Chapter 11 : All I care about is him

Y/n's pov:

Junkook stopped the car infront of kia's palace, open his door then came out to open door for Eoma Abba. He then came on my side, open door for me, I carry hanging side of my gown in one hand and was trying to get out of car when junkook offered me his hand I looked outside and there were people everywhere some were parking there cars and some were busy in judging other's. I first hesitate but then accepted his offer, I gave him my hand and he help me in getting out of car. He then take my hand put it on his arm as a help. We four entered from a big entrance, Eoma was with Abba holding his arm and I was with junkook holding his arm. I first hesitate to enter but junkook was with me so no issue, I entered holding his hand. Kia's father and mother were at entrance to welcome guests. We come close to them and there start greeting I let out a huge sah now I've to respond to everyone's questions. How are you mister and miss park sung jin. Kia's father first offer his hand for handshake, Abba formally hug them while Eoma hug kia's mother. It was all formal chats about their health and business when all eyes land on me and junkook. Kia's mother asked me how I'm? and how this miracle happens that I'm there with my parents in a family weeding? then she eyed junkook asking who this handsome guy is? Abba replied saying this is our son and y/n's brother and he is there to attend weeding as our family member, I let junkook's arm out and he then gave uncle and aunt a hug and also start his sweet talks. It was all clear that now junkook is there favourite too judging from the way they two talk with him. Eoma and Abba left I and junkook there while they go with uncle and aunt to meet other guests not important to metion business person's there. We two were there standing near tables where all drinks were placed then my eyes fell on kia who was on his way with his oh my God! Hawt! Hawt! Hawt! I was screaming my lungs out inside after looking at the person with kia. He looked just perfect in suit and and his suit is also black like how the fuck he decided to wear same colour as mine ah! Junkook why you chose black dress for me but we too look perfect couple there if we two stand infront of eachother no one is going to take their eyes from us. He is smiling while talking with kia not caring about others how everyone is looking at them while they were moving downstairs, there is one more person with kia he is handsome too but the beauty of all guys there is faded infront of jimin suddenly oppa wait I'm also coming why are you too much fast? voice came and I looked at the way Reya was there looking beautiful I mean stunning while running toward Kia and Jimin. She looked like princess in her dark red gown with light makeup. At first I thought there is just me who is getting everyone's eyes because of my pretty dress but her oh my God she is the one who is making every girl jealous here but I'm not, after all that beauty is my cousin too. I looked at junkook who was also busy staring at them in a shock. He told me that he will be there in a minute just stay here and wait for him he'll be back. I asked him where he is going he just winked as a reply. I saw junkook moving toward kia and I know what us going to happen this guy is going to win everyone's heart there and then make every girl fall for him too.

Junkook pov:

I was busy looking at kia and there I found taehyung there with jimin and kia. Maybe something is wrong that's why taehyung is there otherwise his work is only to handle all digital work every time we are on mission but why he is there today?. I was busy wandering when oppa wait I'm coming why are you too much fast? voice came to my mind and I looked at the way and I don't know what had happened there because I was looking there with my mouth opened and was just staring at her. Why today I'm changing my statements? At first I was the one who was saying that y/n is slaying here but her oh God she is queen here. I can't stop myself from staring at her and her cute smile when she reached toward Jimin and kia and was busy in greeting elders there unknown of the fact that everyone there is staring at her and this all make me jealous too but who cares I know she loves me too so no worries about other eyes but I still hate others for staring at her. Oh ! I forgot to ask taehyung why is he there this girl is going to make trouble for me because her beauty makes me forget about my mission. I told y/n to stay here and wait for me I'll be back. She asked me where I was going I just winked at her as a reply. Reya saw me coming towards her and I can saw her blushing from far. Probably she is thinking about me but today I'm the one who think about her more than her and I can't control myself. I came toward her and offer her my hand she grab a glance to Jimin and then her parents then gave me her hand I kiss at the back of her hand and take her for dance jimin and taehyung noticed that and jimin's eyes were asking me question that I understand and look at the way y/n was standing while looking at me. Taehyung looked at the way too where y/n were and he gave a glance toward jimin who was completely lost in y/n's beauty. Taehyung moved towards y/n while passing from me he handed me some chips I looked at him and he went towards y/n while Jimin was still there looking at y/n with his mouth half opened and I laughed at his this situation and I felt that because before talking to Reya I was also like that now I understand assignment and pull Reya close enough to me, we were inches apart and she was blushing too much hard, everyone there were looking at us but I care for nothing and look at her in her eyes and tell her she is the queen here tonight and she hide her face in my chest while we two were still dancing.

Taehyung pov:

I handed junkook some of chips and went towards y/n hopping that junkook understand why I handed him these chips. I came close toward y/n she was looking pretty amd was busy looking at junkook and Reya dancing while giving a glance at Jimin after some second because I know she is in love with Jimin too he is not alone in this road but Jimin's situation is bad here because he seems loosing his control I've to do something to make them two talk to eachother. Now y/n look at me because I'm close to her and while no one is there, she look stunning there and I can't decide who is looking most stunning y/n or Reya? At first she seems nervous because of me but then she become all good after junkook look at her and close his eyes assuring her that I'm a good person by the way I'm there on mission not to flirt with any lady here although y/n and Reya are looking beautiful but these two are already taken by my two hungs so I'm aware of the fact that I can't get anyone there so no need to flirt. I stand closed to y/n and start conversations by saying hello beautiful why are you standing all alone here? She smiles as a reply and tell me she is all comfortable standing there alone I put chip under table while talking with her and offered her my hand she looked for Jimin who was looking at her and junkook who was also busy in dancing, she than accept my offer and I take her towards dace floor. Now there is two couples on stage I and y/n and junkook and Reya. Jimin was there standing looking at us he was looking jealous but he also knows that this is a part of plan so he control himself. By the way this handsome man is known as taehyung and you? I asked her while slowly dancing with her. She smiles at my sentence because I know I introduce myself as handsome knowing that her eyes are on someone else's how could she find me handsome when her man is looking hawt although I'm hottest. She just smile at my sentence when I call myself handsome she tell me her name is y/n and and she asked me my identity I told her that I'm jimin's friend and she look nervous now after looking at Jimin staring at us I have already put some of chips at stage here and there while talking and dancing without anyone noticing, some of work were left and it's up to junkook, now songs changes and y/n left me and I quickly try to escape telling jimin to handle this situation here through eye talks.

Y/n's pov:

When taehyung told me that he is jimin's friend I found it awkward to dance with the friend of someone I love. Thanks to God, song changes and I got opportunity so I quickly left this guy named taehyung there and was ready to left stage when a hand stop me and pull me towards him I landed at his chest I looked at his face and found jimin there. He was the one who pull me in his embrace and now I'm in his hands. He put his both hands on my waist and we two are too much close to eachother I even can't get enough space to breathe because my chin was resting on his chest and I was looking there in his eyes. He was also staring deeply into my soul. I looked here and there to saw anyone noticing us but Eoma and Abba were busy in talking with other's and junkook was busy too in flirting with Reya like boy you forgot that you silently love someone then why flirt with Reya when she also have a crush on the friend of her brother? her brother and he is there holding me tightly like bro personal space is something you are making me die by your this closeness. I try to escape from his grip but his grip becomes more and more tight, at last I let him do what he want to and stop fighting with his masculine grip I look at his eyes but he is still looking at me in my eyes and he don't even blind or said anyword till now. This silent is making me uncomfortable so I plan to start conversations. You are looking handsome today I told him but he is all silent, he move his face close to my face and I turn my face away from him because of the thought of being kissed by him in this crowd. Your beauty is making me loose my control he muttered in my ear and I, I don't know what to do now. I become still at one place while he now take my one arm with his hand and placed it at his shoulder and his one hand was on my waist, I looked at his eyes and he stare too and we are slowly dancing with song playing at the back not caring about anyone, now I feel like everyone is looking at us and was cheering for us but I don't care, all I care was about him and his eyes we two were dancing slowly while looking at eachother. Minutes pass now everyone were busy in their work and we two couples are still dancing , beat changed , song changes and now jimin and junkook were dancing at classical music. I and Reya two were dancing carrying eachothers hand and enjoying. You're looking beautiful we two speak at once and thank you was the world we two blurt out together we laughed at our monotonic sentences. Reya looked at jimin and junkook dancing while she was dancing with me too. They were dancing and talking to eachother and she was smiling at sight. She said they two are looking perfect and I replied yes they are while looking at jimin and I found her eyes on junkook. Something was making me doubtful why Reya is looking at junkook with loving eyes and why she was dancing with him like they are made for one another while they two have someone else in their heart. I feel like Reya is hiding something from me as well as junkook. I feel like I'm the one in dark and I've no idea about anything around me. This all is now making me uncomfortable I just left the dance floor saying nothing because junkook is no more there.