Chapter 4: Guild

Author: This is an English novel, I hope that you had a good day reading this.


*At the cave*

*9:00 PM*

 Wang lei is talking to the kids that where they came from, and why they arrived at the swamp? little ru respond to this question, "My mother and Father, is part of the Zhao family but where just a branch family, my sister and my family is fleeing to the bad guys that wanted to kill me because I didn't posses a natural qi,"

 Wang lei is thinking the energy here is different when it come to mana, he changed his class to a fire mage, and feel the mana, he found out that the qi and mana is almost the same but different components, you can say that qi is the foundation of the body itself, and mana is the air that we're taking, basically means that I possess a qi but I rely on mana.

 He changed his class to a spell sealer again, the sister of little ru introduce herself to Wang lei, "My name is Zhao Mei, the eldest daughter of Zhao Xi, and Zhao Tu, this is my brother the eldest son, because he is the eldest son, he need to be part of some tournament, to became a branch patriarch, but it seems that he didn't possess any qi or I say he didn't posses to became a martial artist" 

 Wang lei use the magic Tier 1 "spell eyes", that has the ability to locate the meridians and magic flows of the the victim, and he find out that there some clog on his meridians and veins, with so much impurity residing on his body, it can be said it's natural but or been planned"

 The children is looking at him and wanted to introduce himself, but Wang lei dodged the topic but little ru and little mei suddenly ask," Mister! Are you a Master or some sort? You suddenly defeat the bandits with a chains, that entangled them to cause so much terror" While Wang lei is dodging the topic, he noticed that the parents of little mei and little ru is awaked, but they're on panic that the kids is not with them, Wang lei talks to them both, "Little ru, little mei, your parents is awaked and looking for both of you, I think they're worried that you're not with them" little mei and little ru suddenly stands up and headed towards to their parents.

 Mean while Wang lei is thinking the terms sect, meaning it's a guild, Wang lei thinks that it's a unnesarry that if there's a guild icon suddenly pop out , but he just said it to himself, "Guild" then suddenly a panel of creating a guild shows up. Wang lei is stunned to see a guild option is here.


 The guild on his game before he been grab by the old God, is something that can be proud of because the guild is divided into main guild to branches guild, and the npc that residing on the guild has his own mindset, but it has the absolute loyalty to the guild.

 The guild can be changes into some sort way, in build menu and also it can be changed in different biomes, like the guild floating in the sky, the guild in the waters, the guild that underground fires, and in many ways, it has also has the trial of candidacy, meaning training grounds with all sort of classes, it can also register the unknown classes and the system is automatically improved the training grounds, and also it can increase the difficulty of the training.

*narrate ends*

 Wang lei checks the guild option and found the same of the game, that has the main and branches guild, Wang lei is thinking about the order by the old God that sent him here, is to create a disciple that can even kill a God, mainly ways that old figure is tired and wanted to die but he can't.

 He created the main guild, first it names the known god of wrath or I been says the God that been betrayed and wanted to kill everybody on its path, it some sort of game reference, it name the Ashura Clan. Wang lei decide on its name then on the next procedure, the layout of the clan, he decorated the guild with a cash items, because it's infinite then he really do his things.

*Main layout of Ashura clan*

(T) = Tower

(B) = Bridge

*Layout ends*

 Wang lei is about to finished the decorating and the biome that he picked is the guild on the flying on the sky, when he about to finished the next procedure, little ru and little mei jumps on him and hug him, he closed the panel about the guild and startled to see the children, little ru says to wang lei, "Mister, my parents wanted to see you to pay for the gratitude"

*Wang lei headed to the campfire*

 Wang lei see the parents already and they're kneeling for gratitude, they offer the money and pills that they already have, even a map of treasures and map of this world, Wang lei sits and the children also kneeling like they're parents, Zhao Xi the husband talks to Wang lei, "Mister, about the deal that you ask for me, I gladly offer my life because you save my family, this is the only treasure we had because we're fleeing about the strict rules of the Zhao family" Wang lei acts like and interrogator and ask the Zhao xi, "Says, why are you even fleeing? You can even have a master for the kids?"

 Zhao xi explains why they flee, "Mister, about the fleeing because of the patriarch inheritance, the whole Zhao family branch begins a war, and my two little children needed to be participated, if I refuse my children will be executed immediately, if they known that my eldest son can't practice martial arts then they will kill him immediately," 

 Wang lei respond, "OH! Is it because of the natural qi?" Zhao xi is startled that he didn't explain to him the natural qi but he instantly know it, "Mister why did you know that my little ru has a disturbance on his natural qi?"

 Wang le explains, "Because of his natural qi, the flows of the qi is been blocked by some impurities of the bodies, and also the meridians of this child is been blocked by some unknown reasons, I think the blockage of this meridians is intended to begin with," 

 Wang lei is just bluffing that the meridians is intended, to know if is really intended or not, Zhao xi is thinking that if the meridians is intended been blocked, then who's responsible for it, then he remembers the other branch of the family, that wanted to get rid of him long time ago, his blood vessel almost burst of anger and whisper to himself, "Zhao Rong! You impudent bastard! Now you don't target me but my children as well! I swear that I have a chance to kill you, I'll kill you with my own hands! That piece of shit!"

 Wang lei bluff works, the mother of the two children Zhao Tu, is asking Wang lei," Mister is my little boy, can be healed? Like what you did for us? Is it possible that my little Ru can become a martial artist?"

 Wang lei is hesitating and when little mei suddenly ask a question, "Mister! What's your name?" Zhao xi noticed that his beloved daughter ask something that make a unnecessary trouble, so he immediately vows for forgiveness, Wang lei has a plan to act and just smile," My name is Ashura Lei, from the Ashura clan one of the mythical sect called, Fenrir Sect"

 Wang lei is just bluffing for the called mythical sect, but Zhao xi is serious enough to think, " what's the Fenrir sect is, it was not listed on the generations of sect, but mister lei said to himself that he is one of the mythical sect, the it means it's a secluded sect, and still standing for a long time, and when he heals me and my wife, it's unnatural, and we witness the chains that can't even shaken a practioners, that means he is above them after all and he is a master" Zhao xi and Zhao tu realized that they're a presence of a master, they vows with their children and begging," Master lei! Please accept our children to your sect, we gladly offer our lives for them, offer our treasures for them, to give them a better future than ours" Little Ru also ask for being a disciple, and little mei also

*Wang lei on his mind*

WTH! I have a disciple already! What can I even teach them for God sake! That bastard that put on this is really pain in the ass!

*Wang lei speaks*

 "Very well, but first I need a parent consent to do the training, this training is life taking, if you're children wanted to become stronger early, and my training is not simple at all, you parents do you had a guts to sacrifice your life for the future of your children!?" 

 Wang lei stands up with dignified manners, and the parents says to Wang lei, "We gladly accepts!" Wang lei change his class soul contractor, the passive skill of the soul contractor is fear, the little children is feeling the fear but in minimal but the parents is not hesitating to this fear, Wang lei speak to the parents, "Heed by the contract of souls, Husband Zhao xi and Wife Zhao tu, will take the souls trials"

 The two of them suddenly been lift up and wanted to faint because of their souls is being grabbed, the children's is crying but Wang lei is looking at them not to cry, little xu and liitle mei hold it, the mark of the bodies between zhao xi and zhao tu is been linked on little mei and little ru, the trials is ended, zhao tu and zhao xi is almost got fainted and knocked out, wang lei said to them,"Rest first and I'll take you to the Ashura clan"