Chapter 27: Library

Author: This is an English Novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang Lei POV:

*outside of the headmaster office*

 Wang lei checks the kids using some sort of map, he sees the kids and also the wolves that he unleash, it seems the Pi Jian is injured and they're all in distress, Tu Xiao in other hands is cheering up Jian Xiao, it seems that he's doubting wang lei way of teachings, Pi Jian said to both of them, "This is just a small injury, I think the master is watching over us right now and pity us because we're in this some sort of conditioned"

 Tu Xiao took some sort of herb and make it as a bandage, and wrapping up Pi Jian injured knees, Jian Xiao said to the others, "we're already survive one day, we need to survive in 6 days, that wolves is getting harder and harder to defeat and how they can resist the poison in the swamp?"

 Then suddenly all of them realize, what's this training for, Pi Jian said to them, "Do you know what I'm thinking?" Jian Xiao said to her, "You go first" then Pi Jian said to them," I think this is the trial to become mentality prepared in some sort of occasions, and the preparing of poison resistance"

 Jian Xiao said to her, "I only think of mentally prepared, but poison resistance? What did you mean?" Tu Xiao intervene, "She means that master is preparing our body to become resistant to poison, using this environment we already training"

 Jian Xiao use some chi to inspect his body and find out that his body is already adapting to the poison, Jian Xiao said to them, "I doubt that master already abandoned us and left here to die, but to think that he use this kind of method of training for us, this is already hard enough for us to survive, and master said the way of a hunter, I don't know hunter even means?" 

 Pi Jian said, "You idiot, think what master said, the hunter is the one hunting the prey, but we need to experience being hunted to become a hunter, "Tu Xiao said to them," I think I get the idea of what master said, that's why the wolves is chasing us, for us to run and exhale the poison" Jian Xiao said to them, "So master already plan, for how we're going to become powerful, alright let's survived and hold in 6 days!"

 Wang lei shutdown the map and said to himself, "It seems they're being comfortable with the wolves, let's put some poisonous bugs and reptiles right now," wang lei change his class to poison retainer, then use the spell, "level 1 poisonous spider, level 1 poisonous snakes, level 1 poisonous centipedes" 

 Then send it to the map where the kids will be, wang lei said to himself, "With this they will attain the 500 types poison resistance" then wang lei just head to the cafeteria because it's already lunch break

*At the cafeteria*

 He noticed that there's so many people eating at the cafeteria, and they're some stealing some glance to look at him, he just lining up the cafeteria and when suddenly a student at his front look at the back, the student sees him, and suddenly pay attention to the crowds the student that lining up is giving away the line up and let wang lei get first, wang lei take the offer and order some meals

*minutes later*

 Wang lei is finding some place to sit, but suddenly all of the place is occupied and the only one place is not occupied is the center stage, wang lei just go with the flow and eat their, while he's eating he just thinks that this fellows wanted to see the fire and water figure to fight again, it seems they taught it was a teaching, he also noticed the pen and paper beneath their table, and their chairs. 

 Wang lei just change his class to arch magus, and cast some fire figure. All of them suddenly brings their pen and paper, when wang lei look at them, they hid it to him. Wang lei just leave a sigh and say to them, "I don't want any unnecessary noises, are we clear!?"

 He didn't receive some answer but it seems it get quitter, the fire figure started to move like a dance, it almost like a shadow boxing, then wang lei cast some water, it also dance like a martial artist, then wang lei bring the two figure a weapon, the fire figure is a crescent blade, while the water figure is halberd, wang lei adjust the fire figure with a few techniques called, "The 18 Regalias"

 Then suddenly the fire figure moves like a genuine martial artist, the students is drawing it and others is just taking some notes, then the water figure is been adjusted and wang lei give some technique called, "The 7 Winter" 

 Then the figure moves also according to the instruction of the book, some kids is betting who will win, and some teachers is also betting for draw, then wang lei decided to see who will win, then the clash of techniques is on

*few minutes later*

 The fire figure died out, because it's been beheaded by the water figure, it seems that the most efficient way of the learning techniques is mastering it first rather look for other techniques. 

 Then wang lei cancel out the figure and wang lei stands up and look at them, all of them is vowing for gratitude and say in unison, "Thank you for the teaching master!" it seems that all of them learn something new, wang lei just leaves the cafeteria and head to the library for gaining of insight

*At the entrance of the library*

 He sees the elder, the grandfather of Xiao Ling, the elder notice his presence and just salute to him and ask, "Grandmaster lei, good afternoon" wang lei say to the elder, "So what happen to the little kid?" 

 The elder replied," She's on training at the training grounds at the lower floor of this library, it seems that this kids has a potential, she immediately learn the books that containing in this library,"

 wang lei just make a bluff and said, "Hm... For 10,000 years, what did change?" wang lei look at the elder and said, "Where's the books about alchemy and history?" the elder replied, "it's on the 5th floor, because alchemy books is precious in this era, and history is on 4th floor" wang lei said to him, "Alright give me all of the 5th floor alchemy and the 4th floor history, I'll be reading at the 5th floor" 

 Then wang lei sees some face that wanted some return, so wang lei look at his inventory and found some 2nd level bone refining pill, he transfer it to the storage ring and take it out, he handed the bone refining pill to the elder, and wang lei said, "This will heal you're hands, it seems that your hands is injured beyond repair" then wang lei just head to the library 5th floor and the elder salute him with gratitude while crying.


 The pills that existing in this era is very precious to the cultivators, this pills is considered to be 5000 gold tales just a mere second grade pill, so every alchemist is rich or poor because it's a gamble between life and death, and wang lei has so many pills with infinite quantity

*announce ends*

 Wang lei noticed while he's walking at the staircase that the number of gold tales in his inventory is not on infinite sign, it seems that the god that transfer him here is still watching him

*He arrived at the 5th floor*

 There's some students and teacher is taking notes and some is reading some books related to alchemy, he look some sheets of the discarded paper of the floor and found out some combination of herbs, it seems this is the ancestor of chemistry, so he just ignore it and sit on the back space, then suddenly a rude teacher approach and said, "Who are you?! You dare to sit on the alchemy master sit"

 Then wang lei sees the sit said alchemy master, but wang lei just bluntly ignore him and just daze around, the old man is furious and said, "Are you a deaf or can't understand what I'm saying" 

 wang lei replied, "Hm... who are you to begin with" then some lackey of the old man speaks and said, "How dare you don't know the vice alchemy master, this master named is Dian Du, remember it clearly, and It seems that you're a young master, did they even teach you manners?" 

 Wang lei just said, "I see a parasite" the lackey is enraged and wanted to fight him, but he just ignore the lackey, then suddenly the elder shows up holding some numbers of book related to history, then he sees the Dian Du and his lackey, wang lei look at him and said," It seems that there some designated sit for an alchemy practionist," then the elder get the idea that he's being bullied, in order that wang lei not kill them, the elder intervene.