Chapter 3: Zhao Family

Author: This is an English novel, I hope that you have a good day reading this.


*swamp area at morning*

*9:00 AM*

*While walking outside of the swamp*

 Wang lei is checking his inventory because of the function name "infinity" the item that already been stored has an infinite sign, he checks it using a feather of an angel with a rank of arch angel in his inventory, he sees that there's an infinity quantity, he's thinking that if this is similar to a MH cheats, that if the item is being stored inside of the inventory it's automatically gets infinity quantity, he took only one feather of the inventory, the feather is glistering like a diamond

 "Yep, this is the angels feather that I know,"(Smug facial expression)

 Then when he put it again in the inventory it take some space and there's another angel feather infinity quantity, he sees some trash been and put the angels feather in the trash bin it just destroy the angels feather to saved some space, he's wondering if he can see some HP bar and mana bar to the other person

 He's thinking if this has a gaming concept, then it has this kind of ability, he whisper to his mind ,"option" then the panel is suddenly appears, the option is limited only on interface display, he mark the HP bar, and mana bar option, status ailments large icons, Damaged icons, and lastly the title icon, he cancel the panel and he found out that he has also the HP bar and mana bar top of his head, but there's something that catch his attention, the title that he has before he got reincarnated, it's the overlord, but when he sees it, the title that he had is, God Devourer.

 Wang lei just ignored it and just accept reality, but still the area is no joke, there's so many dead bodies here, it almost like a dump of bodies. He sees the road and found something ahead, it's looks like a carriage that been wrecked, and there's someone fighting each other, he hides and look at it, he observed that there's a bandit that wanted to kill a husband and wife and he sees the children of this two lovers, it's a male and female, within an aged of 10 to 11 years old.

*gibberish sound*

 He didn't understand the language that they saying but suddenly the auto translate option activated," It's more wiser to kill the man boys, and let's have fun with the girls am I right?" Said by the bandit leader with bald head, the husband retaliate and there's some unknown energy on his sword, the man use his technique, "Swift Blade" but the bandit leader is so strong with his hammer and just bash the sword of the man.

 The bandits open the door and sees the mother hugging the two children, Wang lei sees it and had a planned, if he saved this almost rich individual, he have a huge merit if he say that he belong to a secluded sect. 

 When the bandits is almost kidnapping the wife and the children, the husband is begging that some to save his family, then Wang lei cast the tier 1 skill," Agony Chains" the bandits is unable to move suddenly.

 Wang lei has a mask within they're sight but actually Wang lei didn't know that the cash costume that he had has a mask on it, the mark is glowing on his back, the chains suddenly appears and entangled the bandits including some assassins nearby, the agony chains is a tier 1 skills with a great durability, it can last within 2 hours that inflicting the victim with a painful illusions, and the chains is being upgraded because of the spell sealer class.

 Now the chains has the ability to seal the mana of the victim, Wang lei shows up with a ragged clothes, He bargain to the husband and say's to him, "Do you want a deal? A deal with the devil?" The husband is not thinking anymore and just says to him, "Please save my family, I can even offer my life to you"

 Wang lei, use the limitless item and changed his class to a paladin, the man is fainted because of the injury, Wang lei heals him and headed to the wife, he sees the children's is being scared, and the wife is trembling in fear while hugging the children because of the unknown chains suddenly pop out and the screaming is intense,

 Wang lei sees the ailment status of poisons, both the children and the wife, he cast sleep magic, and it's immediately taken an effect, he leaved the bandits to die in the poison miasma while in chain in agony and he heals the family and took them some sort of a cave, that he noticed while he's checking the inventory, he cast the protection barrier around the cave to not inflicted some sort of poison miasma, then he changed his class back to spell sealer, he noticed that the mark is changing between he changes classes, that means the mark is the symbol of a certain class. He fire some firewood and let the family take rest to the corner

*6:00 PM*

 Wang lei checking his inventory if there some meat that not even process yet, and he found out the orc meat, rabbit meat, goblin meat, snake meat, dragon meat, wolf meat, vampire meat, wolf meat, wyvern meat, etc... he changed his class to a subclass called chef, the purpose of this subclasses to procure a meal that can give a buff, with the max potential of this chef class, all of the skills of the chef including knife skills, fire controlling skills, knowledge of ingredients is maxed up.

 He grab some orc meat to his inventory and process it while he is preparing, one of the kids, the male one is awaked and look at his surroundings, he sees that his parents is ok even his sister, then he noticed Wang lei procuring some meat, the little fellow didn't notice danger to Wang lei, and just look at him while Wang lei procuring the meat, Wang lei noticed the kid and respond, "It Seems that you're interested in cooking little one" the kid respond, "I'm not a little one, my name is Zhao Ru" Wang lei noticed that there some mana eloping to the child.

 Then suddenly the tummy of the little Ru is grumbling, Wang lei snickers and little ru is embarrassed about it, Wang lei talk to little ru,"Say little ru, why not help me here, the food will definitely become more delicious if you prepare it personally" Little ru smile and delighted to do something before his parents wakes up.

*One hour later*

 The sister of little ru wakes up and finding his brother she begin to cry because she didn't finding little ru anywhere, she stands up and looking for little ru, she hears some laughter's somewhere to the cave, she is cautions enough to grab some rock, and headed for the laughing sounds, 

 She sees little ru and whisper to herself and say "You disgusting bandit, you dare to take my brother as the hostage" 

 Little ru sister is sneaking behind of Wang lei back, but Wang lei already noticed it when she is planning to smack him with a rock, when she finally close enough to smack Wang lei with a rock, she been caught some sort of net a trap that been set up by Wang Lei, 

 The young girl is startled and little ru find out that his sister is been caught, "Mister! Please let my sister down" Wang lei stand up and look at the little girl,"... Aren't you a lively one" The little girl shouted to little ru," Ru! Run! I'll handle this so run right now!" Little ru is on panic, and don't know what to do, but Wang lei just sit down and say to little ru,"Before you run, wait for the meal to finish" 

 Little ru is starving and just sit down, the little girl is confused that little ru didn't listen, "Ru! What the hell are you doing! Run right now!" Little ru respond, "Sister I'll save you to" When Wang lei start to grill the meat, the chef class passive activated, the passive of the chef is the ability to create a meal with high grade

 The aroma suddenly tingled the nose of the two children and tummy of the children begin rumbling, Wang lei just smile and the little girl noticed it, "Why the hell are you smiling?! You disgusting bandit!" Wang lei cast the skill tier 1 of the chef and that's the fire controlling, the fire is eloping around the meat, the two children sees the fire is like a snake but it's not, then Wang lei took some of his pocket like a needle, and shove it to the meat, the juice is over flowing just like a jewel grade meat.

 The children's is drooling about the food, so Wang lei just stop mid way and let just the rank of the meat just on A – Grade meat, but with his skills it can be a good meat, with higher rank" He served the meat with a skewer and let little ru taste it, the little girl that on the net is saying to little ru,"Ru! It can be poison let your sister taste it first!" but the little ru ignore her.

 The fact it's a delicious sight, he immediately take a chump of the taste, and the taste is exquisite that he devouring it immediately, the little girl is on rampage that even she's biting the net, Wang lei said to the little girl," Behaved and just eat, so I can let you free" the girl is shaking his head, and Wang lei cut the net, she immediately take the skewer and eat it. Wang lei says to himself, "Is this the power of appetite?"