that her friend fanning over Jimin, I exactly don't know what's wrong with me. I want to talk to Junkook and want his opinion about me. Although his words was all fun but I think I like to talk to him. I want to tell him about my dream or reality I don't know what was that. I messaged my Abba that I want a little walk and there is no need to come I'll be home by myself. Sky was full of black cloud there was going to be rain soon but I thought I'll reached home before that. I stopped at coffee shop and have my coffee. I meet my old college fellows there and i greet them heartedly. They ask me about my love life and i found one of fellow murmering in others ear, then topic changed suddenly. I found it awkward and found myself most pitiable in the world, I hate these feelings, so I left coffee shop after bidding them bye knowing that there start a little raining. I don't care about rain and just walk slowly in the rain. I was all wet but I don't care, I carry my university bag in my hand near my heart, huge it tight, tears were all around my face mixed with rain water but my face was all normal, have no emotion at all. I was so engulfed in my my thoughts when I feel someone put umbrella on my head I turn to see the person and found junkook there. How are you miss glancy ? he asked. Miss glancy? Don't you remember my name it wasn't much time passed and you already forgot my name ? I asked and he replied saying You always gave a glance as a reply that why I gave you this name by the way why are you all alone in the rain? He asked. I just want a little walk by the way why are you even here? Are you following me? I asked while knowing it's all a joke as a reply of his joke. How's your day he asked. It was actually amazing till some shitty girls talk about him and till I meet my old college fellows I told him. Why are you seem so angry he asked. Junkook I've something to tell but I don't know whether it's dream or reality I'm so confused. What is exactly that can you please blurt it out? he asked while raising his eyes brows. Last night, no, since I turned 18 I feel like something came to my room sometime and actually slept with me but then one day it was all confirmed when I actually found a man of around my age looking from far side but I don't see him exactly because of dark but last night I was half awake when he gently put me on bed and comfort me but I have no Idea whether it's all dream or reality. I told him while walking. Next time if you feel anything suspicious just tell your parents it's serious matter. It's not something like fun what if you are being stalked by someone and you have no idea about that. You have to practice to be strong to fight with your fear. Want me to help you? Junkook told me all this in a serious mood and i actually hug him after finding how much he care for me. We were so engrossed in our talk that I don't noticed that i was the one who hugged him in front of my house under one umbrella like we are shooting a movie seen here, but my eyes got stucked at the scene. Junkook? humm? he hummed as a reply junkook he is there. who? he asked while hugging me jimin! Jimin is there! Who junkook turned and was all shocked after finding Jimin standing there with one umbrella in his hand and one he is using while standing there and was all shocked. It feel like he was there waiting for someone or exactly for me ? JIMIN! I found junkook questioning eyes toward Jimin and Jimin stare at junkook.