Chapter 11: Terra

Author: This is an English novel, I hope have a good day reading this


*Inside of the jiang school*

*3:30 PM*

 The students are seeing a magnificent walks by Wang lei, because all of the teacher, head master even the elder master Is present at the side walk, Wang lei ask the head master, "What's you name girl?"

 The head master reply, "My name is Xiao ling, grand master lei" Wang lei give her a nick name and that's so popular in anime in his days, "Alright I'll call you neko" the head master and the elder master is confused what's the name suppose to mean

 Wang lei respond, "Looks like you don't what that's mean, in thousand gods war, the name nook is supposed to be a mystical cat that can kill a elder master within a blink of an eye, but basically mean you look like a cat to my eyes" 

 The elder master snickers and Xiao ling slaps him in the back. Within a minutes, the training grounds for 10 to 15 years old has arrived, the elder master explain this matter to Wang lei," Grand master Lei, this is the training grounds and school for the younger generation of 10 to 15 years old," 

 Wang lei changed his class to spell sealer again, and noticed that there's a mini amount of mana nearby, Wang lei murmur to himself that able to hear by the head master and the grand master, "In this generation I supposed 10,000 years ago is indeed a long time in my seclusion, it seems the knowledge is not been passed by generation, the three major knowledge, science, English, and math."

 The elder master look at his granddaughter because they think that same thing, "if this old bones, able to teach the lost knowledge in the thousand gods era, the school will indeed profit for this" Xiao ling ask to Wang lei, "Grand master lei, it seems the knowledge of the thousand gods era is much more advance than we thought, you said that there's a three major knowledge that should be presented right now, can you give me some example," 

 Wang lei said to Xiao ling," Biology, the study of the human body, did any one of you know that there's a billions of little ones inside of you that supporting your life?"

 Xiao ling and the teacher even the elder master is shocked that there's a billion of the inside on their body, Xiao ling begin to ask, "Grand master lei what do you mean?" Wang lei just ignored it and continued his reasoning, "Physics that study of fundamentals of laws and reasoning, the study of law of attraction, and inertia, basically a human that's not a master can go higher than the heavens" 

 All of the teachers begins to sweat and Xiao ling also shivers in shocked, the elder master begin to ask, "Grand master lei it seems that you had an incredible knowledge in the thousand gods era, we're very pleased if you explain it more," Wang lei bluffs and said to them, "Did you even know that theirs is a 30 realm existing in this planet, within this realm there's so many that a treasure need to possessed to become a God, there's so many ruins, monsters that sized of a mountain, or dragon teeth sized of three floor building"

 The teacher begin to have weak knees because of the knowledge that been bombarded to them, and the elder master also begins to shiver, and then Xiao ling begin to ask a question," A human can become a God!? And there's this monster!"

 Wang lei just open the facts to them and said, "Looks like it been forgotten by the years and the past, do you see the phoenix that I let you to see? That's is the phoenix existing in the 6th realm, The Absolute Ice and Flame realm, the undying phoenix, all of the lore's that you think is a fairy tale is real" 

 Then Xiao ling and the elder master begin to have a weak knees because of the knowledge that been bombarded to them, while Wang lei said to them, "Alright, where is the next destination," Xiao ling stands up and become a tour guide, mean while the elder master begin to think," Ashura clan of the Fenrir sect, that exist on the thousand gods era, a knowledge that we didn't know shows up right now, that basically means that if he can travelled to the 30 realms and had a phoenix, that means that he is above the heavenly sect powerful individuals"

*they arrived at the mountain of Shu*

 Xiao ling begins to explain, "Grand master lei, this is the spot of the cultivators lower than Practioner, even the teachers and master also trains here," Wang lei sat and feel the earth of the mountain, Wang lei change his class to elemental tamer, he begins to chant, "My friend it's a very long time, that I visited you, can you wake up and make the roar of the century" 

 An intense qi suddenly surround them and Xiao ling begins to panic, "Grand master lei, please cease your qi" Wang lei cease his qi and respond to Xiao ling, "It will be better if you close your 'ears, because the sleeping monsters will begin his roar"

 All of the master closed their ears even the elder master, then a sudden shake of the earth occurred, Wang lei cast, "Tera protector" a massive crack beneath the mountain occurs and a sound that so loud just like the sperm whale roar in the sea, the master can't take the sound wave that terra protector do, the elder master cast an sound implication formation to the master that been fainted, the terra protector rows above and jump like a python in the air, a huge like boarder that resembles a snake wrap up the mountain like it's prey, Xiao ling shivered in fear and pale like she lost some liters of blood

 The snake look at Wang lei, and wanted to tap it's head, Wang lei laughs and said to the snake, "You're not small anymore you know, if you're small like in 10,000 years ago then I'll pat your head like in the old days," Xiao ling stumbled and the snake look at him, the elder master dogeza to Wang lei and grab his granddaughter to perform a dogeza,"Grand master lei, we beg for your mercy" Wang lei said to the terra protector, "Speak like you always do, it seems that they're not even a threat to you"

 The terra protector speak like an wise lady, "Heed child of the surface, I'm here to see my master in 10,000 years," Xiao ling begins understand what the snake is saying and said to her," Oh wise lady of the mountain, we don't know that's this is your slumber place, we beg for your mercy" even the elder master is also in dogeza, the students nearby see a giant snake that wrapping the mountain.

 The terra protector respond, "In thousand years, I see that this surface child is not the same in our era master, it seems they being weaken by that damn young gods, for now I'll forgive you to use my slumber as your meditation place," the elder master is listening to the snake and hears a young gods.


 In his prime, he sees a ruins that connects to the young gods tablet, this tablet is a journal of travels between seas and the sky, but he didn't believed this tale of the young gods, lu tian, and young god Vishnu

*narrate ends*

 The elder master begin to ask the terra protector, "Wise lady of the mountain, I ask a permission to speak" the terra protector said to him, "Speak" then the elder master said to the terra protector," Wise lady, is the young god did you referring to is the young god lu tian of the seas and storm, and the young god vis nu of sky and sun?"

 The wise lady said to him, "Yes, that damn young gods cursed the people of the generation because your ancestor trespasses the realm of IO" the elder master didn't know that realm and wanted to talk about it but Xiao ling begin to ask, "Wise lady, is it really true that you been alive for 10,000 of years? Then why are you here?" 

 The terra protector said, "In the era of thousand gods war, that era supposed to be a cursed era, because of the bloodshed and hunger for power to become a god, but they didn't know that's only the tricks of the old gods, for them the young gods is just their play thing, that can be eradicated and swindle easily, I also become one of the candidates of being a young god, but my master forbid me to become one, and that's is my wisest decision that I do"

 Wang lei begin to ask the terra protector, "For now, reside in this mountain, I think that I'll going to publish to every one the name of the Ashura clan" the terra protector said to him, "Very well, but I'll be warning you master, don't announce here the Ashura clan, because it's the last sect that stand to kill the gods "Wang lei said to the terra protector, "rest well here to reach your prime again" then the terra protector reside in of the mountain again and fix the mountain terrains, the teachers and the masters begin to have a cautiousness', wang lei changed his class to spell sealer again and ask Xiao ling, "What's then next destination?"