Chapter 18: Fiencee

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside in the consciousness of Xiao ling*

*2:00 PM*

 When Xiao ling heard it from wang lei that Pi Jian have the element that came from the thousand Gods era, basically means that she will be more powerful if her cultivation practice the right techniques and foundations, Xiao ling ask,"what the hot metal properties? " she's still confused about the hot metal element.

 Wang lei respond,"The HOT METAL element has the properties of combined fire and metal, in the five basic elements, metal is said the earth from the element era, in the thousand gods era there will be 7 elements, that's my assignment to you xio ling, you need to know the 7 element that came from the thousand GODS era,"

 Xiao ling understood that she has the task that in pending, and she completely forgot her personal problem.

 Then suddenly the figure is facing some sort of blazing flower, wang lei said to xio ling,"You better not be fooled by it's beauty," then suddenly a large mouth appears and wanted to eat the figure, but then suddenly the figure melted and head to safe spot.

 Xiao ling sees a monster that has a demonics prescenece, xio ling ask,"Grandmaster lei, what's that creature?" Wang lei explain,"That is the bewitching flower, the flower has a manipulation ability more like a mind technique to lure the victim to the spot of it's mouth," 

 Xiao ling sees the whole body, and she sees some sort of serpentine snake but it's not but more likely term it has a monk fish mouth with snake like body.

 The fight occurred and the figure use some sort of technique, the figure use a hot metal spear, he vanish again and use his spear to fight the bewitching flower, the figure is aiming to the flower but he failed because of the agile movements of the bewitching flowers, he bee tackled by its tail, he intended to block it using his spear but it so durable enough to withstand the heat of the hot metal

 Xiao ling is concerned to the figure and looking at Wang lei, he ask a question to xio ling,"Xiao ling I have a question for you, what do you think the special technique of the HOT METAL element within an ASTARTE cultivator?"

 Xiao ling thinks and respond,"the ASTARTE cultivator has a set of techniques that can defend, attack, and has a special techniques, and I think the foundation he have is durable enough to withstand it's attack, but I don't know what's special of the HOT METAL element" 

 Wang lei respond,"See it for yourself" the fragments of the HOT METAL that stuck to its tail is penetrating it skin, the tail has been dismembered and the fragment is still on the flesh, the HOT METAL is being manipulated and aiming for it's vital, the monster is screaming because of it's pain, and it came to a conclusion that he will going to die, the monster begin to lunch an attack but it's too late, the fragments of the HOT METAL, consumed its qi and flesh so that it can clone itself to kill it faster.

 Xio ling is shocked to see that kind of brutal battle but it so clean, wang lei ask a question to Xiao ling,"Now, what do you think the special properties of the HOT METAL element?" Xiao ling respond,"Parasite" Wang lei thumbs up and said to her,"Correct! The hot metal properties has no sign of physical damaged, but it can clone itself by parasiting the victim through using it's fragment,"

 Wang lei continues to walk and Xiao ling follows, Xiao ling said to Wang lei, "Grandmaster lei, what happen to their sect? did you have any news about it?" Wang lei respond,"Hey been perished and destroyed by the Dragon Spear sect, similar to a sword sect but they use spear instead, we can't tell how many numbers that Blazing leviathan sect has, but they been outnumbered to the point they perish in their own lava cave," 

 Xiao ling understood that even now that they're still struggle with power, and struggle with authority, even in the old thousand Gods era has it, wang lei stops and continue to explain the three unique students, "I say that pi jian has the element of HOT METAL an element that can parasite and kill the victim in the inside, while tu xio is one of the 1000 cultivator received such blessing"

 Xiao ling realized that she will going to hear a wonderful news, and ready herself not to be shocked, but she let her guard down, wang lei says it to Xiao ling,"Tu Xio has TRI-ELEMENT meaning he possess a three element, that containing fire, water and earth element,"

 Xiao ling suddenly scream while posing herself hilariously,"W-What!!" wang lei stops and use the "ELEMENTAL DREAM APPRAISAL" elemental dream appraisal has the ability to show the elements that already been shows by the caster, if the caster sees a unique element, then he can also present it what it look like by using a dream.

 Xio ling sees like a board and there's some element that residing to each board, xio ling sees the fire,water,wind,metal. The five elements that she currently know, wang lei explain,"This element is currently know, only 5 elements and there's no branches, do you want me to show what I know about elements?" 

 Xiao lling nods and wanted to see it, but wang lei say,"Then what can you give me if I let it show you?" Xiao ling thinks and found an answer,"Loyalty" wang lei suddenly use his intimidation and said to Xiao ling,"You better not talk about loyalty if you don't even think about it carefully, understood!"

 Xiao ling nods with fear on her eyes, wang lei said to her again,"What can you give me?" xio ling turn blushes all of a sudden and thinking something lewd, so Wang lei said to her in advance,"I'm not interested in a child, so don't think something else" 

 Xiao ling confidence lower so badly that even an old man like wang lei didn't have any interest to her body, wang lei said again,"What can you give me?" Xiao ling thinks carefully, and found out an answer,"obediants"

 Wang lei said to her, "You better think it carefully, what if I say that you need to kill your grandfather, will you do it?" she hesitate to answer, and Wang lei said to her, "Then I'll not going to show you the other elements, if you don't have anything to offer" she's hesitating to offer her own life, so Wang lei said to her in advance again, "If you offering your life, I don't need it." Wang lei shutdown the board and the whole dream itself.

 Xiao ling came back to reality and wang lei change his class to spell sealer again, Wang lei talk to her,"It will be better if I don't show you the worth of the other two, so it will not going to be leaked outside,"

 Wang lei stands up, then suddenly a man opens the door wildly and with an angry facial expression, wang lei is preparing to leaved, then the man suddenly slam the table of xio ling and said, "How dare you file a cancel of engagement, are you taking me so lightly!? The 3rd young master of Hong family?"

 Wang lei almost finish to tidy himself, and preparing to leaved, xio ling respond,"Yes, I dare! So what if you're the 3rd young master of the Hong family! Your just a branch family to begin with, and beside I don't even like your very existence" 

 The man is preparing to slap xio ling then wang lei intervene,"Sorry for intervening your love quarrel, but head master ling can I have the three student record?" the young master take this as an insult and question wang lei,"Who the hell are you to intervene! A mere commoner teacher of this school" 

 Wang lei respond,"Hm... I'm just a commoner" Xiao ling sees this idea but wang lei suddenly give him a glare, that saying,"Don't you dare" then Xiao ling just handed the paper works for the three students, Wang lei grabs it and headed to the exit, but there is 2 body guards protected the exit

 The young master said,"You have guts to intervene in our love quarrel, and even have guts to make me look like a jester, are you taking me lightly commoner!?" the third young master release some aura that has the same level of the headmaster, and the killing intent is the same like the mercenaries that happen to the cave

 Wang lei just yawn and said to him, "Hm... excuse my insolence but, are even worth it? A mere bug talking to me like that, know your place!" Wang lei use a spell, "Meridians seal" that has an area of effect within 10 radius, the young master almost pop a vain and wanted to kill him, "Me!? A bug! You fucking commoner" 

 Wang lei said to him, "So? What are you going to do about it?" Wang lei use his intimidation, that surrounds the whole room, it so suffocating because their meridians is been sealed, even the guards is catching their breath, the young master feel the fear and even can't move, Wang lei said to him again, "I said that you're a bug, what are you going to do about it!? HA!" while walking towards to him.