Chapter 13: Arena

Author: This is an ENGLISH novel, I hope you have a good day reading this


*inside of the school*

*7:00 PM*

Wang lei POV:

 Wang lei leave them for now to decided to the future of little pao, when they're deciding if they combined or not, Wang lei look at the guild panel to check the situation of little ru and little mei, he is confused that they're not see little mei and little ru at the guild subjects, then when he is searching for it, the pet tab suddenly shines

 Wang lei got a bad feeling about this and checks it, and he sees little mei and little ru as been registered as human pet, he's almost choked by his own saliva to see them on the pet panel, so he checks the little ru pet panel , and found out every little detailed that possess

*Pet panel layout of little ru*

 Wang lei can't believed that he see that little ru power- up in high pace, he about to check little mei data but suddenly Xiao ling call him" Grand master lei, we decided to combine the double element so that it can maintain this child future"

 So Wang lei cast a spell," Chains of Desired Element" the chains shows up that startled the two of them, Wang lei said to little pao, "Little pao meditate here and the chains will help you to choose you the desired element of your cultivational roots"

 Xio pao sit and begins to meditate, the chains Is reacting that targeting little pao abdomen, Xiao ling is hesitating and concern about little pao, so he ask Wang lei, "Grand master lei, is this ok?" Wang lei explain the chain," The chains will help her cultivational root to choose what kind of element that she desired the most, if the chain get through in her that means it been sealed that this element is the most desired element and the chains will find the element that hindering his cultivation, and that chains will target that element to combine each other,"

 Xiao ling understand and wanted to ask more about the effects but suddenly the chains immediately turn red, the elder master able to see the fire element that little pao bodied possess on a plain sight, then the water element that little pao possess able to show itself but something is odd, her water is turned into ice, the elder master say," What an outstanding talent, a sight of an ice element and it's a double cultivation"

 Xiao ling able to see that the ice and the fire element is fighting each other, Wang lei explain to Xiao ling, "Now you see the clashes between the two element that hindering her cultivational root, now what kind of element that she desired the most" then the third chain shows up the ice element has been turn into water element, then the fire element that little pao possess calm itself, Xiao ling is witnessing the changing tides of element in plain sight, "Grand master lei, the ice element turn into water element, her cultivation is being decreased many fold!"

 Wang lei said to Xiao ling, "Because it's on combining phase" the elder master sees the chain is getting tiny, and almost wrapping itself between the two element, suddenly Xio pao lost her focus and vomit blood, Xiao ling is worried and keep looking at Wang lei, but Wang lei didn't budge and still continuing the process, Xiao ling look at his grand father but the elder wanted to see the results, minutes later the wrapping of finished then suddenly it been closed like a rope, Xio pao suddenly been burst on cultivational aura.

 Wang lei said to Xiao pao, "Now! Use your cultivational root!" the root is on plain sight and enwrapping towards to little pao core, it been done and the enwrapping is done, but Xio pao is not budging at all, Xiao ling look at Wang lei, "She's still feeling the sensation of breakthrough" then suddenly Xio pao open her eyes, her hair changed into grey, and her aura is almost like nothing, the elder master is shocked to see little pao improvement, the elder master tell to Xiao ling, "Look at your student, she have a break through to a master in 3rd level like grand master lei said"

 Xio ling inspect her body using her aura and found out that little pao is been break through to a 3rd level master, little pao is confused and ask Xiao ling," Head master? Is something wrong with me? I feel like a smoke or something, my body is so light" Xiao ling check her pulse and found out that her cultivational root element is not an ice anymore, it's almost like a smoke" Wang lei said to little pao, "Alright, try using your martial arts that you know" little pao suddenly take a stance and looking some flower pot, and shout, "Ice palm "but it not ice that shows up instead it was a smoke, that freeze the flower pot" 

 Little pao is amazed with her ability, but Wang lei is just smile at her and ignore her" Wang lei said to Xiao ling, "It seems so many changes in the past 10,000 years of my slumber, the cultivation has been weaken" elder master kneels at Wang lei and said, "Grand master lei, please consider to become our school teacher in 6 months" Wang lei humbly refused the elder master and said to him, "Grand master lei, I think the Ashura clan will be delighted that many talents is been born in this era don't you think"

 Wang lei said to the grand master, "then there will be so many will be bullied and so many being cocky to their power that they have, to have a desire for power is just a meaningless struggle like the phoenix patriarch said in the thousand gods era, but in this generation I'll be just an observer and pick who's more suitable to be one of the Ashura clan" 

 The elder master has been enlightens because of Wang lei said, "that meaningless struggle to have power" more than that he knew the phoenix clan patriarch, Wang lei said to Xiao ling, "Where is some decent place of land, I'll wish to have a 6 months of solitude to that lands that you possess" Xiao ling kneels and said to Wang lei, "For keeping the future of this child, I'll going to look for some land that been available, my grandfather will accompany you grand master lei," then the head master rush to her office and looking for some land that nearby to their school, basically means that there some powerful expert backing their school and resting on solitude, while the head master is absent, little pao and the grand father is still kneeling, Wang lei use a spell, "Chain appraisal" then he sees little pao status.

*Status layout little pao*

 The elder master said to Wang lei, "Grand master lei, you possess some tremendous martial arts and knowledge but you choose to become secluded why?"

 Wang lei said to elder master, "Before that, you should teach your disciple first, her technique will be need to become on start to scratch, luckily her foundation is on the library that you organized," 

 The elder master is shocked that one of the books that belong to the thousand gods era can be used in this instant, the elder master is thinking for challenging the tournament of power that being hosted by schools, that higher ranking basically on the center of the capital, they said that if your disciple is presented in this tournament will established the name of the school also, 

 While the elder master is looking like a greedy old man, Wang lei said to the child, Little pao, when the elder master tour you at the library, seek your suitable martial arts using your cultivational roots, this will help you to choose to that thousand of book of martial arts" 

 The elder master bid farewell to Wang lei and being accompany by little pao, suddenly Wang lei is thinking to summon someone to talk to, because it so boring to talk to that people, Wang lei changed his class to arcane summoner, and changed it to medieval summoner, he cast a spell, "Samurai General" a huge killing intent burst out that the student freeze to their core because of fear, the Samurai shows up to Wang lei in gratitude manner, kneeling at front of him and said," Greetings my lord" while kneeling.