Chapter 9: Journey

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


*Inside of Ashura clan*


 Teacher ming and Teacher rou took little mei and little ru at their designated training grounds, while the two waving back at their father and mother, in a matter of time the teacher and the children is gone, Zhao tu finally can't take it anymore and cries, "My little children flap their wings on our nest, my loved, I can't have the burden not to see my children in 5 years"

 Zhao xi wipe his tears and hug Zhao tu," My loved, with the guidance of their teacher they will be great in the future, they will not be bullied by the other families, even it was a heavenly sect members, they're talented and I can't even afford a teacher that will teach them to the fullest of their abilities," 

 Zhao tu, wipe her tears off and said to Zhao xi, "Now our job here is done, we will not head to the trashy Zhao family and deal with the problem there, we will personally deal with them for attempting to kill us and not only us but our children to," 

 Zhao xi remember Zhao rong, and replied back to Zhao tu,"Yeah, they will pay what they did to us" Zhao xi look at Wang lei and with the gesture of gratitude, "Master wei, if don't show us to the swamp, we will not be alive right now, and I didn't expect that you will introduce them to a magnificent teacher this gratitude I'll going to pay for this someday," Wang lei said to Zhao xi, "Do you remember the condition that I said to you?" Zhao xi nod and Zhao tu also nod.

*Wang lei opens the portal*

 "It will be better to say to the Zhao family that your children has been teaches by a master with unknown origins," Zhao xi nods, they go to the portal and headed to the cave, but Zhao tu is already miss the kids, Zhao xi hugs his wife and just smile at her, Wang lei said to the lovers, "let's head out and I'll personally escort you to the Zhao family," Zhao xi is delighted that their journey is will be safe if Wang lei is there, Zhao xi ask if there's a spare carriage, Wang lei took out the map using his inventory panel, and he sees that there on the swamp of misery, and to south east, is the territory of Bing family, and the Zhao family is on the north west.

 Wang lei sees the map and the estimated travel is should be 7 days because of mountain ranges, he sees on the north is school of jiang, he ask what's the school is this to Zhao xi," Hey, what's is this school?"

 Zhao xi immediately replied, "That's school of jiang, it a school for martial artist in this region, that school Is connected to the 5 biggest school in this continent, we wish to train my little children to that school but our driver is been bribed by Zhao rong, to let us in this poisonous swamp," 

 Wang lei didn't hesitate and speak to Zhao xi, "Alright then, I'll going to drop in you the intersection of the swamp and the school, so wait for a minute for a nice carriage," Zhao xi is excited and started to think about a majestic carriage.

 Wang lei is thinking about the mount panel, then he sees the mount panel selection, when he clicks it the old mount that he collect is still here.


 Wang lei mount is collection is being proud of by so many sponsors of the game, because he collect every mount that being released by the game, even the most grotesques and the most majestic, it varied into mythical animals, or dragons and huge dinosaurs, there some gag mount is also included, like a tornado, huge ball of sphere of aura, cloud etc.. Then he sees some nostalgic dragon that bring a huge shadow in the clouds most likely a bluff dragon, but it also an illusion, and the tiger that bring fears to a lower dragons, even the vermillion bird and also the phoenix.

*narrate ends*

 Zhao xi is still on excited mode to see the carriage, but Wang lei got an idea, he picks a mount that suitable for sightseeing, It's a dark carriage that one that hanging them is huge dark wyverns and the one that pulling them is a servants shadows and also some ghastly death miasma is also appears, he grab some sort of a horn.

*Carriage layout,*Front view


 When he blew the horn it creates an horrifying sounds that all of the living animals of the swamp leaved, Zhao xi and Zhao tu startled and cover their ears, the ground is shaking and there was a crack in the ground, some people of the underworld suddenly crawl up with chains on it's body, and the dark wyverns is lifting something up, minute later the whole carriage of the dark lord suddenly emerge to the depts. Of hell.

 Wang lei get this to a challenge of boss rush within 30 minutes, automatically Wang lei get this on first place with the wings of serenity.

*narrate ends*

 Zhao xi and Zhao tu is terrified to see a wyvern so closed, but in the murim world the term dragon is residing to 3 terms, hatchling , juvenile, adult, but they see a wyvern up-close that almost like a dragon because of it's size, so Zhao xi mistaken it, "D-dragon! The most ancient that up – ranking the undying phoenix"

 Wang le just open the carriage, and it's a full class deluxe sit and food has been provided inside, the coach man of the carriage greet Wang lei," My lordship, I see you in good health, where will we going to go?" Wang lei handed the map to the coach man and point out the intersection, the coach man said to Wang lei," My lordship, are we going to prepare the arriving of the dead's?" 

 Wang lei said to the coach man, "After we provide the ride to this two, then we will going to this school" The coach man smile like a terrifying murderer and whips the souls with excitement, Zhao tu and Zhao xi can't believed to see this kind of trip, It almost like the fairy tale of the ferry man, Zhao xi talks to the coach man as the term of joke, "My good sir are you the ferry man?" The coach man replies, "Indeed I am" Zhao xi turns pale and head inside of the carriage, they begin to fly by the wyverns and the dead suddenly crawls to the airs just like they crawling to the dirt.

*Inside of the carriage*

 Zhao xi is still concerns about the coach man says, so Zhao xi ask Wang lei that drinking some wine, "Master wei, is the coach man is really the ferry man?" Wang lei didn't deny it, "Yes, my personal carriage, well you can say that he is the one that guides souls to heaven and hell," Zhao xi is trembling in fear and said to Wang lei, "Are we going to hell master?" Wang lei almost burst is drink and laughs to cowardice of Zhao xi, "Zhao xi, we're not going to hell, we will going to the intersection of the swamp and the school" Zhao xi nods and just shut up within 30 minutes.

*They arrived at the destination*

 The coach man said to Wang lei, "My lordship , we reach the destination of the intersection," Wang lei responds, "Alright then, get down to the intersection, and let this family of Zhao go down," The coach man respond, "Got it" the carriage is going down, and both Zhao tu and Zhao xi is terrified and amazed at the same time.

*Arrived at the intersection*

 The Zhao couples get down and saying the gratitude to Wang lei, but Wang le handed them down some sort of ring, "Take this this is the ring of telepathy, you can contact your children once a year, within the timeline of 2 hours, with this it can ease out the anxiousness of your wife Zhao xi," Zhao tu kneels and said to Wang lei, "Thank you very much master wei, you see my anxiousness so give me this, thank you very much" Wang lei said to the couple, "It's alright but right now, Zhao xi re claim your pride and don't let the evil bullies you, is it Zhao rong then let held him the responsible of your disappearance, what happen now needed to be keep secret and my identity no matter what," Zhao xi got the idea and thank Wang lei, "Thank you very much master" then Wang lei order the coach man, "Alright let's head to the school shall we" the coach man begin to a new destination.