Chapter 12 : Why need maid when your personal slave is there

Jimin pov:

I looked at junkook leaving the stage and moving upstairs he is there before taehyung because they have to do all left over work. I looked here and there finding everyone busy in their talks and was enjoying when my eyes felt on y/n who left stage right after junkook. She was sitting at the sofa near table all alone. She seems sad and engulfed in her thoughts, I put my hand in my pocket and call junkook secretly and went towards Reya to ask her to cooperate. I take Reya's hand and start dancing with her Ama G was there looking at us smiling and Aba G was busy in his shitty business then what is wrong why taehyung and junkook are still upstairs. I told Reya to cooperate and pretend like we are talking while calling junkook. Reya know nothing about our mission but she believes me that's why she is the one who always cooperative with us. Junkook pick-up call and he tell me everything is clear now they find a suspicious person in kia's room and now there is no need to come, be there with y/n and gave her company. Okay I said and cut the call because if I talked one second more he is going to start teasing me with y/n. Why need teasing when she is there sitting infront of me but why she seems disturbed. I looked at the way she was sitting her but she is not there now, I look here and there then upstairs and found her heeding towards where junkook went minutes ago. I quickly leave Reya and went before her. I saw her moving and checking in all room probably she is looking for junkook. What if she found about junkook and taehyung. I quickly ran behind her and grab her arm tightly push her in room there and close the door while she is in my embrace, it was all dark there in the room and I'm sure she hadn't seen my face so I've an opportunity, I lock the door and put my one hand on her face she was afraid but I also have no idea why I'm doing all this, I always control myself but today I can't stop looking at her, thinking about her and now I want to touch her. I want to feel her and want her to feel me too but if she find out it is me she is going to hate me more that's why I hid my identity I came close to her while she was continuously fighting against me to let her go but she is weak because my grip on her arms were strong I came close to her face and want to kiss her but my hand was on her face, if I take it off she is going to shout and I don't want to ruin this romantic environment. I came close to her ear and murmer my favourite words in her ears while changing my voice. You are making me loose my control y/n oh no I repeat this word again what if she find an hint about me because of this sentence but I've already changed my voice and it's all dark here. I kiss on her cheeks and put my forehead on her forehead and tell her that I want her to be mine in order to divert her attention then suddenly I feel someone is coming so I ran quick toward window and jumped. I know it is junkook and he is going to handle this situation although he also have no idea that this person is me. Probably y/n is going to misunderstood me as her stalker.

Junkook pov:

When I was on my way toward hall y/n bumped into me. She was all afraid and terrified. She was crying continuously and she tell me that someone was there and he kiss her he is her stalker that's why she's afraid of these shitty family events. It's all my fault that I forced her to come now look what had happened. I ran in the room were she was but there is no one there I quickly move toward her and she was still in bad conditions she was crying continuously I hug her. I also lost in thought that I've already checked everywhere but no one is there from where his stalker came? Now I'm sure he is one from the people there and I'm going to check I take y/n in my embrace and carry her in bridal style, take her towards car hiding from everyone eyes. I put her in car and take her towards her house. After we entered her house she ran toward her room locked it and tell me to gave her some time alone and I did that. I waited for her but she is not going to come out so I take keys and heeded out of her house because her Abba was continuously calling me and messaging me asking where I'm. I told them y/n was not feeling well so I take her home and I'll be there in no time just wait for me. Now I've no idea what to do I can't left y/n all alone in her house when she is already afraid and what about Reya I've to be with her now , I've seen her leaving she'll be in there house now. I pick up my cell phone and dial jimin's number. He picked up call in no minute I told him that he have to be there this time with y/n because she need him now and ask him to tell Reya to open her window then left towards kia's house to divert the attention of y/n's parents from her so that y/n and Jimin can enjoy this moment and I also have to be with Reya.

Y/n pov:

I entered in my room and locked the door and let myself cry out loud. I'm unaware of everything happening around me. I've no idea about my stalker and I'm all suspicious about Jimin. The thing that hurts me most is Jimin's flirtnesss and he told me thet he wants me when he have no Idea about my stalker? Although I take him as a good man but today he cross his limit he try to harass me? What is I'm going to do now? I've no idea. The thought about jimin's closness and the stalker out of nowhere how I'm supposed to relaxed. Jimin's word are still on my mind your beauty is making me loose my control like how the fuck he said that? He knows what he said? have he any idea about his words? He is someone who seem more obsessed with me today but his past, our past it don't allow me to think about him. I open my wardrobe and pick up his gift. I don't know why I feel this is right time to open it. I unpacked the gift and find my accessories there from my childhood like he is the one who stole my things theif came out of my mind and I let a laugh out of my mouth because of his this gift there was a letter there too I take letter out of box and sit on study table to read.


How are you y/n. You are reading this letter it means you are all safe and you feel like reading, it means you are thinking about me. I don't know from where I start and end where. What is your opinion about gift. Don't dare calling me theif because you are the one who always forget about your things I just collect all these stuff. I don't know what is our relationship currently but I want you to tell that I'm not the one who left you or all these things you know is not right. I'mi love with you and I was in love with you and now I've to pay this for loving you for making your family safe. I'm not going to tell you why I do all of this I just want you to believe me just want you to trust me that I do all this to protect you and your family. I can't forgave myself if anyone of you get hurt. You have no idea about the situation I'm in but please trust me I love you.

I put letter on table and cry cry as much as I can. I hate me for ignore Jimin. I know him from start then how I believe that he left me, I don't know about his situation but I feel like I can trust him. I'm ready to gave him chance but how? What about my stalker? What if he hurt Jimin? I can't forgave myself if he get hurt because of me. What situation jimin is in? Why he left us in order to protect us? Who is against us and what is it with Jimin? I'm clueless and I cried because I can't get anything in my mind I just want Jimin to be here with me. I open the door and shout junkook name to tell him about letter but he was not there. I'm all alone in the house and I started crying at that thought because I know there is no one there and I can cry as much as I want to. My mind was bagging myself to stop crying but I can't stop myself from crying. I feel suffocating inside room so I went on taris leaving letter on the table. When I entered at taris I looked at city and found lights everywhere but at our home I was all alone. Everyone is enjoying with their love ones than why I'm here crying alone. The thought of here alone in this house made me cry out loud and it left with sobs.

Jimin's pov:

I left Reya at home because she was tired of this event and I'm too. I need time to progress. My all attentions were at y/n how's she now? She surely is crying. Why I do that? Why I kiss her now she'll take it as harassment and was going to cry for hours. She was looking too much beautiful to handle that why I can't stop myself from doing this to her. But when I told her that your beauty is making me loose my control ah! Why I do that. What she'll be thinking of me now. How I'm going to face her next time. Now she'll hate me for this. I was so engulfed in my thoughts when my cell phone rang. It's junkook what is now with him? Is y/n alright. I quickly picked it up he told me that I've to be there this time with y/n because she need ne now and he ask me to tell Reya to open her window and cut the call. I don't understand what had happened now he tell me that I have to be with y/n right now? But why tell Reya to open her window? I looked at Reya's room, window was closed I sit in my car and heeded towards y/n's house because junkook told me that she needs me now. I was starting my car when Reya call me I pick it up. I asked the reason while junkook's demand was still on my mind. Oppa where are you why no one is replying me I'm tired of calling maids where they all are I need help? Reya say all that in one sentence and now I've to be there with y/n I tell her to open her window and I immediately left after cutting call. Now I start driving car quickly. I know it's wrong to let junkook entered in Reya's room but it's what he to ans what I'm doing, they too love eachother so why cause hindrance. All I've to focus on now is y/n.

Reya's pov:

I told oppa that I need help so that he send someone to help me unzipping my gown from back because I can't take it off it's too heavy, I needs someone's help. I open the window as oppa told me to and look outside but no one was there like Jimin oppa is going to do jokes on this time. I move toward door and open it slightly to look outside for someone I shout the name of Jimin oppa telling them that I'm not going to talk to her if he is not going to send any maid there I'm all serious when suddenly a hand from my behind push me in his chest and lock the door I was going to shout at this action but he put his hand on my mouth and place his fingers on my lips telling me not to shout as I saw him he was junkook and now I'm on my senses he take his hand off from my mouth I asked him from where he entered my room then my eyes fell on window and I understand. I asked him where Jimin oppa is because I need him for help and he answered me saying why need jimin when I'm there to help? He ask me what service I need from him and I told him shyly that I just want a maid to help me. Why need maid when your personal slave is there miss Reya he told me in my ears coming close to me in his seductive voice. My cheeks were all red because he was too much close and his seductive voice. I hide my face in his chest and I found his hand on my back slowly unzipping my gown I look at him and he kiss on my lips telling me that he can't control himself because my beauty is too much to handle. His one hands was wandering around my back and one was busy in slowly unzipping my gown but I don't care I kiss him back and tell him I love him he kiss me back and tell me he love me too we too kiss eachother in unsion and he then carry me, while still we too are deeply engulfed in kiss he then put me on my bed and start kissing me roughly but I can't stop him from doing that. I let him do what he want to because I don't care about anyone when he is the one whom I'm in love with.