Chapter 10: Inspection

Author: This is an English novel," I hope had good day reading this.


*Inside of the clouds*

*2:00 PM*

 The coach man begins to talk to Wang lei, "My lordship, I'm just wondering, is this is a new area? Am I right?" Wang lei suddenly caught the question, Wang lei talks to himself and said, "this indeed a new area, basically means that this is not the area that where on the game, so Wang lei said to the coach man, "Yes this is the new area, so prepare the arriving of the dead's in stand by" the coach man snickers and said," this will be the greatest sight to see, a terrifying eyes of the people in this school will be worth it"

*20 minutes later the school is in sight*

 "Activated the arriving of the dead, and head to the school very carefully," While the coach man doing the thing, Wang lei changed his class to a supreme overlord, the passive of this class is fear, overpowering, intimidation within a radius. 

 While Wang lei is arriving at the school, the student of the school sees a dark cloud is forming, when they look closely theirs is a two huge dragons and the dead is pulling the carriage, the student is been affected by terrified, because of the havoc, the master and teacher of the schools is been alarmed and they see a terrifying sight

 Even the head master a lady that in seclusions feels the overpowering and intimidation outside, so she get outside and see the figure of Wang lei arrival, the head master order the formation master to activate the barrier with max gauged, while the teachers and master including the head master flies towards to the entrance and waited for his arrival,

*A minute later*

 Wang lei carriage set down to the entrance of the school, the master and teachers including the head master begin to ask, "Master of the carriage what's the matter that you go to this humble school of ours?" 

 The coach man begins an intimidation that many of the master of the 9th stage kneel down, and the teachers in grand master 1-3 is resisting it, when Wang lei order the coach man, "Stop" the head master feels the terror of the cold aura of death, Wang lei change his clothes to abyssal overlord and head outside.

 The wyvern lend its head while Wang lei stepping on it head, the head master sees death itself, the aura of overpowering is so powerful in contact, so even the head master kneels down, the head master is peak grand master stage, Wang lei speaks, "I'm only here to for sight seeing, I stay for so many years in seclusion, even the other sects that I know has been gone and already just written in history

 The head master said to Wang lei, "Grand master, please cease your intimidation so that we can fulfill your request" Wang lei just tease them a little longer and give them the gravity heavier x3, their whole body begin to flatten even the head master is begging for mercy, "OH! My bad I thought I remove it,"

 Then Wang lei change his class to spell sealer again, The other master need a medic because they fainted or get injured because of the gravity, "Grand master, what can I address you?" said by the head master that still kneeling, Wang lei said to them, "Address me as lei," the head master begins to ask, "Grand master lei, you said that you want to sight see but why you have this killing intent,"

 Wang lei begin to ask, "OH! This is the old method of the mystics, be prepared no matter what, but it seems that this generation is been get mild as I thought," the grand master begin to ask, "Grand master lei, you said that you there's the sect that you know that been gone what is it? "

 Wang lei didn't hesitate to bluff," Vermillion sect, Sea snake sect, Hell prison sect" The head master didn't know this sect but it has a powerful name, but there some scholar in history that begin to misunderstand," V-Vermillion sect!" startled voice of the teacher

 The head master ask the teacher, "What's wrong?" The teacher explains, "The vermillion sect know be as an ancient sect that rule in thousand Gods war, to say that he's been on the thousand gods war, then it 's already 10,000 years in buried history, they been annihilated by the sword mountain sect when they battling in the throne of power," 

 The head master is begins to shiver that Wang lei is a thousand old cultivator, the grand master begins to ask, "I'm not doubting you grand master but, did you have any proof of the thousand gods war?" 

 Then Wang lei choose some random trash items that resembles a bird, with 9 heads and throw it to the grand master, when the head master intend to catch it, she noticed that there's no spiritual energy but when she catches it, it has the force of an emperor just like her grandfather, she catch some sort of stone and let the teachers see it, and the teacher wanted to faint, but the head master prevent him to faint,"M-master! This is the 9 headed phoenix sect! it said to be that this sect is long vanish in the thousand gods war, because they're lineage is the ancient phoenix itself"

 The head master begins to pale, but one more push Wang lei summon his pet, he cast some sort of fireball and he cancels the carriage for now, that the head master begins to shiver in fear, and the masters and teachers begins to beg for mercy, but the fireball explode at the air, the fire is some sort of a feather, and the head master sees the real phoenix on her eyes, Wang le said to the head master, "Do you believe me now?" all of the teacher fainted, and Wang lei said to himself, "oops, I didn't know that's is there last resort"

 He call back the phoenix, and change his class to paladin, the paladin passive possess to eliminate the abnormal effects of a certain radius, the teacher and the head master wakes up, and they see Wang lei seating on the throne with a huge and glamorous sword, the head master and teachers begins to dogeza to him, and said by the head master, "Grand master please spare this school, we just doing our job to protect the children's knowledge and future, we're not doing anything bad, if you're not satisfied please take my life to atone their sins" 

 Wang lei changed his class to a soul contractor, the aura of death leaks again, Wang lei stands up to the throne and change the sword with a scythe, he is testing the will of the head master, but suddenly the grandfather of the head master appears, "Grandfather!" the elder head beg for mercy, to take his life not her daughter, " Grand master, please take my life not my granddaughter" Wang lei looks like a bad guy because of it appears that way, Wang lei smack the stick of the scythe end to the ground , and cast the "Mass soul contract" some weird formation envelop to the ground, and the elder master can't not even move to protect his granddaughter, Wang lei begins to wield the scythe to the chest of the elder master, "N-no!! grandfather "shouted by the head master, when Wang lei pull it out her grandfather is still alive.

 Wang lei say to all of them. "I create a formation called the soul contract, it's only limited for 6 months, but be warn, if you hurt yourself then all of you suffer the consequence, for example, Wang lei took some dagger of the teacher and throw it to head master grandfather foot, the bleeding and pain sensation has been shared by all of them," 

 The grand father took out the dagger and heal himself using his qi, the elder master begin to ask, "What did we even do to you? Or this school" Wang lei said to him, "This is just a mere precaution, like I said to your granddaughter, I'm here to take for a tour, or teach lost knowledge sometimes to this school"

 The grandfather take it seriously and thinks, "This guy is very dangerous, we will going to wait for 6 months and annihilate him," But Wang lei already read his mind and said, "I think that's impossible to kill me in when 6 months is done, because this whole school even your life is on atonement, do you wanted to sacrifice the student life even your granddaughter for it to kill me? It's impossible, the only one that can kill me is not even born to this world rather is not even existed in millennia" 

 The grandfather has no choice to cease the barrier and let him tour the school, but the grandfather has a conditioned, "Grand master i had a one conditioned become our teacher here for 6 months, " Wang lei refused and said to the grandfather, "I humbly refused, I'll only teach on my own clan or my own sect" the grandfather ask what the name of clan or sect," I came from the Ashura clan, from the Fenrir sect, if you want some detailed explanation what's the meaning of it, then in other time,"