Chapter 26: Schedule Battle

Author: This is an English novel I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang Lei POV:

*Gate of the school*

 Wang lei sees that there's a guards in the gate, he remember that there's no one when he leaved the school and go to the Yun pavilion, because of his attire as a young master of a great sect, the guards respects him when he about to approach the gate, the young man guard with a spear, question him,"Hello, good sir, what can I do for you?" 

 Wang lei look at the guard and he see that they're malnourish, and there's no shed of cultivation either, so wang lei said to the guard,"Please call, head master xiao ling, my name is Wang lei, I have a business with her," 

 The young guard hurried up and the other guard, an old grandpa is watching him, wang lei see that the grandpa has no cultivation, and also has a liver disease, wang lei sort his inventory and found an level 1 elixir, wang lei transfer it to his storage ring, and thinking if he's going to give it.

 Inside of his mind,"It's better to give someone with a courage to work, not someone that only steal and looting to the poor, those rats can't be compared to this kind of man, that even though he's an old age, still working for the sake of himself or his family,"


 The level of elixir can be varied into 4 levels, in the level 1 elixir it can heal any serious injuries and ailments, a level 2 elixir or I say the oceanic color elixir, can be said as the life extending elixir, it not the same as the level 1 elixir that can heal all of the ailments and serious injuries, while the level 3 elixir or the nourishing spirit elixir is the elixir that heals the spirit that been damaged, and lastly the level 4 elixir is the all the above elixir, this elixir is so precious that everyone that will know this will wage war just to get this

*announce ends*

 Wang lei give some level 1 elixir to the old man, the granpa is refusing to accept wang lei charity, so he make a push,"Grandpa, use this, if there's someone that in verge of death, it will miracuosly save that patient," 

 The old man is thinking of accepting it, but it suspicious enough, so he question wang lei,"Dear guest, why would you give this kind of precious item, to me?" wang lei replied,"Think as if it was a charity, for now old man, you will know me and this will served as my ticket to get in"

 The old man got his answer, and accept the vial of elixir, the young man came back with xiao ling, he sees xiao ling is rushing to him, she immediately apologize and said,"Grand master lei, I did not instruct the guards to know your precences"

*They walk head to the office*

 Wang lei ask,"Why there's a guards by the way? When I came here, there's no guard at all," Xiao ling respond,"It will be better if I discuss it to my office, so grand master lei I'll accompany you there" wang lei agreed to the proposal of xiao ling and head to the office.

*At the head maser office*

 Xiao ling offer him a sit and tea, and wang lei accept the offer and said to xiao ling,"So? What happen while I'm gone?" Xiao ling sits and replied,"Grandmaster lei, you know the incident of the assassins that been taken out by the master that accompanying you am I right?"

 Wang lei respond,"Yes" then xiao ling continues,"Grandmaster lei, that incident alerted whole assassins sect, and many people wanted me dead, so my grandfather the elder, give me some guards that guarding the gate, but many of the people here has no cultivation, and very poor livelihood," 

 Wang lei sip some tea and respond,"I see, well my pseudo sect is been done by ru qian, and the location, is the land that you gave us and the name of my sect is chaotic order, so for the payment of the land, I'll give you one wish that will not harm my morals"

 Xiao ling thinks and respond,"Grandmaster lei, my wish the three students that you take will participate in the school arena battle in the capital, so they will represent our school, and their family will be proud"

 Wang lei respond,"Oh, I thought that you wanted to be a member of my sect" Xiao ling is shocked and said to wang lei,"C-Can i!"wang lei respond,"No" Xiao ling pout and emote in the corner, wang lei respond,"I'll accept your wish that the three kids will participate, but I'm afraid that the kids will not be on the standard level of this academy" 

 xiao ling respond,"What do you mean?" wang lei change his class to fire illustrator, and use the "illustrated figure"


Illustrated figure is some sort of doll for eye witnessing purposes, this way the explanation will be more accurate and fluent.

*announce end*

 Xiao ling sees some fire is forming like a human with a spear, fist, and with hammer, so wang lei explain,"You already know the basic rank of the old, and the new ranking, but I test them as one of the ranks of the old, they maybe in the ASTARTE(Foundation 1st stage) level with a poison resistance of 100 type of poison,"

 Xiao ling jaw drops because of the shocking news, and ask wang lei,"G-Grandmaster lei, 100 type of poison resistance? What did you mean?" Wang lei respond,"They're in the swamp area that has 500 type of poison, this way there body will adapt to the poison environment, and will not be killed if there's some poison in their food" 

 Xiao ling respond in worry,"But they might die, because of the change of environment, they're just kids!" wang lei respond,"That's why I put them there, because they're body will change because of the environment, and adapt to it. Why? Are your body has no resistance to coldness? In the 6th realm, the absolute Ice and Flame, in the ice region, has different kind of freezing points, they may your body has heat but your soul will freeze, or your veins will clog because the blood in your body freeze, or your body skins turn into freezing ice, but your internal organs are not,"

 Xiao ling can't comprehend the danger of the 6th realm, because of wang lei saying it might well that the 6th realm has indeed cruel of environment, wang lei just say to her,"I accept the proposal of the three kids will participate, but what's the date of this school battle? And how they operate?" 

 Xiao ling respond,"They operate in terms of ranking of the kids, and they're have an event that has three categories, first is the exhibition match, a 1v1 fighting between a good fighter, second event is the group fighting, and the third event is the bet fighting, the bet fighting is similar to 1v1 but has something in returns, the bet fighting can only be included to the main fighters, and the audience can't bet," 

 Wang lei talks about the maximum of the players, then xiao ling respond,"The maximum players will be only 5 and 2 for extra, in case the players injured" Wang lei respond,"Is killing is forbidden?" 

 Xiao ling respond,"Killing is not forbidden in the betting event, but in the other events they're forbidden," Wang lei talk about the ranking requirements," So what's the requirements of the for the kids?" 

 Xiao ling replied,"Qi-gathering stage up to gold core" Wang lei ask xiao ling about the cultivation,"Hm... qi gathering, I thought it was a practitioner – master – grandmaster –elder?"Xiao ling replied,"That's is the general term of the cultivation, what I said is the the actual term of cultivation"


The practioner, master, grandmaster,elder, is the general term for a cultivator, but if you actually defining the cultivation of an individual, then you shall use qi gathering – foundation – gold core, etc...

*announce ends*

 Wang lei say about the kids cultivation, "In my old ranking, the three kids is about to be an ASTARTE already, in the newer term, they're already in foundation 9th stage if they finish the trial of one week, if I'm not mistaken"

 Xiao ling shocked to hear that the kids that only on ERIS(qi gathering stage in 4th stage), suddenly became a ASTARTE(foundation 9th stage,) so Xiao ling said to him, "Grandmaster lei, thank you for lending the three students to enter the school arena battle, that will happen in 2 months from now" 

 Wang lei ask Xiao ling, "Can you give me the calendar" Xiao ling stands up and handed the calendar, the calendar is the same from earth, with January-December, Wang lei says to himself, "So it's already February 5, Tuesday and the school arena battle is on April 5" Xiao ling nod,

 He scribbles a huge circle in Feb. 12, Monday, and said to Xiao ling, "In this day, you will see the three kids that already ASTARTE in old ranking, or foundation in the 9th stage in the new ranking, with the body of 100 types of poison resistance, and also power of the combined elements" Wang lei leaved the office. While Xiao ling is still shocked to hear it, and the face he making is almost like drooling for a good man.