Chapter 21: Photoshop and Appetite

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this,


Wang Lei POV:

*Inside of the Auction*

 The commotion of the Lu sect is been dealt with, so the announcer said to the guest," The next item is a painting that been made by a famous painter, due to the painter identity we will not going to expose his name, but the title of the painting is the crying dragon" the receptionist hand the item to the announcer and said, "behold the crying dragon" Wang lei sees the painting and said to himself, "I miss the painting of that using a photoshop" 

 Then suddenly there some notification bell on his left, he click the bell using his finger and the notification said," Congratulation, the gallery options has been added to your main screen layout" the announcer said, "This painting is 80 gold tales," the scholars that wanted to buy the painting is causing some uproar, but Wang lei just check his main screen layout and what's new

*main screen layout*

 Wang lei sees the main screen layout and found out nothing changes but he noticed the next bar on the higher left screen, he click it and there's the gallery option, and there's also some locked options of the main screen layout or blank pages, it seems that there will be an another options for this kind that will eventually presented in the future.

*main screen layout part 2*

 He click the gallery icon, and found out that the save files that he play called, "Imagery" is a type of game that you will save the most pictures using the google images, he found the pictures that he took on that game, and almost the number of pictures is 10 million pictures, and it's assorted into sci-fi, adventure, biomes, dungeons, monsters, dragons, Gods, stars, demons, fallen angels, murim, etc...

*Layout Gallery*

 The announcer said to the masses, "Is there any high bid for 220 gold tales?" Wang lei that painting is capable to earn some money, then Wang lei check some high resolution picture and to biomes, and he choose the adventure landscape tab, and he sees the high resolution pictures of a certain landscapes, he choose some sort of landscape that has double ring on it he copy the picture and there suddenly an option It said, "What is the option of the printing layout?" 

 He checks the option of the printing and found out that there's several printing layout, it can be animal skin, paper, clay, tablet, etc. so he choose a common material and that's canvas, with a size of 24x30,the pasting is complete so he check his inventory and found out that there's some storage ring, he choose some low quality storage ring and transfer the painting in that storage ring, he sees some receptionist nearby and make a hand signal, "come" 

 The receptionist come and said, "What can I do for you dear guest?" Wang lei replied, "I think that I have a short of gold coin in me right now, so here" Wang lei handed the storage ring and said to the receptionist, "There's a painting in that storage ring, the painting called is the double ring island, the description is that island only exist in the 9th realm, so don't you dare lost it" the receptionist is shocked and headed immediately to the appraiser, while Wang lei is listening to the bid of the painting of crying dragon.

*The painting layout for double ring island*

*in the pov of the receptionist*

 The receptionist is immediately go to the appraiser and said to him, "Master! The guest that handed us the perfume said that he has short money, he said that can you appraise the price of his painting?" the receptionist handed the storage ring, and the appraiser activated the storage ring, the painting is there and the appraiser is outstand to the painting, that Wang lei possess, the appraiser is getting weak knees because of the beauty of the painting

 The appraiser stand up and hold the receptionist, "Did you know that value of this painting! The painters or the collectors will kill anyone just to possess this kind of painting! "The receptionist said, "The paint called is the double ring island, the guest said that this island only exist in the 9th realm"

 The appraiser almost drop his jaw and said,"9th realm!! The ethereal domain!" the receptionist is also shocked because the term ethereal domain is long lost, because the bridge that connecting to that domain is been broken by many years in the thousand gods era, the receptionist said, "What are going to do? The guess said that he wanted to auction this kind of masterpiece" 

 The appraiser said to the receptionist, "This is one of the life time appraising, this type of item can be sold in 2000 gold tales, because this is a relic that behind on the past, say to the guess that this item will be bid in 2000 gold tales" the receptionist said, "On it!"

*Back to Wang lei pov*

 The announcer said to the masses, "The crying dragon painting is been sold to the Iron Claw sect, in 300 gold tales" Wang lei is bored because he still not interested to the items, then the announcer said, "We will going to have a break for 30 minutes, while preparing for the auction items, please have some meal that we prepare" from a far Wang lei sees a stew without any kind of seasoning, just hot water and some herbs

 The receptionist Is giving the stew to Wang lei but he refused, the other sects is also cautions toward him because what happen earlier to the Lu sect, so there some sect that watching him from behind, Wang lei had enough and look at his inventory, he sees the beef stew that has an infinite number on it, he took some low quality storage ring, that it make it like that he full it out on his storage ring. 

 Then he transfer the beef stew to the storage ring, he wear the storage ring and pull out the beef stew, he didn't see the rarity of the stew, because that stew in on S grade level, basically mean on aristocratic level.

*Beef stew picture*

 When the stew is out, the aroma of the stew is unleashed to the vicinity so many patriarchs, cultivators, and other sects is finding the aroma, without a minute they found the aroma is coming from Wang lei, they looking at Wang lei from behind and the smell is killing them because it's so good, Wang lei also noticed some of the bystanders is looking at him, and he said to the masses, "It will be better if you don't look at me eating,"

 The bystanders is been lured by the beef stew aroma, then Wang lei tease them, while slurping the soup of the beef stew, *slurp* the slurping sound of the beef stew is able to grumble their stomach, then Wang lei pierce the beef and eat it with slow motion, the beef juice explodes to his lips when he bite it, he eating it slowly and the partriarchs, scholars, alchemist, cultivators, even the guards and assassins has a grumbling stomach

 They're dead hungry to the beef stew that Wang lei had, the flowing of saliva through their mouth, make Wang lei tease them more by saying,"Hm... I have only one left, what should I do? Sell it?" the patriarchs from different sects immediately stands up and says, "Young master we came from the Elegant spirit sect, can we buy the dish that you have?" 

 Then there's suddenly some rivalry from the food and say, "Ignore that old fool, we're come from the Azure lion Sect, young master can we buy the dish that you have?" The cultivators that belongs to the popular schools and said ,"Young master, we're come from the Pristine Hawk School, I'm core disciple Hen Mu, can I buy your dish?"

 Some of the patriarchs back down because they hear the school, but some alchemist didn't back down and said, "Young master ignore that bitch, we're came from the Misty Refinery School, I'm also a core disciple, Yan Ning, can I buy your dish "

 Wang lei finish his dish and said to them," Hm... How about I'll auctioned it" all of them agreed and said to each other, "let see what can you even do" they're on rivalry and Wang lei found it as an entertainment

 The announcer said to the masses, "The short break is ended, can you return to your designated sit, dear guest "then Yan Ning from the misty refiner school said, "Before you start we still didn't eat, can you auction the item from that dear guest"

 Yan Ning pointing at Wang lei and the announcer said, "Very well, this will be a live appraising, what will be the item" Wang lei took out the beef stew and the aroma is much more stronger than before, the masses stomach grumble without an ease and even the appraiser also wanted to eat the beef stew, Wang lei use some wind hovering technique. Wang lei said to the appraiser, "Appraise the item very carefully" while smiling