Chapter 2: I Arrived

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


*Abyssal world*

*Gushing water of a river

 Wang lei is regretting that he open the box, "So, I'm dead? I died a virgin! Fuck!" he wanted to cry but there some unknown force that preventing him to move, he is being drifted in the gushing water, it's some sort of a river, he force fully open his eyes, but it forbid him to do it. There's suddenly a screaming noises, it almost like in pain, in agony. Wang lei is scared, that triggers to think differently," Am I in hell!? I don't even remember to cause a grave sins" the he suddenly remember the sins that he had, that is Lust and Pride.


 Wang Lei is a mischievous child that has the embodiment of pride and lust, mostly the pride is the higher on the seven deadly sins that he had, because of his pride he triggers an event that not supposed to happen, and that was the death of the gang leaders. Briefly explanation, he is a genius in terms of computer hacking, he able to locate the gang leaders den, for what is the cause? And that was only to frame them for his enjoyment. He want see people suffer and mostly he likes to see people in despair to become broken.

Next is the lust, he is not a good looking compares to his other classmates, but he a closet pervert that only sexual harass girl without them knowing, mostly like a pervert with a camera. But it seems that he is a genius in hacking, he always hacks the phones of the girls and looking at their phones if there some lewd photos/ videos/ or a conversation. For what reason that he doing it? Only to frame them and make them look like a miserable people.

*Narrate ends*

 Wang lei realizing his faults, and thinking if there some kind of method "Fuck! I'm a scumbag on my junior high school days," Then suddenly he hears whippers in his ears, "Pride and Lust, A king quality with a pea sized brain" He hears it and suddenly triggers his prideful emotion, he shouted through his mind and said it back," Male or a female, Mind your own business bitch!" The one that whispering to Wang lei is shocked that there someone actually talks back to him with swearing words,

 "You have guts, for someone that experiencing border line dying right now" Wang lei hates a talkative people a lot, because he is an introvert he only want to read comments, but to actually hear it, is so annoying, "So what? Want to die like me?," The whispering begin to take an offended answer and lost his cool, "Looks like you don't know your place aren't you?" Wang lei respond with an intention to see, "If you're really a powerful being then make me see, so that I can judge if you're really a powerful or not! If I'm not convince then you're just a trash to my eyes!" the one that whisper to Wang lei granted his wish to let him able to see.

*Opening his eyes*

 When Wang lei open his eyes he sees a dark shadows that full of dead bodies, skulls, souls in his eyes with full of suffering, but Wang lei always sees this on scary movies, so Wang lei respond, "So? Are you an Old God or something more ancient than that?" The figure is impressed that he is not even startled to see his appearance, the figure respond, "OH! You had indeed had a guts to maintain not disgusted in my appearance,"

 Wang lei smirk and wanted to laugh, but he stopped his emotion and respond, "I see more hideous, terrifying, divine being than you, I'm not joking so for the proof, look at my memories and you will see more terrifying than you" When the figure peek at his memories he been entangled by a tentacle full of spikes, when the figure break through the tentacle, he sees the Old God, a cthulhu mythos VR, the devourer of the universe, The Stupid God.

 The figure suddenly retreated and cancel the magic, Wang lei laughs and respond, "Hahahaha, What? Did you pee on your pants" the figured is been angered and torturing Wang lei, for to interrogate him, "What the hell is that! Speak you damn mortal!" Wang lei respond, "That's the most ancient God that devouring a universe with just his meal, the Stupid God, The Old God that much more older than you! The one that hindering the most ancient god to make the universe" 

 The figure is convince that is thing is almost eat him alive, and the terrifying aura his much more powerful than him, The figure is excited to see this kind of mortal than residing in the abyssal realm, with a powerful knowledge of the old Gods, "You, why did you have a knowledge of the Old Gods?"

 Wang lei bluff him and look some certain line of a movie, "Because I've been cursed by knowledge, by the Old Gods, do you think that you're the only one that has the knowledge, it's a mistake that you meet me," The figure is delighted to hear this to a certain mortal, he responded to him, "It seems that the black box is indeed more useful than I thought, to grab an entity that been cursed by knowledge like me, but in other cases what If I give you a challenged,"

 Wang lei speak to himself on order to get out,"Hmph, if I only have the ability before you grab me to this world, then I'll be the unstoppable and can kill even a God!" The figure peek at his memories again and found out that he indeed has the ability to kill a God, but the figure is mistaken, because he is looking at the game that killing the undead king, mostly it's equal to a Demi – God, the figure respond, "Very well, I'll grant you this powers but in one conditioned,"

 Wang lei responds with a great confidence, "What is it? It's a child play for me" The figure respond, "I'll going to reincarnate you to a Cultivational World, in order to make a sect that can even kill a God" Wang lei is stunned to hear this, but when he Is about to reply, the figure suddenly disappears and he sees his body is being drag down by so many hands, and drag him in the pool of dark waters.

*On a Swamp*

 Wang lei is struggling to breathe and on the way to the surface, but when he ascended he found out that he is some sort of a swamp, he check his body and his body is been reduced in size most likely he returns to being an 18 years old boy, 

 "That Goddamn God bring me to this miserable place, what is this a poisonous swamp or something?" He looks at his surroundings and he immediately regretted it, because he sees dead bodies everywhere, he immediately looks for a shore on hurry, he find a shore and run towards it, he found himself naked with an ugly mark on his back, it some sort of a symbol that he didn't know, he looks for a dead bodies clothes and stole it from them, he prays for the souls of the dead in order to respect their bodies, he grab the clothes and it some sort that he looks like a Korean or Chinese peasants on the days of war, Wang lei suddenly remember that God gave him the powers in order to lead a sect, and granted him powers, he is thinking some isekai things, and just started doing it, "Status" then suddenly a panel shows up,

 Wang lei is smirking like an idiot and respond to himself, "This status I can't be mistaken, this is the status of my character a spell sealer, don't tell me that I had the power to seal an enemy, " Wang lei close the panel,

 "This is the reality or I'm just dreaming? Did I really been isekai in the cultivational world with an OP classes of the role playing game that I played?" Wang lei look at his inventory and found out that all of the items including the storages item, cash item, event item, special item, is on the inventory and the quantity is on infinity"

 Wang lei pinch himself and it's indeed hurt that he sees something that not supposed to happen in game, he close the inventory panel, and look at his character, the item that he equipping is on soul bound, meaning the item is there but can't be seen in naked eye, he sees the limitless a mythical item that can swap any kinds of classes that has maximum potential, maximum class ability, maximum stamina, maximum skills. Wang lei speak to himself, "I'm so fucking op that I can kill everyone with just a mere gazed," The swamp poison is not working because of the stats of the spell sealer ability, the one that can nullify abnormality.