Chapter 12: Library

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this


*to the mountain of Shu*

*5:00 PM*

Wang lei POV:

 The elder master butt in and said to Wang lei, "Grand master lei, I'll guide you to the next destination" the elder master instruct the teachers and master that happen here is just a demonstration if there some master visit the school, the teacher disperse to the location where the 10 to 15 lower level practioner practice, then the master head to the 16 to 20 higher practioner, Xiao ling also comes with her grandfather. 

 They arrived in some sort of library or journals of the past, that the school keep, Wang lei look at the library and sees some sort of book that inside of the yellow stone, he stop to it and the elder master and Xiao ling take advantage of it, "Grand master lei, that book is still not been practiced by anyone, including me and my granddaughter, we don't know how to pick it up to this yellow stone, Wang lei just said to them, "Because that stone is the tears of Dian, a huge monster in the 24th realm, the realm of locust, " 

 The elder master and Xiao ling is surprised that this a tear of a certain monster, Wang lei look at the lower library that full of dust, the elder master said to Wang lei, "This is an embarrassing master lei, we didn't know that the old books that not been practiced is still here" 

 Wang lei change his class to spell appraiser, and cast a huge aoe of appraisal, he found that this section of books is full of riches in cultivation, Wang lei pick some of the dusted book, and he read the title of it, "moon steps" 

 The elder master begin to ask, "Grand master lei, this is just a trashy books that not been cultivated by years," Wang lei said to the elder master, "It's not a trash because you can't understand it, it's a trash that you understand it easily,"

 Wang lei cast the, "Appraisal sorting" this spell will sort the book in the certain radius into their respective properties, that can be to their rank, element, difficulties, and by parts. The book on the shelves suddenly levitate and browse every contents of the books, the shelves has been cleaned by powerful force, and the books has been sorted out by their ranks, elements etc... 

 Wang lei said to the elder master, "This book is originated after the thousand gods war, the era of elements, this books possessed the element that scarce to this era, for example, Xiao ling has cultivation root for ice and also you, that's why all of your cultivation is related to ice, but this books contain more difficult element or I say much more difficult cultivation root" 

 the elder master that they have a difficult set of training books, and they also surprised that they been analyze by Wang lei without looking at their cultivation root, "So this books is a superior class of set of martial arts?" Wang lei said without thinking, "Yes"

 The elder master immediately re-arranged the book to the secluded part of the library, and frame their names at the inner court of the library, the one that do the arrangement is Xiao ling, mean while Wang lei noticed the journal of the past events by Xian ti and the facts that should be known, Wang le change his class to scholar, and cast the spell, "Fast reading" 

 All of the journals that Wang lei read is being breakdown by the spell, and looking for the important part of the journals, even the puzzle that been hidden at the journals has been decoded, the reading has been done and the decoded parts of the journals has been summarized by the spell, he understood that he is has been thrown in the garbage by the old god, "That old rascal throw me to this mess, some day I'll going to kill that bastard"


 The journal said ,"that after of the thousand gods war, the era of the elemental has been born, the scenario between the past and the present is indeed has been cursed by the younger gods, that's why the old gods wanted to eradicate the younger gods because of this incidents, the old gods is not the creator it just they're the observer said by the journals and the younger gods don't know their place and secluded all of the 30 realms that not supposed to sealed, because the flow of qi and mana is residing to this 30 realms, that's why the declining qi and the lost knowledge is caused by the rascal of younger gods."

*narrate ended*

 The elder finished arranging the books in the secluded place and only the name is been listed on the library, Xiao ling begin to butt in to next turn guide, "Grand master lei, I'm your tour guide for now" Wang lei change his class to spell sealer and follows where is the next destination, they arrived at the room for the higher than practioner, he noticed the teens on 15-20 that been practicing their martial arts, the head master explains that curriculum, "You see grand master lei, the practicing students at this school is only practioner level to 5-9 only, they can't break their bottle neck because of lack of materials to do it, and lost knowledge that we possess the teacher only teach the basic concepts of sword/saber and bodied arts" 

 Wang lei said to Xiao ling," in the past there's so many basic concepts available , included the star user, spirit user, dragon bodied, sword, axed, spear, dagger, totem user and many more" Xiao ling talk to Wang lei, "Grand master lei this knowledge of basic concepts that you have is unfathomed to us, and new to us, even the star user that you said," 

 While heading to the destination of the practice training grounds, Wang lei explain the star user," The star user is a warrior, a martial artist that using the star level, within they're martial arts is only 12 of martial art books that exist before, when the scholar of the star user changed that concept to 12 zodiacs, he changed the concept of to zodiac and symbols, the star user is capable to defeat an elder or higher practioner level in your era within a blink of an eye, even I get troubled to that young lad that practices the star martial arts" Xiao ling is surprised that how strong is the star user that capable to troubled grand master lei.

*They arrived at the training grounds*

*the kids is fighting into groups or 1v1 battle, to compare their martial arts*

 Xiao ling said to Wang lei," Grand master lei, you can see the kids is doing their best into the way of martial arts, so that their sect or clan will be delighted in their return, but they only on practioner on 9th level, they can't break through to their cultivation bottle neck" 

 Wang lei cast a ,"Chain root" each of the individual, and he already see the problem, he said to Xiao ling ,"... So that's the problem, their cultivational roots don't take their practiced element, because their elements has been disarrayed by the martial arts they practices"

 Xiao ling is surprised to hear that to grand master lei and immediately call for anybody, Xiao ling get a girl in her 17, and vow for gratitude to Wang lei, "greetings for grand master lei" Xiao ling checks her pulse and didn't find anything abnormal, so Xiao ling is confused and ask for Wang lei, "Grand master lei, i found nothing abnormal to this kid" 

 Wang lei look at her cultivational root and found out that she is possessing an element of mist, combining of water and fire, and she practicing the martial art of ice, Wang lei said to Xiao ling, "She possess an double element" When the elder master suddenly heard it to Wang lei, he immediately said to the girl that, "You, what's your name girl?"

 The young girl replied, "My name is Xio pao" the elder master suddenly says to the girl, "From now on, you're my disciple?." The young girl is delighted that she been picked by the elder master, Xiao ling is irritated that she's been boated by his grandfather, Wang lei ignored it and said to Xiao ling, "That little pao possess double element fire and water but she practicing an ice element, mainly means a powerup for water, that's why her fire element has been depleted and exhausting her cultivational root," 

 Xiao ling is worried to the little pao and ask Wang lei, "Is there any method that can fix her cultivational root?" Wang lei said to her, "Yes, if we combine her natural element to one, it will emerged a powerful element that can level up to a master in 3 levels"

 Xiao ling ask Wang lei, "Can you explain it more briefly grand master lei," Wang lei explain it more briefly, "Basically means that if we combine her element up to the cultivational root of little pao, the cultivational root will choose fire more than water then it will create a mist, but if the cultivational roots choose water more than fire it creates cloud, and if it's balance it will create blizzard" the elder master almost drop his jaw with his daughter because of Wang lei said.