Chapter 25: The incident

Author: This is an English Novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*Inside of the inn*

 When he's scrolling around to his pet tab, he notice the bell sign, basically meaning a notification, he click the bell notification and he read that Ru Qian work is already done, Wang lei set aside the poor bed, and bring some luxury bed through his inventory, he lay down and contact, Ru Qian using telepathy, "Ru Qian, is the orders that I gave to is you is already done?"

*Ru Qian notice the Telepathy*

 Ru Qian replied, "Yes my lord, the building of base and necessities that will needed is already done, I'll going to send some pictures using the memory picture and directly send it to you through telepathy," Wang lei said, "Alright, do you need some reliable man power?" 

 Ru Qian is confused that Wang lei said that so he answer his question, "Yes, I do need a man power, but what's this man power that you suggesting?" Wang lei say to him, "I have 26 dolls with a cultivation of HATHOR(Nascent soul 1st stage) with this, the sect will be protected, and there will be no one will betray us, because this doll has soul in it, and this soul is been manipulated by me,"

 Fu Qian is astound to hear this to Wang lei and replied, "My lord, you're really have a greatest wits, than I," Wang lei replied, "Enough of flattery, what's the name of the sect that you build anyway?" Ru Qian said, "I'll probably name it as Chaotic order, this name bring the meaning of Fenrir, we're chaotic in terms of power, prestige, but we're orderly organized in terms of battle, killings, and decorum, just like I said, we're the one who devours and kills the god that trespassing our territory"

 Wang lei says, "OH! You have a good naming sense, but still come here at the school, so I'll give this 26 dolls to you," Ru Qian said, "My lord, what's your next plan? We're already build a base, so what's the next step?" Wang lei thinks and say, "We need information about this whole country, even the hidden means, and how the cultivators become the god today."

 Ru Qian thinks some plan, and he replied, "My lord, on the way here to my place, I heard something called a school battle, this battle seems connected to the gods of war and bloodshed, because of the design of the arena said by the locals here, is representing for the god of war," 

 Wang lei thinks about the suggestion that Xiao ling and the elder said, Wang lei replied, "Hm... Alright, I'll consider this suggestion that you said, and by the way I already begin the trial of the kids that you saw yesterday" Ru Qian suddenly shivers in fear because of the trial but he just humbly ask the trial,"M-my lord what's their trial?" Wang lei respond,"why are you stuttering? it's just a poinous swamp, while being hunted by wolves that immune to poison, they needed to stay alive at least one week" Ru Qian suddenly remember the flash back


 Wang lei put his summons to a dangerous places, including the fighting in the deep sea with the celestial beast, or fighting with the raging flames that can evaporate you in aminute, and also he remember the time where the endless bullet rain is also consider a battle ground when they're facing the celestial beings of rain and thunder

*announcer ends*

 Ru Qian shivering voice said, "M-my lord, you're still indeed a strict educator until this time" Wang lei said to him, "Hm... I'm still not strict you know, I just put those kids in the poisonous situation, so that they will have immunity into 100 type of poison" Ru Qian said, "what's the number of poison? Present in that swamp?"

 Wang lei said, "Basically only 500 type of poison," Ru Qian remember that with his companion, they head to the 26th realm, the poisonous realm, that has the type of million type poison, with the normal people head there, they immediately die in a milliseconds, Ru Qian said, "Yes, you're still not strict my lord" he give the kids of sign of prayer and good luck. Wang lei cut the telepathy and call it a night

*At the school*

*At the head master office*

 Someone is running a the corridor and Xiao ling is signing some sort of order for the school, the messenger arrived, "Master!" Xiao ling sees the messenger and said,"Report "while doing her thing, the messenger reported, "Master! The Hong Family is been eradicated!" 

 Xiao ling is shocked and almost mess her own table, Xiao ling shouts and said, "What did you say!" the messenger report, "Master! We tail the 3rd young master of the Hong family, but he mess with the wrong guy with a higher cultivation than the others" Xiao ling ask the features, "What's the features of that guy" 

 The messenger said, "It wears a black robe, and saying that he is an acquaintance of you, that's why I received many letters all over the sects and schools," the messenger handed the bunch of letters to Xiao ling, but she realized immediately.

 The acquaintance that the messenger said is Wang lei, because of the black robe. She read one of the letters, and the letters said, that it belongs to Lu sect, she reads it and said, "Good day, headmaster Xiao ling, we polite invite you to Lu sect for the family arena, we hope that the master in black robe also come to our humble sect, written by Lu Meng," 

 She's getting some sort of anxiety because that the one written by is the 1st daughter of the Lu family, basically family of refinery, then she sees the other is also a prestigious schools like pristine hawks, and misty refinery school.

 Xiao ling said to himself, "Grandmaster lei, what did you do in just a matter of day?" xiao ling said to the messenger, "Where did he go? And what happen in that day?"

 The messenger reported," I tailed the 3rd young master of the Hong family, then suddenly there's so many uproars at the upper floors, the young master arrived with cocky attitude, to the point that he threaten the young man with black robe, the young man is angry to the point that he release some killing intent, it so strong that we can't breathe and stand very well, the young master is also suffocating but the young man with black robe, touch his head, and he scream even more than ever, he release the killing intent, he leap up the young master and throw him outside, I immediately look outside but he's flying away towards to the Hong family manor, The family is celebrating because of the sons of the patriarchs returned safely, and then the 3rd young master hit and flew at the very center of the family celebration, then without a few minutes, he explodes and kill all of the 26 family gathering of the Hong family, that's all master"

 Xiao ling remembers what Wang lei said to them, that Wang lei said to her and the 3rd young master, Xiao ling talks to himself, "So it's true that we're just a bug in his eyes" Xiao ling is afraid because of the matter that happen right now, 

 Xiao ling change her attitude to Wang lei because of this incidents happen, she said to the messenger, "Head to my grandfather and relay the information that you had, this should be only know by me and my grandfather are we clear!" 

 the messenger nods and head to the elder, Xiao ling sits and said to himself, "Idiot! You fight with the wrong guy, that's not even human, he's already a half god" Xiao ling just read the letter and preparing for the script that she will going to say to Wang lei.

*7:00 AM in the morning*

 Wang lei wakes up because of the body clock, he instantly cast, "Cleanse" it's look likes that he been in a luxury bath because of the cleanse, his skin is healthy, and his hair is also healthy, he browse some murim outfit at the clothe tab, in his inventory, he sees the clothing that similar to a young master in the murim world, he grab the outfit and use it, he's thinking that Ru Qian suggest, the school battle, that worships the God of war, it might lead to the god of war or something, as long there's an information. He grab some bread and coffee, and eat

*a minute later*

 He grab his bed and the deactivated the array, he comes downs to the inn and found the receptionist of the inn, the receptionist is astounds because of Wang lei handsomeness, and she thought that he's a beggar because of the robe, but when she sees Wang lei, he's some sort of a noble family, or one of the greatest sect on the capital, the receptionist vows to him, and Wang lei leaves the inn.

*Wang lei clothe right now*

*Outside of the inn*

 Wang lei sees that there's so many watching him, because of his attire, he's some sort of young master because of the attire that he choose, Wang lei just wear this attire because of the effects, so he just ignored them and head to the school.