Chapter 19: Workers Tab

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the school*

*4:00 PM*

The whole room is so suffocating that everyone including Xiao ling is catching her breath, she can't take it anymore about the intimidation, so she beg and kneels to Wang lei, "Grand master lei, please forgive this bastard for the time being, please remember the kids and their future" Wang lei sees the begging Xiao ling and cease his intimidation, Wang lei said to the bastard, "I don't care if you brag about the Hong family, for my sight, all of you including your family is just a mere bug!"

Wang lei leaves the room and they're able to breath and use their martial arts again, but the prideful young master don't give in, and act like a fool, "How dare he insult the Hong family! Who cares if he's strong, he can't beat so many cultivator in elder state," Xiao ling said to him, "You better stop it, you insolent fool, I don't care about your delusion about marrying me, but I care about the school reputation if I marry a fool like you." the young master is been hurt by the words of Xiao ling, she pointed at the door and said, "Get out of my sight! Leave at this instant!" Xiao ling pointing them at the door, and the third young master threaten Xiao ling, "You will regret this" and they leaved the vicinity.

*outside of the school*

Wang lei go to the cafeteria and sit there, while he is investigating the student records and found out that, there's indeed a bottom feeders in a big lake, while he is investigating the records, there some notification suddenly pop out, and that's the notification of workers. He clicks it and found out the tab that workers working.

*Workers tab Layout main screen*

Wang lei is interested to the disciples tab, if is different to the pet tab, to answer his own question, he clicks it and found out that it was indeed different, the three kids is not been register, but he read the description of the disciples tab

It said, "The disciples tab is the list of the disciples that been taken by your own subordinate, and didn't go to the guild, in the guild every human beings that not from there, is considered as human pet, because it been trained by the instructor of the guild, while the disciples tab is being trained by the summons that you created"

He understood the meaning of the description and he get back to the main screen, he click the orders tab and found out that the samurai general Ru Qian, received an order to go to the sight where the free land is, and found out that he's on finished progress.

He sees on the orders tab that there's a frequent of series of orders that needed to edit, he make an order of a series that state," 1. Secure the surrounding and build a camp, 2. Make sure the vicinity is well protected, 3. Hunt, gather, supplies that needed for days to survive."

He clicks done, and the orders of series is on idle state and the title name is order 1, he click finished on progress of Ru Qian, then it became idle state, he grab the order 1 on the series and put it on Ru Qian, it suddenly turn into progress state 0%.

Wang lei talk to himself, "It seems this is like assigning some assignments to the students, well this indeed a good benefit to me though" Wang lei exit the workers tab and head to the main screen.

*Main Screen layout*

Wang lei sees the main screen, and this is similar or nostalgic to the main screen of a certain MMORPG game, that he plays a lot, he is interested in a bunch of stuffs in the main screen layout, but for now he let it aside and head to the cafeteria

Wang lei seems bored that he will indeed wait for 1 week because of this boredom, he changed his class to arc magus and use some water magic manipulation, he just swirls it around on the top of his head

He didn't noticed that there's a student watching him from behind, he just swirls it around and make an image of a human carrying a sword, the student is increasing and watching him, even the teachers is watching him, wing lei just leaved a sigh, while his magic is using some sort of techniques.

The student begin to bring their pen and start to write and drawing the techniques, the magic figure is releasing some sort of technique and it was being unleashed to the public, then he just light it up to make the water has an opponent

A fire human using a sword, the two of them is clashing around on the top of Wang lei head, clashing of martial arts and techniques. The teacher and the student, taking notes and drawing while the is figure clashing on.

He didn't noticed that there's so many spectator including the student and teachers taking notes to the martial arts that being unleashed by the figures, the clashing got intense, when the two magic figures didn't give up and clash so fast, but eventually they died together when the water stab him at the chest, while the fire slash him at the down to the chest.

Wang lei noticed there's so many spectators, Wang lei stands up and leaved the vicinity, the students and the teachers vow to him and said, "That's a great lesson, thank you" then Wang lei head to the market area.

*Market Area*

He see so many people selling and buying some things that related in martial arts and necessary needs, he suddenly sees the bastard fiancé walking to the left road, Wang lei whisper to himself, "Hm... Hong family"

he sees that the third young master of the Hong family is buying some things, that sort of a jewel necklace, he changed his class to spell sealer and appraise it. The jewel is not even refined nor the jewel necklace is not even authentic, it just a trash.

He sees the third young master buys it and head to a sort of pavilion, Wang lei checks the name of it and said ," Yun Pavilion" it some sort of auction, Wang lei sees something more trivial, there's some slaved being sell on this pavilion.

Wang lei said to himself, "So even in this world, there's someone has been robbed not money but their own dignity and freedom" Wang lei intended to go in, and there some guards suddenly stops him, the guard said, "Halt! What's your business here?"

Wang lei says them, "I hope my item can auctioned" the guard judge him by his looks, because of the peasant get up that he has, the guard say to them, "Get out beggar, did you think that your item can be sold here? Dream on! "Wang lei change his class to Hypnotic magician, he use, "Mind marionet", the effect of this spell can mind controlled while using their body,

Wang lei said to the guard, "Get out and act like you don't know me "the guard let him in," Wang lei cancel the spell and change his class to spell sealer again, he sees that there's so many people that bidding, and suddenly a receptionist walks towards him and said, "What can I do for you mister?" Wang lei sees the professional smiles of the clerk, so he said to her, "I'm here to auction some item, can you appraise it?"

The clerk is not suspicious to him, the receptionist ask to follow her, so the receptionist bring some expert appraiser, Wang lei bring one item on his inventory in order not to take suspicion, he grab the perfume through his long sleeves, he get something, and that's the perfume for women. The appraiser and the receptionist sees the glass bottle of perfume, even the appraiser amazed by the workmanship of the bottle, the appraiser ask to talk to him in private, so they headed to the backroom

*to the back room*

The appraiser ask Wang lei to sit, and discuss about the business, "Where did you get this?" Wang lei say to him, "Business secrets" the appraiser sees Wang lei has arrogant attitude but it's true, because there some lie device at the back of the table.

The appraiser ask Wang lei, "What's the name of this product? And what is the purpose of it?" Wang lei say to him, "This is a perfume for women, it has the scent of the black rose, because of the uniqueness of the material, I had only one"

the appraiser thinking, and had the decision, he calls the receptionist earlier and say to Wang lei, "My dear guest, can I had some little bit of sample of the perfume?" Wang lei say to him, "Sure, but there's an instruction, push the button on the top of the perfume only once and direct it to your pulse, and spread it to your body, with this the smell of the black rose will eventually enveloped you rapidly"