Chapter 6: Cleaners

Author: This is an English novel; I hope you had a good day reading this.


*Outside of the cave*

*8:00 AM*

 Wang lei say the swearing words to the bandit leader, it seems that it taken an effect that has an expression of wanted to kill him right now, the bandit leader thinks and said to his mind" but it's very logical that he is taunting me for me to pass the formation" he said to Wang lei"You dare to say it to me! The Scar Warlord, you had a guts brat, if you're really brave then come here and face me" 

 Wang lei changed his class to assassin, and begins to disappear, the leader noticed the blade on his face because of the bleeding, Wang lei shows himself and say to him," Here I come now, what are going to do about this? I can easily slit your throat, or took on important of your body and make you miserable, now then who have the guts now? Do you have the guts to make me angry?" 

*The bandits is terrified*

 Wang lei disappear again and they see that Wang lei is inside of the barrier again, the leader is questioning himself, "I'm a master in 5th realm and I possess a steel body, but he easily cut through to my skin, with a regular dagger blade, what the hell is he, I need to be cautious or else we will going to dig our own graved," 

 Wang lei respond,"I might spare all of you if you surrender yourself and speak the truth about your employer, if you don't I'll going to pike you head outside of the swamp, just like your comrade beging for mercy when they about to die like a worm struggling to lived."

 The bandits is on raged but the leader is being focused, "Silence! You're being a fool that acting to his provocation!" the bandits is once again calmed down, but the main objectives of Wang lei is to torture them until they wanted to die.

 Wang lei make one more push,"Hm... you're comrades even says that they wanted to live, for their family, well I indeed kill their family though," Wang lei catch their attention, wang lei grab some bag on the cave and there some blood dripping on it.

 Wang lei just using some illusions, but for them is the real deal, they didn't know that wang lei already cast them on illusion, because the class that he picked is assassin that expert in illusion, wang lei drop the contents of the bag and they see the head of the family that he slaughtherd even the kids and elderly, one of the bandits wanted to retaliate,"Wen shi"

 One of the heads that he slaughthered,Wang lei provoke them more" say who's head is this?" a young female that not even pass 10, wang lei grab a pike and pike the head of the young girl, one of the bandits is crying and saying the name,"Wen shi" but the most terrifying part is when he peed on the girl face and spit on it, one of the bandits retaliate while saying the name,"Wen Shi!"

 The bandit face the consequence, and that his head has leaved his body before he know it. The head flew on the barrier and wang lei catch it, he grab one pike again and pike the head,"Say, who's head Is this?" The bandit leader realized that they're not fighting an ordinary martial art practioner, but a devil itself.

 "We surrender" said by the bandit leader but the bandit that he controls is not listening to his order anymore and wanted to retaliate, they fighting to each other and saying,"That head is my mother!" while saying the same bullshits,"Wanted to surrender! That's my fucking niece!" They kill each other while wang lei didn't do anything major at all.

*one hour later*

 Zhao xi begin to peek outside, he sees wang lei just sitting at the entrance and yawning, when zhao xi look outside he begins to puke because of dead bodies that been piled up, it look like a war, Wang lei sees zhao xi and speak to him,"Hmph... because of your own curiousity you see the filthy side of war" 

 Zhao xi ask,"Master Wei, what did you do?" Wang lei respond,"It's better for you not to know, and leave this thing at ease, but did you want to see something more interesting" Wang lei change his class to void cleaner, the atmosphere is hard to breath for zhao xi, Wang lei cast ,"Cleaner hands" 

 It has the ability to summon many void hands to do the cleaning and this hands is very hungry when it come to bodies, zhao xi look outside and he sees so many hands gathering at the sky and earth, it almost like a horror film, there's a one body that not been collected, that means that he survived, the hands disappear along the bodies, then axis change his class to spell sealer again.

 Zhao xi able to breathe and doughting that he make a pact to a devil itself, no rather the death itself. Wang lei walk outside the barrier and lift one of the body, he cast,"Support life chain" an unknown chain suddenly appears at the ground and pike through the chest of the bandit leader, the leader has been revived it appears that he is confuse through the fact that he is alive even he is losing some blood he still alive.

 "What's your name right scar face, what is the name of your employer or I'll feed you to a thousand of locust" the bandit leader is scared and begin to shout," Zhao Rong! He paid us money to kill Zhao xi and his family!" Zhao xi hears it, he begins to clench his fist again, and his expression is indeed furious, Wang lei sees the face of Zhao xi, he changed the supporting life chain to pain life chain, if the chain has been touched, consecutive pain is been activated, Wang lei return to the caved and say to Zhao xi, "It's your right to interrogate the victim, if he still not saying anything touch or squeeze the chains, then he will feel pain that so painful that he wanted to die," Zhao xi replied back to Wang lei, "It's my gratitude to allow me to interrogate "Zhao xi begins the interrogating, while Wang lei returns inside of the cave.

*inside of the cave*

*one hour later*

 Zhao tu wife of zhao xi is asking question about wang lei,"Master wei, did you see my husband? It's already one hour but he still not coming back to the surface," Wang lei says the truth to zhao tu that zhao rong is the mastermind of the assassination, and zhao xi is on the surface to interrogate the bandits, zhao tu rush outside to see his beloved for her to calm him down. 

 Wang lei took the children in the camp fire to explain, what's the fundamental of elements, A minute later, zhao xi is covered in blood of the bandit that he interrogated, zhao xu ask wang lei to accompany the children.

 Wang lei gladly accepted it and continue the lecture," Well then, little ru and little mei, did you know that there's a 7 types of elements that we possess?" Little mei is confused and ask a question,"Master, our teacher in the past said there's only 4 why did you have 7?" 

 Wang lei said to the children," Yes, in the past is only 4 but right now it's 7, the first element that brings destruction is fire, the second element that brings life is water, the third element that brings home is nature, the fourth element that bring rain is lightning, the fifth element that brings death is darkness, the sixth element is the one that bring purpose is light, while the seventh element is the one that brings nothingness void."

 Little mei and little ru is delighthed that they wanted to experienced the elements, but wang lei make it more mysterious to the kids,"But there's a two forgotten element, that the old gods wield because of their young ones is being on the spotlight the old gods powers has been forgotten, do you want to know it?" little ru and little mei wanted to know it, when wang lei wanted to say it, zhao tu come and the explanation has been interrupted, zhao tu gather the kids for family meeting, so little ru and little mei leaved by a question on their mind, 

 Wang lei thinks if pet option Is available, and he found out that it really existed, and when he thinks that wings option it also existed.


 Wang lei pet is said to be the most powerful inside of the game, his pet is the twelve zodiacs, 4 ancient dragons, the three devourers of the world, 3 origins and the twelve Chinese zodiacs, etc. Basically he is overpowered when it comes to pet, that's why he is the rank 1 in terms of battle pet power

 When it comes to the wings selection, he has the most wing collection in the entire game, with the maximum evolved of the wings, and maximum set of it, for example the wings of purgatory, the wings of enlightenment, and the wings of chaos, said to be the most three legendary wings that been listen in the entire game and he had it.

*narrate ends*

 He checks the guild option first instead checking the pet and wing options, when he checks the guild option there's a bird eye command in the selection, he clicks it and have an order to train two kids on the training grounds, the two teacher, rou and ming is idle state, so when he click the order panel of the two, there's the full set of listed attributes that will teach the two children. Wang lei started to smile and say to himself, "I'm becoming more like myself now"