Sci-Fi Movie Shit

"Yo dad, I'm home." I announced myself, still tired from the damn chase scene, which I swear will never be fun, and for some reason thinking it'd be a good idea to walk home. 

"Oh, hey Waluigi, how was practice?" My dad responded. He's been calling me Waluigi since post-puberty when I got taller and grew my mustache. I'm not too familiar with the Mario characters, since I've been a playstation kid my whole life, but I've seen some pictures and that one video of him in that weird Mario Mix of Dance Dance Revolution and yeah, he's goated, so I don't mind the name.

"It was... a bit of a drag, not gonna lie. I swear, how many times are we gonna have to rehearse that chase scene?" I told my dad. He's been made oh so familiar with my hatred of the chase scene at this point. If the chase scene had a face, I'd punch it in the face.

"Again with that scene? Wow. Didn't you have to learn the dance moves for one entire other song still? Now you only have 2 practices to do that! It's ridiculous." My dad affirmed my thoughts on the chase scene. It is ridiculous that we have to do it that much. And yeah, I am in one more song, "I Could be That Guy". Still have no idea what I'm supposed to do in that, and tomorrow and Thursday are dress rehearsals so I guess I find out in front of everyone.

"Well, anyway, there's pizza on the table. I couldn't be bothered with cooking tonight, besides, Thanksgiving is coming up and you know I'm pulling out all the stops then. So, stuff your face with pepperoni!" My dad informed me as I got to the table. Some Little Caesars' pepperoni waited for me there, I grabbed a plate and three slices. Little Caesars is great, probably my favorite of the Domino's, Pizza Hut, Caesars, and Papa Johns that make up the big four pizza chains in the US. They don't have a Triple Treat Box during Christmas season though, so I guess Caesars does take second place if it's December.

I sat down on the chair towards the head of the table, where my dad was. I swear, the relief of having the scent of some Little Caesars in the air while being able to kick my feet up on the chair on the other side of the table, I can't think of a better way to relax after running around on-stage with nothing but hot lights, dark wings to greet me, and two layers of church robes. Dad greeted me with some exciting news: "So, I got something cool to show you from work today..." I know I went on a tangent about how boring the sciences were to me, and how I just can't get into it like my dad, and I still hold myself to that. What I can get behind, is some of the cool shit my dad brings home from his lab, Dreamweaver. You wanna talk comics and movies? Dad worked with his guys to make X-Ray goggles once, that actually work as intended! It was so coool bringing it in during Halloween this year for my friends to all look at walking skeletons. Hell, this is just scratching the surface, I could go on for days about the cool shit my dad's brought home and how my room at this point looks like an expo of shit you'd only see in movies. So naturally, whenever anything regarding something cool from dad's lab is mentioned, I'm up.

"Alright, lemme see." I moved my seat over to get closer to my dad.

"Ah, I don't have it yet, but I do get to bring it home on Wednesday, Robert gave me permission. What I can show you is this video I took of it." He pulled out his phone to grab the video. Gotta admit, I'm a bit bummed about not being able to get whatever this is right now, but if it's as hype as I've built myself to expect it to be, then I'm fine with waiting.

"Here, take a look at this." My dad pulled his phone up so I could look at it. The video was of this weird purple blob, floating in a bottle- it looked like glass. It was kinda sort of funky, but didn't look like anything too special.

"What's this, the world's first bottled, heat free, liquid free lava lamp?" I asked. Not trying to be rude or anything, that's just all I could think of.

"Ha! I can see the comparison, but you haven't watched far enough into the video to know what the stuff in this lava lamp does. I'll tell you right now, it's a lot more interesting than wax!" Dad insisted. He hasn't missed before, so I watched further into the video, and sure enough, something did happen. It changed. Like not just color or anything, no it full on went from looking like wax in a lava lamp, to turning into a huge jumble of orange rocks. It stopped floating too, it dropped to the bottom of the bottle, which somehow managed to completely no-sell that heavy looking mass of hard rocks. No movement, no cracks, nothing.

"Woah, what the hell? How's it doing that?" I asked my dad. We use hell all the time, but I try not to swear too much in front of him.

"Look." My dad responded simply. I kept watching as the camera panned to another man on what looked like a terminal to the right of the platform the bottle had been sitting on. I watched him turn a knob, as it turned from that stone to some glowing, green ooze.

"Woah, is that like, radioactive?" I asked my dad. See enough movies, glowing green ooze and radioactivity go hand in hand.

"Maybe, who knows? It can completely change its atomic structure, what elements make it up, its stability... the list goes on. For all I know, I could come back tomorrow, turn the knob, and watch it become a huge omelet." Dad explained. 

"That's cool. So I get this and that whole terminal?" I asked, though now wondering whether or not I'd be able to have room for a terminal in my room.

"No, not the terminal. That's the entire reason I can't give you one until Wednesday. We still gotta make a remote control that's not a pain to move around or get in places. It's quite the big terminal and have you seen your room? No way we're fitting a terminal there." Dad answered. Y'know, I would argue we could probably get a terminal there, but I digress. The remote sounds infinitely more convenient anyway.

"Anyways, I'm heading off to my room now. Got some calls to make. You good eating on your own?" Dad asked, getting up from his chair. "Yeah, that's cool dad," I said back. "Thanks for the pizza."

He went off to his room, and I got my phone out to see a new notification from Bo. I'll just let what he had to ask me speak for him as a person:


[yo dude you wanna hang out tomorrow?]


[nah, got theater shit for tina. you know i can't miss that now, i'm in too deep.]


[alright well if you can get out of her pocket on wednesday that works too ig.] 


[alright i'm cool with that]

[what's that shit about the pocket though huh?]


[dude tell me i'm wrong]


[whatever man, see you on wednesday]