Chapter 7: Training

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


*inside at the cave*

*11 AM in the morning*

 Wang lei checks the listed attributes and courses that will eventually needed for basic foundation, he sees something more interesting, and that is the basic foundation of lightning pagoda, a foundation which controls lightning, and stabilized it effects, most likely the listed attributes has been altered into murim sense.

 Wang lei whisper,"And I'm here with so many classes and unknown attributes" before he listed the order of attributes, he pending it for confirmation for teacher rou, while he's scrolling around for the next listed list he found something also an interesting foundation, it called the Sun Embodiment, an intense luminary with fire attributes, meaning the body should have a double or multiple kinds of attribute that the bodies possess, he also pending it for teacher ming, while he's focusing about the order of foundation

*Little is ru is sneaking*

*Hug Wang lei*

 He been startled by little ru hugged he caught off guard by little ru, while little mei is on the other side, little ru and little mei ask Wang lei, "Master, what are you doing? You seems focus on thin air, and touching something mid air?" 

 Wang lei noticed that the panel is can't be seen by other people, while the other two hugging Wang lei, he use the, "Root chain" this chain has the ability to detect what kind of attribute or status of the individual, in the game they can't see the status of the other individual, so there's so many PK that disguising as a newbie. The status is also been altered with murim concepts, in shows in the status.

*STATUS MAINLAYOUT for little ru*

 Wang le caught his attention of the attributes that he possess, the dexterity of this kid along with his stamina and agility, basically meaning he has the ability to become an assasins in the future, not a martial artist but there's a martial artist that has the concept of speed

 Wang lei immediately confirm the pending order of listed attributes for teacher rou, the guild training grounds begin to changed into lightning training grouds, it split in half just like a half moon, teacher ming is also waiting for confirmation, wang lei said to little ru," Little ru, you had the ability to become a martial artist that so fast that you ride with the lightning, I see a great potential in you" 

 Zhao xi and Zhao tu is hiding on the corner and noticed the praise for little ru and when they hear that there little ru has the ability to become a martial artist but with a lightning attribute, Zhao xi tear up and thanking the Buddha that they been given by a magnificent teacher, little mei is almost jealous to little ru so he ask Wang lei what is her potential, Wang lei cast, "Root Chain" and found out this status


 Wang lei taught if this a coincidence or not, he just cheking the foundation that has an interesting name and method, but the attribute is also coincidence, the strength of this child is massive more like she is suitable to use an axe, because of his vitality she is a heavy tank. 

 Wang lei talks to little mei,"Little mei, you had the most harshest and the most dangerous path other than little ru" Zhao tu and Zhao xi is anxious that little mei can't become a martial artist or rather is she in danger or something, Wang lei said to little mei," Little mei, you have a 2 ability, like I said there's a 7 kinds of attributes and you had the most hardest one, and that's light attribute, a light attribute combining the fire attribute, what did you create? And that's the sun attribute, a unique kind of element, you had an advantage in terms of strength and toughness" 

*Zhao tu clench the robe of Zhao Xi*

 Zhao tu burst in tears that her little girl mei, is a martial artist with a sun attribute,a unique attribute, they burst in tears in the corner that their child Is been blessed by the Buddha, and thanking Buddha because of this wonderful gift

 Little ru talks to his sister," Mei Mei, I'll protect you with my speed!" while little mei is boasting about his strength, wang lei talks to them both,"You two, before you boast to each other, call your parents here first" the two of them call their parents, while wang le cheking the preparation of the training grounds and accept the pending request of order to teacher ming.

 Little ru and little mei is confused that why their parents is crying, zhao xi and zhao tu is just explain to them that they're happy that they have a good future ahead, zhao xi and zhao tu arrived at the camp fire while kneeling and vowing

 Zhao xi is in deep gratitude towards wang lei,"Master Wei,I'm in your deep gratitude, you even saved us, feed us, and take our children to make them a martial artist," zhao xi is crying because of the gratitude he felt, zhao tu also cries and just shut up, while the two children is confused why their parents is crying, Wang lei explain to them,

 " Zhao xi and Zhao tu, I know that you're prepared for the consequence about leaving your children care to us ashura clan, like I said we're a mythical sect, a fenrir sect, by chance do you want to see our sect in 1/4 propotion? Because that's is the outsider allowed to go in, so that you feel at ease that they're on good hands," 

 zhao xi and zhao tu said to wang lei,"Thank you, very much master wei!" then wang lei changed is quaofit with just a flick of his finger, there some flames enlop him, that startled the zhao family, his suit is just like a warlord of a certain country, and his hair has been fixed, but they can't still not see his face because of the mask.

 Wang lei said to zhao xi,"You know why we're called mythical, because we possess a knowledge and martial arts that they don't in this current era" Wang lei click his finger again, and there's some portal inside of the cave, "Now then do you want to see the ashura clan?" little mei and little ru cling to him while zhao xi and zhao tu cling to each other.

*going inside of the portal*

 Little ru and little mei closed their eyes, and zhao xi and zhao tu also closed their eyes, but little ru open their eyes, they're flying in the sky, little mei also open her eyes, and sees some magnificent view of the sky, but zhao xi and zhao tu almost fainted because of the afraid of heights,

*they arrived at the plaza*

 Zhao xi bring his attentions back again when they landed and found out that all of the people is on dogeza to wang lei, Zhao tu almost fainted that all of the people there is on dogeza, zhao xi ask wang lei,"Are you the master of this place? Master wei?" Wang lei said to zhao xi,"OH! I forget to tell you, I'm the head sect leader of the fenrir 3 clans, Wang Lei"

 Zhao xi is almost fainted to hear that to wang lei, wang lei click his finger again and all of his subject return to their designated post and deal with their daily routine, while wang lei is strolling around the lodge area, the place of the lodge area is also like a noble man, wang lei said to the zhao family,"Alright stay here for a day, and let my subordinate handle you with care, little ru and little mei, listen to your father and mother and don't go around without my permission, you see the border of this land, you can fall from this height, do you understand?" 

 Zhao tu hugs the children immediately because the term fall down suddenly pops out to her mind, while zhao xi ask wang lei for a question, they head to the first floor of the lodge and headed to the cafeteria,


 Wang le ask zhao xi for a sit, and talks to him"I'll handle the cost for now because you will eventually stay here for one day, the same with your wife," Zhao xi ask wang lei," Master lei, Why didn't you tell us that you're the head sect leader," 

 Wang lei just brush it off and said to them,"Zhao xi, I'll going to tell you this, your son and daughter will face the harshes trial in this clan, because they possess the ability to become a powerful martial artist, but here's my condition," Zhao xi gulped his saliva," We the fenrir sect vow down to the old Gods to kill the new gods that terrozing the heaven orders, right now I'll training your son and daughter not become an innate God, but to become a God killer" 

*Zhao xi is shock and clench his fist*

 Zhao xi said to wang lei,"You said that you make my children a God killer, is that even possible," Wang lei respond,"It possible because my close subordinate can kill an 4 innate Gods," wang lei is just bluffing but zhao xi take it seriously,"Alright then I'll accept this condition of yours, just make their future to be more fruitful than ours"

*Wang lei smiled because zhao xi is easy to deal with*

 Wang lei said to zhao xi," Remember the soul contract, you will feel the pain of your son and daughter hard work because of that pain, and also remember this they will go towards to the other side eventually in 5 years, because of 3 years of training, 2 years of general academics, with this your children not only a martial artist but also a scholar, do you think it's worth it?"

*Zhao xi thinks*

 Zhao xi mind," All of the necessary pointers for their children is here, and it was in deed fruitful" Zhao xi said to wang lei,"Yes, master wei" Wang lei clap his hands and order something, and said to zhao xi,"Very well then,I'll personally lent my subordinate to teach your kids, because they're expertise is teaching,"