Chapter 20: Bending of Arrogance

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the private room(Auction area)*

*6:00 PM*

 He noticed that it's getting late, so he ask the appraiser about the perfume, "Now you know the instruction, how much this thing can sell?" The appraiser is looking for the right price for it, using some sort of scroll, the scroll value reveal that the item can sell in minimum amount of 30 Gold tales. 

 The appraiser is shocked about the scroll value, but it was indeed can sell about 30 Gold tales, so he ask Wang lei, "Mister, this thing that you brought can be sell to 30 gold tales, so about the 10% fee about the auction, we humbly take 3 gold tales. Did you wanted to proceed?" 

 Wang lei say to him, "Yes, you can proceed, now where will be my sit?" The appraiser laughs and say to him,"Mister, this floor is only for 300 silver tales to 1 gold tales only, we will head to the third floor where will be 10 gold tales to 500 gold tales can be sold"

 Wang lei say,"Alright then lead the way" the appraiser handed the perfume to the receptionist and said some clear instruction,"The bottle is good enough, now we will need some incredible case for it, understood" the receptionist understood and grab the perfume bottle, while wang lei and the appraiser leaved the private room.

*At the third floor*

 Wang lei is being accompanied by the appraiser, to guide his sit, wang lei opens the door and there's so many entertainers or I say womens that waiting for the guest, the appraiser said to the entertainers,"This is an important guess, assist him to his sit, on gold sit number 12"

 the entertainers is shocked that there's a rich man, wearing a peasant clothes, they just smile and assist him at the gold sit. Wang lei arrived at the sit and he say to the entertainer,"Thank you"

 the entertainer give him a mask, for identity purposes and leaves. He check his inventory, and found out that all of his item is still infinite and also the inventory in every games that he played is there, he sees the black rose perfume because it just a junk item in the mmorpg game that he playes.

*The appraiser arrives at the stage*

 "Sorry for the delay folks, we will now start the auction" said the by appraiser, wang lei sees that there's so many hidden assassins and so many powerful people in this era, he just laughs and sees that there's also a patriarch among the sits.

 The auction begins with a receptionist bringing some sort of a necklace, the appraiser said to the masses,"This folks, is the necklace of the Argata, the necklace that been made with pure silver and gold, the jewels represents beauty and elegance, the starting price is 50 Gold tales"

 A woman in Red dress bid,"55 Gold tales" wang lei change his class to merchant sub class and use,"Appraisal" the necklace of argata it seems like a curse necklace, wang lei said to himself, "So mostly of the woman that will buy this eventually becomes a crazy person that wanted to become more beautiful the set of enchantment of the necklace is camoflauging, so basically it can camoflauge the nasty effects of the necklace" 

 Many of the womans including some patriarcs that buying this gift to their wives or the girls in the other martial sects is also buying it for beauty, wang lei just smile and let the bid uprising.

*20 minutes later*

 The bid of the necklace of argata is been sold by 120 gold tales, wang lei wanted to laugh that there's someone really buy this malicious junk, he didn't notice that there some other woman looking at him, because of the handsomeness that he possess.

 The next item carry on and their presented by some herb that has the a purple aura, wang lei use,"appraisal" and he notice that this plant is a poisonous plant that can't eliminate other weak venoms, basically an antidote, the announcer said,"This is the 50 years, Violent Phantom, a type of herb that can be used in refining of pills, and another type of medicine, this is has the pricing of 50 gold tales"

 wang lei is not sure if he wanted to buy this but it seems that this pavilion is not rich enough to get thousand tales, but it seems,"I can appraise it using some other class appraisal" he whisper to himself.

 Wang lei change his class to Alchemist, he use the skill called, "Herb evaluation" this skill can evaluate the herb in max status including the type, the aged, and the possible ways to create such pills" 

*A minute later*

 He got his results, the result said,"only can create 4th tier pill in maximum state," basically it was a pity. Some refiners sect buying the herb and raise it into 80 gold tales, and their some weird clothing sect, raise the bid in 120 gold tales

 Wang lei just smirk and pity the others, and there's a girl that clothing is almost exposed their entire legs, and said,"I bid for 150 gold tales to that herb" the two refiners back down when they sees the mark of the stove, on her back. 

 Basically she's a vip guest or something, wang lei can't hide the smirk and pity to others, that make the girl with the stove mark on her back take an aggression,"You! What are you laughing at?" wang lei is startled that she's pointing at him, but he looks back and there's also looking at the back, then wang lei clothes is been notified by the girl,"You in black robe! Why are you laughing?"

 Wang lei sees that his sit mates is all blue robe, and it seems that he been caught laughing, wang lei say to that girl,"Little girl, is it me?" the girl in the stove mark enraged and said,"I'm not a little girl, my name is Lu Meng!"

 Wang lei said to that little girl,"Hm... alright Lu meng, what's your question again?" wang lei is smirking and mocking the girl lu meng, she instantly fly in the vicinity to wang lei and say,"Are you mocking me?" Wang lei said,"If I say yes, what are going to do about it? Little girl?" 

 Lu meng pointed him a sword to his neck and said,"Are you mocking the Lu Sect? That been refining for generations!?" wang lei said to that girl," You should buy the herb first little girl, and can you not point that to me or else I'll break your legs and the sword"

 Lu meng is arrogant enough to mock wang lei and said,"Then do it if you can" wang lei change his class to Bending, a class that has only two active skills because of it's lethal skills, first is bone bending, then is material bending. 

 Wang lei touch the sword, and bend it like a piece of paper, lu meng is surprised and back out to him, wang lei said to that girl,"Alright then, what did you say? Do it?" wang lei released a killing intent that many of the experts can't breathe even the girl, then suddenly some of the experts arrived and beg,"We're truly sorry for the incoveniance, our little miss is still stubborn at her aged"

 wang lei said to the experts that arrived,"It seems that you're an escort to this small booger" lu meng enraged and said,"Who are you calling a booger!" the escort stops her and said,"Yes, we're an escort" wang lei said to the escort,"Because of the disrespect that I received in your little miss, i'm just a little bit angry, so who will be the one that will take that risk?"

 The two escort said,"We will take you anger, just spare our little miss lives," wang lei use bone bending to the two escorts and bend their two legs, the escort screams in pain and sees that their legs is been bend, wang lei said to lu meng,"You're the one that make them do this, you're the one that will take responsibility, you're the one that been guilt because of your selfishness, without this two I probably bend your fucking neck, so scram!"

 The escort bid him farewell and Lu Meng carry the two, but Lu Meng is feel terrible because of the results of her stubbornness, the escort said to Lu Meng,"Little miss don't worry about us, that person is just an expert that even, he knew our Lu family authority, he still did not back down, it means that he can annihilate our whole family, so please be careful" Lu Meng is crying because of the sacrifice of the two escort, she sat on her sit and summons some guards on the area to call the Lu family sect medical teams, to treat the two escort.

 The bid starts over and many of the experts and patriarchs is cautions to him now, many of the bystander said,"Hey just instantly bend the bone of those two escort with just moving his hand, and that escort is powerful enough in terms of cultivation," the announcer continue and said, "It seems the bidding in the violent phantom is 150 gold tales, any higher bid?" there's no one answering, the announcer said, "Sold! In 150 gold tales, the violent phantom is been sold to Lu Sect"